mark2017's Stocks to Watch

The IDP Education Ltd (ASX: IEL) share price has climbed 30% over the first half of 2017 as investors warm to the higher education group’s recent results and outlook as a higher education services business.
IDP Education’s core business is the provision of English Language Testing Services (IELTS) that students or workers take as part of work, visa, or higher education course requirements.
It also offers student placement services by finding courses suitable for students who wish to study overseas. This part of the business is growing strongly for example thanks to growing demand from Indian and Chinese students to study in destinations like Australia.
For the six-months ending December 31 2016 the group posted EBITDA of $36.4 million on revenues of $198.8 million, which represents growth of 12% and 5% over the prior corresponding half.
The company has also recently acquired a UK-based online student recruitment business named Hotcourses for around $50 million, with another small investment in a Chinese company that helps students prepare for the IELTS.
IPD shares are down 1.7% to $5.09 today, but still near a record high of $5.27 hit earlier in the week.
Valuation 2017e 2018e
P/E ratio (Price / EPS) 13,6x 11,6x
Capitalization / Revenue 1,10x 1,02x
EV / Revenue - -
Yield (DPS / Price) 3,48% 3,86%
Price to book (Price / BVPS) 1,59x 1,46x
Profitability 2017e 2018e
Operating Margin (EBIT / Sales) 13,0% 13,6%
operating Leverage (Delta EBIT / Delta Sales) 1,34x 1,59x
Net Margin (Net Profit / Revenue) 7,87% 8,52%
ROA (Net Profit / Asset) 6,48% 7,25%
ROE (Net Profit / Equities) 12,1% 12,8%
Rate of Dividend 47,4% 44,9%
Galaxy Resources

Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) Appointment of New Company Secretary and General Counsel

Company Overview

Perth, July 11, 2017 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (OTCMKTS:GALXF) ("Galaxy") is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr John Sanders as its Company Secretary and General Counsel.

Mr Sanders is a senior corporate lawyer with over 20 years' experience, having held legal and commercial roles in top tier law firms and international resource companies. He has a broad range of experience in corporate governance, international mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiation and implementing resource projects. Mr Sanders has previously worked for Herbert Smith Freehills, King and Wood Mallesons in Perth and Clifford Chance in London, as well as acting as senior in-house counsel at Woodside Energy and Hess Exploration Australia.

Simultaneously, Mr Simon Robertson has stepped down from his role as Company Secretary. Mr Robertson has been with the company since 2014 and the Board of Directors wish to thank him for his service and contribution to the Company over the past few years and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Managing Director and CEO, Mr Anthony Tse was delighted to confirm the appointment of Mr Sanders, adding: "We are delighted to have someone with John's international experience and expertise join our team. His strong track record in managing complex transactions and joint venture relationships, as well as leading legal and project teams across multiple markets, will be a great value-add to the existing senior management team here at Galaxy. We look forward to his insights and contribution as we continue progressing the Company through the next stages of strategic growth and further advancing the development of our world class projects. I would like to formally welcome John to the team and look forward to working with him, as we further strengthen the Company's position as a leader in the fast-growing lithium sector."

About Galaxy Resources Limited

Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (OTCMKTS:GALXF) is an international S&P / ASX 200 Index company with lithium production facilities, hard rock mines and brine assets in Australia, Canada and Argentina. It wholly owns and operates the Mt Cattlin mine in Ravensthorpe Western Australia, which is currently producing spodumene and tantalum concentrate, and the James Bay lithium pegmatite project in Quebec, Canada.

Galaxy is advancing plans to develop the Sal de Vida lithium and potash brine project in Argentina situated in the lithium triangle (where Chile, Argentina and Bolivia meet), which is currently the source of 60% of global lithium production. Sal de Vida has excellent potential as a low cost brine-based lithium carbonate production facility.

Lithium compounds are used in the manufacture of ceramics, glass, and consumer electronics and are an essential cathode material for long life lithium-ion batteries used in hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as mass energy storage systems. Galaxy is bullish about the global lithium demand outlook and is aiming to become a major producer of lithium products.
Lithium demand story real: Galaxy

GALAXY Resources managing director Anthony Tse says there are little signs of a lithium oversupply situation.


Galaxy finds new loan deal
Galaxy firms up balance sheet
Sal de Vida a goer
More deals in lithium likely
Galaxy primes for higher prices
TOPICS (select for more information):

LithiumAnthony Tse Galaxy Resources Mt Cattlin Supply and demand
Tse told MNN that pricing had remained stable, and while it was around 20% off the peak reached about a year ago, it had risen since the December quarter.

“The price is still two to three times higher than it was in the first half of 2015,” he said.

Galaxy’s 2017 contract terms wowed the market with pricing of US$830 per tonne for 5.5% lithium concentrate and $905/t for 6%.

Given lithium’s abundance and the rush of new companies into the sector, plenty has been said about a potential oversupply situation.

Tse said the market was reading too much into the supply side and that the demand side was “very robust” and looked like it would be tight until at least 2020.

“You’ve kind of got to filter the rhetoric from the reality,” he said.

“We live in a world of reality, not rhetoric.”

In reality, Tse said lithium companies would have had to have raised $1.5-2 billion to meet future demand, which hasn’t happened.

Galaxy estimates only A$640 million has been raised in the past 18 months for the most advanced lithium projects.

Tse is also unconcerned by the recent news that the already massive Greenbushes mine would double capacity, as the tonnes will go exclusively to its owners Tianqi Lithium and Albemarle Corporation.

“There are a lot of people looking for security of supply,” Tse said.

“For every one tonne of supply from Mt Cattlin, we had three tonnes of demand.”

Mt Cattlin reached nameplate capacity last week when it maintained throughput of 210 tonnes per hour over the previous seven days, and the company is happy with where the operation is at.

Both Mt Cattlin and Ganfeng/Mineral Resources/Neometals’ Mt Marion mine came online late last year, but a little later than expected.

Tse said the difficulty in bringing lithium projects online also helped to quash the oversupply argument.

“And this was just a restart,” he said of Mt Cattlin.

Tse said the small lithium market was still lacking technical skills.

“There are a finite number of people who know what to do,” he said.

Tse said the company was keen to grow its talent in-house.

Galaxy recently appointed former Monadelphous executive Mark Pensabene as chief operating officer and experienced lithium operator Brian Talbot as general manager of Mt Cattlin.

In February, the company appointed a development team of mostly former FMC and SQM executives who have over 200 years of combined experience for the US$376 Sal de Vida lithium brine project in Argentina.

Site works are underway, with the first drill hole for the planned production well completed to a depth of 150m.

Tse described Sal de Vida as the world’s best undeveloped lithium asset.

“We’re starting to spend some real money in Argentina,” he said.

Sal de Vida is expected to produce 25,000t per annum of lithium carbonate over a mine life of more than 40 years.

The project has a post-tax net present value (using a 10% discount rate) of A$1.4 billion, an internal rate of return of 34.6% and a payback period of only two years and 10 months.

Sal de Vida will also produce 95,000tpa of potash, though Galaxy has the option to defer the investment on the potash plant to save US$34 million.

Galaxy still hasn’t ruled out selling a minority stake in the project.

“We could sell a stake and still be driving the bus,” Tse said.

“But we’ll take our time to find the right partner, the right structure.”

The company also owns the James Bay hard rock project in Canada, which has a resource of 22.2Mt at 1.28% lithium oxide.

Exploration and a revised definitive feasibility study are due to start shortly.

Tse said the company would consider partnering with a Chinese company for a downstream conversion facility, capitalising on its residual knowhow from its former Jiangsu plant in China.

Galaxy raised A$61 million to advance its projects.

Assisting with growth initiatives will be newly appointed chief financial officer Alan Rule, who started with the company yesterday.

Rule has served as CFO for Sundance Resources, Mount Gibson Iron and Paladin Energy, and has been involved in numerous financing and M&A transactions
DFDS atidaro logistikos biurą Vilniuje
UŽDARYTI 0:00 | 0:0000:00 | 0:00UŽDARYTI 0:00 | 0:0000:00 | 0:002017-07-10 06:00:00 DMN inf. Teksto dydis: Spausdinti. DFDS atidaro logistikos biurą Vilniuje V. Skaraičio / BFL nuotr. .Laivybos ir logistikos grupė DFDS Vilniuje steigia pervežimo paslaugų centrą, siekdama pasiūlyti klientams efektyvias dalinių ir pilnų krovinių vežimo į Jungtinę Karalystę ir iš jos paslaugas.
Bet to, ji teiks labai skubaus pervežimo tarp Lietuvos ir Vokietijos, Italijos ir kitų šalių bei specialiųjų krovinių transportavimo paslaugas.
Laivybos ir logistikos grupė DFDS imasi pervežimo keliais veiklos Lietuvoje, Vilniuje įkurdama logistikos centrą. Pagrindinė jos veikla bus efektyvus dalinių ir pilnų krovinių pervežimas tarp Lietuvos ir Jungtinės Karalystės bei kitų šalių.
„DFDS transportavimo tinklas Europoje tiek jūra, tiek keliais yra puikiai išplėtotas. Įmonė turi centrinius krovinių perkrovimo centrus Baltijos šalyse ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Taigi, savo klientams galime pasiūlyti geriausius ir veiksmingiausius transportavimo sprendimus. Kadangi turime keltų maršrutus, klientams galėsime pasiūlyti krovinius paimti iš Lietuvos penktadienį ir trečiadienį pristatyti juos gavėjams visoje Jungtinėje Karalystėje“, – pasakoja DFDS logistikos vadovas Lietuvoje Larsas Thorsenas, vadovaujantis specialistų, turinčių ilgametę patirtį Lietuvos transporto sektoriuje, komandai.
Transporto centro partneriai Jungtinėje Karalystėje įsikūrę į rytus nuo Londono esančiame Bazildono mieste ir Anglijos centre esančiame Keteringe. Iš abiejų centrų patogu pasiekti miesto širdį.
Į Vokietiją ir Italiją
„Bendradarbiaudami su DFDS logistikos biuru Vokietijoje, mes teikiame efektyvias transportavimo į Vokietiją ir iš jos paslaugas. Galėsime Hamburge priimti krovinius, kurie pasieks Klaipėdą sekmadienį ir bus pristatytos Lietuvos klientams pirmadienį“, – sako L. Thorsenas.
Jis tikisi, kad pasibaigus vasarai klientams galės pasiūlyti ir pervežimus į Italiją ir iš jos, naudojantis DFDS kelių ir geležinkelių transportavimo paslaugomis tarp šiaurės Europos ir Italijos.
Be to, DFDS priima prekes, kurios pristatomos į Vilniaus perkrovimo centrą ir čia perkraunamos į kitą transportą gabenti į Rusiją ir Kazachstaną. DFDS jau atlieka „Volvo“ gamyklai Rusijoje skirtų prekių pervežimus tarp Švedijos ir Rusijos, taip pat transportuoja IKEA prekes ir statybines medžiagas.
„Mūsų perkrovimo centrai, į kuriuos prekės atvežamos paskirstyti arba toliau transportuoti, yra Vilniuje, Kaune ir Latvijos sostinėje Rygoje,“ – sako L. Thorsenas.
Nėra nei per mažų, nei per didelių krovinių
„Mūsų pagrindinė paslauga bus dalinių krovinių vežimas. Tačiau DFDS turi įrangos ir patirties transportuoti pilnus bei įvairių rūšių specialius ir negabaritinius krovinius. Trumpai tariant, mums niekas nebus nei per didelis nei per mažas krovinys“, – pažymi DFDS logistikos verslo Lietuvoje komercijos vadovas Mindaugas Ramaška.

.Šiame straipsnyje: DFDSkrovinių pervežimaslogistikos biurasVilnius

Maksimalus ženklų kiekis komentare: 1000. Liko: 1000 ženklų.Jūsų vardas

Prisijunkite su Diena.ltBūk pirmas pakomentavęs!VISI KOMENTARAI SUSIJĘ STRAIPSNIAI
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The share price of
IDP Education Ltd
(ASX: IEL) could be poised to rally to a fresh record high even after it staged a 25% rally since the start of this calendar year, if Morgan Stanley is to be believed.

The stock has been consolidating around the $5 mark for the past month and the broker thinks there is an 80% chance the international student placement services company will outperform the market in the next 60 days and run up towards its price target of $5.75.

Jump on for the ride! One of the key drivers for the bullish call is the broker’s belief that the strong structural industry tailwinds are sustainable given China’s ongoing transition to a high-income economy and Australia’s position to support this transition.

The company is stepping up its China operations through an agreement to buy 20% of HCP Limited, a Chinese company specialising in delivering English language test preparation materials via social media and a mobile app.

We will see an increase in the computerisation of such tests with the Australian government aiming to deliver a computer-based International English Language Testing System (IELTS) by the end of this calendar year. This could prove to be an inflection point for the stock, according to Morgan Stanley.

In spite of the tighter immigration control implemented by our government and the scrapping of the 457 visas, the broker sees limited impact to IDP Education’s bottom line. In fact, Morgan Stanley believes our government is promoting study as the preferred path to immigration.

These factors, including potential market share gains, should continue to support the company’s above-industry earnings growth.

“We see defensive earnings, unexposed to the domestic Australian economy and leveraged to a projected lower Australian dollar,” said Morgan Stanley.

“We believe the stock will trade towards our price target of $5.75, which implies that it holds its multiple and grows into its valuation.”

The lower Australian dollar is a big driver for international student growth as it will make our higher-educational institutions more cost competitive compared to those in other key western markets like the US and UK.
Tech Giant Google

With the likes of tech giants like Cisco and Microsoft it is about time that Google pay dividend too now. I am sure after it is done with all the investing in new projects and acquisitions Google dividend will start by 2018.
IDP Education Fair 2017 Commences; Opportunities Ahead

by Geeta Rai

Representational ImageAustralian Education Fair commenced from 22nd January and will be held across 14 cities in India in coming weeks. It is one of the most awaited events for aspiring students to go abroad for further studies. IDP Education India, considered the leaders in placement service is organising this fair to attract students with dreams to study in Australia.
The fair promises to bring most of the promising universities as well as institutes of Australia. Kolkata has been chosen as the first venue and the fair will continue until the 9th of February in other 13 cities including Chandigarh, Mumbai, Delhi, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Kochi, and Ludhiana.
Country Director of IDP, India Mr. Piyush Kumar said “IDP seeks to provide a platform to aspiring students to come and have a face-to-face interaction with the university representatives and get answers to all their queries related to studying in Australia. In total 40 Australian universities and institutions are participating in the fair. It is a free platform for all students to gauge their prospects, apply directly to the institution of their choice and get first- hand information on courses, scholarships etc.”
He further added “Australian education has always attracted Indian students for its quality and the availability of post-study work opportunities make it even more attractive. Also 20, out of 39 Australian universities feature in world’s Top 400 Times Higher Education Rankings.”
From this fair, meritorious candidates will have the opportunity to avail waiver in fee. It can go up to 50% discount on the tuition fee for those students who have the potential. This will make more students participate in the fair.
What is IDP?
IDP is known as the leading placement service provider to students in almost 32 countries. They have the global presence with 100 centers of placement. IDP Education Limited has the reputation of being listed in ASX and 50% of the company is owned by 38 universities of Australia. It has been in the business for over 4 decades, 45 years precisely and has provided excellent placements to over 400,000 students across.
India has 23 centers for counselling of IDP. It has connected a great bond with the students and their families. Great work is done so far!
Everyone is aware of IELTS and IDP is a co-owner of IELTS. It is a lethal combination for students. IELTS is also owned by British Council providing students of quality English Assessment. It is a body proficient in English language assessment and an ACE player assessing approximately 2.5 million tests every year.
Let us see wait for the outcome of this fair that claims to be one of the best in its niche.
Team Cooper creates custom games for DFDS Seaways

By Stephen Chapman — 14 July 2017

DFDS Seaways has commissioned a new series of games from Sheffield’s Team Cooper.
It comes following the release of Jack’s Epic Adventure, which proved the brand’s most successful to date, with more than 10k plays and an engagement time of 22 minutes.
Read more
Carat Leeds wins £3m DFDS Seaways account

“We wanted a game that would engage our online customers, who have come to anticipate and expect our games. This time we also wanted to showcase our other on-board facilities too, like restaurants and bars,” explained James Butler, DFDS’s website manager.
Team Cooper reskinned one of its white label game engines, with custom graphics and functionality, including DFDS’s mascot Jack The Parrot. It flies over holiday destinations, picking up coins and “on-board” boosts.
“We are always looking for ways to increase engagement with our games, so we developed an email loop which notified players if they had dropped off the Top 100 or if one of their connected friends had beaten their score – so they could rectify the situation immediately! It really worked, 45% of players who received the email went back to play the game again, so we’re thrilled that this latest game has been so successful for DFDS,” added Tim Cooper, director and producer atTeam Cooper.
The games studio is now planning a further two games for the brand