managed accounts

I was too busy trading to be playing with a demo account, so I didn't take trades on the fxgame account. However, here are the trades I have done today for myself in my real money account. There are 91 pips there.


Good luck with this FX, I've always liked your posts in the forums, you seem to know what you're doing and I'm sure if you can iron all the kinks out this will be a nice win-win situation for you and your clients. Incidentally do you need to be regulated by the FSA for this? With the right approach you could really make something decent of it, best of luck. SL
Here are today's trades and account balance in the managed accounts. There was more to be made but I found it hard to trade this and my own account, so it is a bit thinner than it would be.


I am now approved for a real FXMANAGER account at Oanda. So, thankfully, it is the end of having to juggle two accounts. As soon as I get my first client (which is in the process) the results I will post will be from a real account instead of a demo. If you are interested go to the follwing link and have a look. You need to have a trading account at Oanda to participate. Remeber that all I do is trade the money from one account and I have no access to your funds and you can put the money back to your own account any time.
I am now approved for a real FXMANAGER account at Oanda. So, thankfully, it is the end of having to juggle two accounts. As soon as I get my first client (which is in the process) the results I will post will be from a real account instead of a demo. If you are interested go to the follwing link and have a look. You need to have a trading account at Oanda to participate. Remeber that all I do is trade the money from one account and I have no access to your funds and you can put the money back to your own account any time.

weird.. yesterday there are also some other guy posted about his managed account but admin deleted his thread. and why your thread not being deleted?
weird.. yesterday there are also some other guy posted about his managed account but admin deleted his thread. and why your thread not being deleted?

because "some are more equal than others", and the rules are not applied consistantly. Even the moderators openly admit that the policy is a complete farce.
because "some are more equal than others", and the rules are not applied consistantly. Even the moderators openly admit that the policy is a complete farce.

yes they are, zup. Unlike some fx is a genuine trader - and a pretty nifty one too 🙂 - but now he's said that he's taking clients (if he still is) then he'll need to register as a vendor and we'll probably have to kill this thread. Give us a bit of time 😀


For what it's worth I think I am the mystery client - I've said I'll put a grand in because I understand the volatility from scalping a lot more than most (being one myself) and won't get spooked by a 20% drawdown in a day...

Nowt wrong with different rules for different people... this isn't a common law system ffs!
Nowt wrong with different rules for different people... this isn't a common law system ffs!

There's nothing wrong with different people being treated differently at all. Its just grossly hypocritical of the sites admi and moderators consistantly claiming that everyone is equal, when in reality they are not. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the situation (not that it needs pointing out, its pretty blatent)
but now he's said that he's taking clients (if he still is) then he'll need to register as a vendor and we'll probably have to kill this thread. Give us a bit of time 😀

ah yes, like Grey1, the guy with a website, selling courses, indicators and signals whose ... wait for it... "not really a vendor" but might or might not have a vendor tag applied "soon"

I have no wish to see FX's thread killed, I'd much rather see an end to the blatent hypocrisy that exists concerning vendors. The issue isnt if someone is a vendor or not, the issue is, are they a good vendor, or a bad vendor !
IIRC that wasn't the mods, it was a bunch of normal members getting their knickers in a twist and trying to babysit Grey.
When have they claimed everyone is equal?

For a start, take a look at the sites guidelines. I dont see any indications that state certain members may be excluded from certain clauses on the discretion of the mods or admin

Ive discussed this issue on threads and by PM with a variety of mods, until someone finally had the decency to start telling the truth, triggered by the Grey1 incident a recurring argument made in most of those exchanges was that members where treated equally and fairly.

We now know thats not the case. Perhaps its time that the sites guidelines where updated to explicitly state that certain members are more equal than others, and that potential members WILL be subject to underhanded marketing tactics by certain members selected at the moderators and admins discretion. I understand the commercial arguments that if you have a site then its yours to abuse as you see fit, but as you can see, Im not the only person whose spotted whats going on 😆
ah yes, like Grey1, the guy with a website, selling courses, indicators and signals whose ... wait for it... "not really a vendor" but might or might not have a vendor tag applied "soon"

I have no wish to see FX's thread killed, I'd much rather see an end to the blatent hypocrisy that exists concerning vendors. The issue isnt if someone is a vendor or not, the issue is, are they a good vendor, or a bad vendor !

I think its more a case of, do the person(s) bring something constructive to T2W or not. In the case of FX Scalper I think the answer is yes . Therefore it is in T2W's interest to keep him here and not alienate him.
I think its more a case of, do the person(s) bring something constructive to T2W or not. In the case of FX Scalper I think the answer is yes . Therefore it is in T2W's interest to keep him here and not alienate him.

that's about on the nail, ross, except it's the members interests we keep in mind, not T2W per se.


Can we all keep our toys in our prams?

It's a bloody internet forum - it's free for us, a commercial enterprise for someone else, and entertaining / informative / irritating in equal proportions.

No-one has the right to be treated as anyone else, and why should they? So it doesn't say that you might get dumped for doing something that has been allowed before (or vice versa) - so what??!! As far as I see it, we each have absolutely no entitlements or rights whatsoever; I don't pay a penny to use the services, so it is frankly absurd that I should expect any rights or obligations from the providers of this - voluntary - internet community.

Those who are longstanding members and who make valuable contributions should be given preferential treatment to those who don't - a meritocracy.