Major upgrade to T2W coming soon!

What's the backend dB vendor out of interest. We have redis as work but I am replacing them with apache ignite
What's the backend dB vendor out of interest. We have redis as work but I am replacing them with apache ignite

We're hosted on Google Cloud Platform now, I'm running Redis and MySQL ourselves on the same virtual server.
So Elasticsearch is enabled, it's reindexing as we speak, so searches might not work as expected until it finishes. But it's speedy, so looks like should be done in about 5 minutes. You can then test it out for two character searches and for relevancy.
the link url itself, it is hidden.

the old site search had no issues like this, a lot of search results could well be missing from member's searches
Can you give an example? I tried just now searching for - which is the link text for the above link and it works. One thing to note is that there's a choice between relevancy and date for the order the results are given. I recently turned off the bias towards more recent posts for 'relevancy' as it was failing to bring to the surface a lot more relevant results from years ago.
if I search for yahoo just, rather than the full url, under the old site search function that would be picked right up, not so on the new search, my post above appears nowhere in the results.
Hmm, that is a bit odd, so let's see how it performs with a new url:

BTW for some reason search WAS still taking into account recency, I've now changed that and it's surfacing all the old threads and posts, try some searches and immediately you'll see the difference.
Yeah for some reason on new posts, you have to search the whole domain including sub-domain, ie. works, but doesn't - however, for old posts (before the migration) it does work, eg. does show up even when there's a url with - so it has the capability, just for some reason it's not picking that up.. I'll need to investigate further.

Let me know your thoughts on the relevancy without the bias to newness, if you prefer it that way.