Mansions, money and not an of work for it!

It can't be stopped, it's an uncontrollable monster. I've given a basic view here and i'm sure there are more ways of using the system. How can it be stopped without some pretty radical measures being introduced?

I'd have agreed a few months ago. Now I think all bets are off. As the western world is all but bankrupt, I think harsh decisions will have th be made.

Then again, it will surely be hard working PAYE'ers who will have to work even harder for even less.😢

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My wife works in finance for the NHS - you should see how the consultants play the system.

Systems are there to be played and beaten, imho of course.

Good on the Afghan lady.
Seems like life is one big system to be played, find an angle, exploit it.....and sod 'em all!!! He he he. The rat race!