Market chat

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However if you search among some of the smaller stocks the growth has been even better.I supose one question could be this.The internet is here to stay and can only get bigger in our lives.It seems that on the Nasdaq people are willing to pay up for the right stocks.By the way SOHU was under $1 about a year ago.Not a bad %ge rise in 12 months!


  • sohu.gif
    11.8 KB · Views: 369
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Looks like we are going to have another bubble. No one wants to miss the new bull market and they are buying the same stocks that had spectacular runs before. Can this one last or will it go the same way as the last one?
Who knows but look what a stock like SOHU has done so far.The answer as always i feel will be seen on the Nasdaq first of all.


  • sohu2.gif
    5.6 KB · Views: 360
If this carries on I might be removing my share certificate from the toilet. 🙂


  • lm.gif
    5.4 KB · Views: 752
That TUI rumor just will not die down 😕

But for real trading opportunities the Nasdaq is the place to be 😎
You are so right the Nasdaq IS the only place to be.Many of us get to a stage where we say i'm fed up with the UK.Bad execution packages,stocks that live in a dream world waiting for their que from the US.

We use t/a on them but in reality its only second hand t/a from the sector its copying in the US.Then we feel we've at least moved across the water by trading a US index.

Finally we take a big deep breath and a gulp and say hey i always knew that the real answer for the big profits lay in trading Nasdaq stocks.Then you know you've got somewhere.

Get your tc2000 out go hunting for stocks,add your favorite indicators.Make up your own folders dropping in stocks as you go.Go to tools then slide show to quickly wiz through hundreds of stocks only pausing when something looks interesting.

Forget the ftse 100 now your world is the Nasdaq 100.WOW do they move that much!Yes they do.

Do i have to be a short term trader? No you dont but you can understand why with these moves why it attracts so many short term players.

These moves in Internet stocks have shown that when the market decides its going to move there is still huge interest in these type of companies.They are all there waiting to be traded on the Nasdaq.Just think of the people who had SOHU in their portfolio in the last year and turned 10,000 into 1/4 million!
I like to have a little peep at GE and MSFT to see how their charts look.These are the latest.


  • gemsft.gif
    13.7 KB · Views: 838
MSFT looks bearish to me, GE Bullish.

They haven't moved more than any particular UK stocks though...

There is no doubt that there have been some fantastic moves on Nasdaq stocks and plenty of strong morning moves.To me this is profitable day trading. As someone who has played these moves for years a word of warning.Get the right trading platform to trade them with.

Day traders in the US use Nasdaq level 2 direct access to trade these moves,they just wouldn't use anything else.Its not a set up thats only for experienced traders its a must for traders of all levels if they want to make $1000 in the first 30 mins.

Why because you have to keep your stops tight.If it goes against you as fast as you make money it will take it away from you.If you're trading from a chart how do you know you can exit where you want to? Remember these are stocks not indices.The liquidity may not be there.I can see that on my level 2 screen,a chart wont show it.

You may look at the chart and think oh yes thats my exit,i look at my screen and see if its a reality that i can trade that many shares at that level.I then have a plan using my direct access skills as to how i'm going to work my order and who i'm going to hit.So as we're going up my stop is reality rather than hope.Remember a chart will only give part of the story put it together with level 2 direct access and you have the whole picture.
I find its interesting to see the difference in the interest in the market at this time of the year compared to this time last year.

I'm getting things posted to me that i haven't seen since the last tech boom.My e mails chatting about the Nasdaq market have increased significantly.

Training courses being offered have seemed to appeared everywhere.Is this a bear trap or have we really turned the corner? If you trade long and short who cares but it looks like there could be some action one way or the other.

For my part the real action is still on the Nasdaq (where else) and the two core stocks i'm into are SOHU and NTES.Both up over 3,000% in the last 12 months.

NTES has got a great axe, pointing the direction in advance of the move at many key times.They are both volatile Chinese Internet stocks.Nicely tradeable on the Nasdaq level 2 direct access screen and offering some great short term moves.
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here's my two cents on the Nas

i think it's a bear trap. Tech stocks are way overvalued IMO and i reckon today could be a selling day coz it's the end of the quarter. It's possible that a lot of Fund Manager Bois will be looking to dump some of their holdings to lock in some of these recent gains to make their end of quarter report look good. They'll be thinking of their bonuses! Ca-Ching! Ca-Ching! rock on!
It was very pleasing to visit the traders day yesterday and meet so many t2w members and many thanks to Helen and others who ran and organized things.Anyone not there really missed something.

For me the great thing about events like this is to meet so many interesting people.Putting faces to so many names on this board was great.

Listening to the speakers and also the members on the floor gives an interesting picture about how others view things.

I was interested in how many people had come from London,reports on how pleasing some felt about this thread and now i'm told,not for the first time that some print it out completely and its 180 sheets long!

Thanks to ftse beater for his trading simulation game.Wow! you can tell how passionate we all are on the market such was the interest.I really liked this part and i would love to see it continue at any other meetings.I enjoyed working as a member of the "crash and burn" team although second by £23 we still made about £1,000 on 5 spread bet trades,which cant be bad.

Mike told me how he uses Intel and Microsoft and felt sometimes it keeps the whole world up,Many talked to me of course about Nasdaq level 2 the good and the bad from their point of view and guys i've listened,because of this i'm going to add some very easy to spot Nasdaq signals into my course that i know work and even a novice trader will be able to spot them.Coupling these with NL2 should make it even easier for people to see and trade the moves.

The venue was perfect,just off the Motorway.The amount of books given away was astonishing.Having already started to read mine i've found in "View from the top" page 129 the Benner -Fibonacci cycle Chart shows the bottom of the market cycle is right now in 2003!

Thanks to everyone who made it such an interesting day.It was nice to hear that we raised about £300 for charity at the same time.

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Thanks Naz, I've put my own take on it over on the events board. The books were all courtesy of Sandy Grogan (TBS) and they really helped to swell the charity donation a lot, so thanks a lot Sandy 🙂
Went to see Naz on Monday for his 'Open House', and it was very interesting and informative. He really knows his Level II Nasdaq stuff, we watched SINA go up 1$ in the space of 15 minutes which is not bad for a $30 share! 🙂
Sep 11th last year.


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