My pin numbers at end of May (from 1st of Feb.)
All deals were a handfull of microlots off pin bars on the 4hr charts except about four 1hr and two 30min.
There is also one inside bar trade that made... 1 pip.
Total profit pips 1960 Total loss pips 809
Ave profit pips 63.258065 Ave loss pips 45.000000
Pip ratio 2.420988 Ave pip ratio 1.405735
Win / Lose count ratio 1.722222 Win / Total count ratio 0.584906
Scratched 4
Ave cash profit £5.701613 Ave cash loss £4.296111
Total win cash £176.750000 Total loss cash £77.330000 Net £99.420000
Total trades 53
Looking at £'s made compared to pips made:
ave cash profit / loss = 1.32 (pips ratio is 1.4)
total cash profit / loss = 2.29 (pips ratio is 2.42)
Might suggest messing around with order size is not that good an idea?
Looking at win rate: 58.5%
Down from just under 70% last month. There is a good reason for this,
the 70% was from metatrader stats the 58.5% isnt. Metatrader counts scratched trades as wins.
If I add the 4 stratched trades it comes out as 66% - still down a bit from ~70%.
There are 53 trades, 1 trade will +/- the winrate by nearly 2%
With an exact 50/50 coin flipped 53 times, the heads/tail ratio is likely to be off by about 7.5%
With the win rate at 58.5% this could easily mean the real winrate is 50/50 and is just not enough trades for it to have 'settled' yet.
Of course it might be the win rate is really 65% and just 'off' the other way by 7%, but less likely.
cable is the most traded (12/53) and has made the most pips and most £'s
more than twice the next best winner in £ and more than 4 times the next best winner in pips.
What do you think of these stats? just lucky? will eurjpy end up kicking the pin accounts **** in June? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode !