Mp --- Walter Mitty Lives !
Every bar tells a story of exactly what went on during its time frame and based upon interpreting the psychological aspects of what transpired comes the edge needed to place profitable trades. No one can predict the future of anything with certainty. Trading is a game of chance due to the lack of ability to make these predictions. The edge a trader has is what makes him the house and more likely the winner in the zero sum transaction that trading is.
Someone wins and someone loses in every transaction. Figure out what the crowd is thinking and you will have a better chance of guessing correctly what they are going to do next, buy or sell. Pressure moves the market and the the gradient from lower to higher pressure determines the direction of the movement.
i have to take some issue and some agreement with what you state
T_D's method (does it matter if its a pin bar, a royal whoopee or a rectal exam if its a reversal candle ?) tends to offer the newb a very decent chance at winning instead of losing, and while i enter much earlier than his system instructs, thats for me and i have a ton of years experience doing so with a good idea as to what to look for, which the newbs do not ---- so my vote is always FOR his system, no matter what one calls a candle !)
that said, youve said the words that trigger the pavlovian response within my little brain and by magic, force me to sit and type and post my feelings !
while people LOVE to say trading is a zero sum game IT IS NOT because you have NO IDEA of why that other trade took place --- were you buying someone elses SHORT COVERING, allowing them to make money while you played the opposite game, perhaps aon a different timeframe ? You have NO idea why that trade took place, and no idea if the person won or lost, so by definition, you have simply gained the shares you wished and the other sold the shares they wished !
Lets please look at this scenerio --- you choose to go long based on the H1 chart, and switching to a shorter timeframe observe the currency moving downward and appearing close to bottom on the 5 minute chart. Seeing a good time to buy your long, you enter at a decent and low price. Having done that, with what youre saying, youve "beaten" another person, but how about if that person were short on the 5 minute, knew the end was coming and needed to cover their short ? ---- YOU just provided the cover they needed, so you BOTH have just gotten what you wanted ! YOU got in as cheaply as you could and the other trader SOLD and covered at the lowest price they would see for a while !
in forex (and stocks for that matter) often you are simply buying into the mms pool of shares, which they bought at a much cheaper price, thereby allowing THEM TO WIN if it were a "zero sum game", but your purpose is now to watch those share prices increase which means NOW YOU WIN --- so the reality of the situation is you both win, and therefore there is no single combatant who walks off the field of honor with m'ladys kerchief.
IT JUST AINT A GAME OF WAR, but simply how best to move from one side of the street to the other, hopefully making profit in that move. To many books have been written by frustrated desk jockeys who probably wanted to be doing clandestine operations with any secret service in remote jungles, and didnt face up to the simple fact that they were doing nothing more than moving money around for profit, and not killing bad guys !
ive seen a thousand references to "the art of war!" the ancient oriental treatise on how to pulverize your enemy and win fame and fortune from your emporer, but in trading we have no emporer or positions of power ---- just profit or loss, and as soon as the desk jockeys understand that they didnt choose to work with the clandestine ops organizations, they can release their "walter mitty" pretensions and concentrate on whats really important - - - -
their xmas bonuses !
but onwards --- i have battles to fight, cities to rape and pillage and honors to be bestowed --- gosh, dreams are so difficult !
oh -- one last thing ---- if you figure out what the "crowd" is thinking, youre way behind the curve --- figure out what the SMART MONEY is figuring, and you make out like a bandit !
enjoy warrior