manchester (UK)


Junior member
I day trade the FTSE - wondered if there were any other people in and around Manchester who were trading and might be interested in meeting up / sharing offices.
And some people go on about the " youth of today". Hope the dog had a jab after biting that fan. The poor mutt could have caught anything.

My thoughts exactly. Grown men - sad bstards. God help us. With justification, the youths can go on about the "parents of today".

I recognise Captain Haddock in one of the pictures.


Because you're mummy forced you:

"Our Garry, where are you going"?
"To the footy, ma".
"Get that bloody scarf on."
"But ma, it's 85 degrees."
"Get it on, or I'll fckin' drop yer."
"It's not fair. My mates'll laugh at me"
"Anyone who laughs at my lad, I'll fckin' drop them as well. Go and get me 20 Woodbines and a six-pack of Carly Specials before you go, pet."
“Ma, is “six-pack” a compound noun?”.
“Course it is, you thick twaat – adjective plus verb equals compound noun. I told your father we should have sent you Eton instead of ‘arrow.”
“Yer dead clever, you are ma.”

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yes it's a bit like VIZ isn't it, but then again, I know Grant has never attained such literary heights, that's why i ruled Geordie out.

It's an Edgeley accent, as if you didn't know. Or perhaps your mates were from the "Cheshire set" end of Edgeley (Cheadle).

Grant in an Edgeley accent:

"RC, yer mi fckin' sister, yer slapper. Now, pass mi a Diamond White."

is that why you like wearing my dresses ? I told you before chuck, I'VE got the legs for a mini skirt, YOU haven't.
Stick to yer usual Edgely uniform - pink leggings.

SavioursofPop, sorry mate, you did have a serious thread at one point. you see how easily things go off topic when you let that bloody Grant in !
Take my advice, put him on IGNORE. I have ...........

Wear you're dresses? There's more style in Bridge Hall, you old slag.

Yippee !!
It's Wednesday morning. isn't this your signing-on day ? We'll be down the Nelson for Special Brew later bruv 🙂