Major problems with IB software. Help please!


IB recently FORCED me to upgrade to a newer version of TWS.

I don't mind that the old software is no longer supported. I want to use it and have asked several times. The old software it updates the charts and doesn't crash.

My day is now a nightmare.🙁

I can't convince them to let me use the old software and they want me to debug the garbage they are shoveling now. Laughable. (well not really laughable ..pull-out-my-hair-able!!)

The only reason I have IB is that the data feed for futures is included if my commissions are above a certain level =$30/mo. I trade ES (the SP mini) only. If I lived in the USA I would just close my IB account and get Trade Station - but according to their rep the Trade Station brokerage service is not available to non-US citizens.

I've tried using Ninja with IB hoping to get charting and then place the trade separately.

I want to back-test at Ninja. Working with the Ninja reps they don't seem to be able to understand that the RTH daily data is stored natively at IB and offer the clumsy workaround of 405 minute bars instead of daily RTH.

As this takes a lot of data (the minute bars) backtesting at Ninja on strategies that require RTH OHLC doesn't work with this 405 minute workaround. (IB times out Ninja with too much historical data request and Ninja doesn't keep what it had and start again from the IB lock-out.)

So, I need some help from fellow traders:

1. What suggestions do you have for my IB - garbage software problem? Do you know of a brokerage that provides the futures data at low cost I could use instead?

2. Does anyone who uses Ninja with IB data feed know how to set up the "instrument" (ninja speak for security) parameters for daily RTH ES data. That is I want to add in an instrument in Ninja that is "ES RTH Z09".

Thanks in advance,

Just read the rest on your post. Sorry can't help but I am sure there will be someone on here who can.
I recently had a problem with TWS hogging the cpu and grinding the PC to a halt.
My solution:-
On their website main screen, there is a Login button. Hover your mouse on it and click Trader Workstation. On the next screen. Click to start TWS.
This brings up the usual login window
Proceed as normal from there.
Presumably this method loads a different version of TWS, because it doesn't hog the cpu.
I recently had a problem with TWS hogging the cpu and grinding the PC to a halt.
My solution:-
On their website main screen, there is a Login button. Hover your mouse on it and click Trader Workstation. On the next screen. Click to start TWS.
This brings up the usual login window
Proceed as normal from there.
Presumably this method loads a different version of TWS, because it doesn't hog the cpu.

Thank-you Glenn,

I have also experienced the 'grind to a halt'
I give your idea a try.
IB recently FORCED me to upgrade to a newer version of TWS.

I don't mind that the old software is no longer supported. I want to use it and have asked several times. The old software it updates the charts and doesn't crash.

My day is now a nightmare.🙁

I can't convince them to let me use the old software and they want me to debug the garbage they are shoveling now. Laughable. (well not really laughable ..pull-out-my-hair-able!!)

The only reason I have IB is that the data feed for futures is included if my commissions are above a certain level =$30/mo. I trade ES (the SP mini) only. If I lived in the USA I would just close my IB account and get Trade Station - but according to their rep the Trade Station brokerage service is not available to non-US citizens.

I've tried using Ninja with IB hoping to get charting and then place the trade separately.

I want to back-test at Ninja. Working with the Ninja reps they don't seem to be able to understand that the RTH daily data is stored natively at IB and offer the clumsy workaround of 405 minute bars instead of daily RTH.

As this takes a lot of data (the minute bars) backtesting at Ninja on strategies that require RTH OHLC doesn't work with this 405 minute workaround. (IB times out Ninja with too much historical data request and Ninja doesn't keep what it had and start again from the IB lock-out.)

So, I need some help from fellow traders:

1. What suggestions do you have for my IB - garbage software problem? Do you know of a brokerage that provides the futures data at low cost I could use instead?

2. Does anyone who uses Ninja with IB data feed know how to set up the "instrument" (ninja speak for security) parameters for daily RTH ES data. That is I want to add in an instrument in Ninja that is "ES RTH Z09".

Thanks in advance,


Tradestation brokerage accounts are available in the UK so maybe the guy you spoke to doesnt know what he is talking about, its worth calling them again. You can see their data fees on their website, however there is also a platform fee which is only waived if you have a live account and trade a bit
Tradestation brokerage accounts are available in the UK so maybe the guy you spoke to doesnt know what he is talking about, its worth calling them again. You can see their data fees on their website, however there is also a platform fee which is only waived if you have a live account and trade a bit

I also confirm that Tradestation brokerage accounts ARE available here in Britain for NON-US subscribers. I am British subject and resident. I have had one for several years. The usual pattern day trader rules apply for certain types of instrument and trading behaviour, but that is a US regulation which also applies to IB accounts. There are indeed minimum trading levels to escape the monthly platoform fee which is about $150 (half of which is for the main platform and the other half for radar screen). Again just like IB you need to fill in the relevant forms to avoid US taxation.

To get the forms for opening an account from the UK


Yes you are quite right about data fees being waived if you do $50 of commissions a month- which is fine for me. IB makes me do $30 of commissions so not a lot of difference there.

I went to their website and then emailed and then spoke with a broker in Chicago.
He seemed quite knowledgeable and explained to me that it was a regulatory situation.
This is confirmed by their online new account form which requires a US Social Security number (this is for income tax tracking). I am sure the broker would have liked to open an account for me if he could - that's how they make they living.

Some USA futures brokers are able to offer accounts to Canadians (but I believe they must register here in Canada and may have to open up one office - not sure).

But I do know there are special provisions between US and Canada as far as securities regulations which may not exist between US and UK. I know their is a US-Canada tax treaty.

take care,😎

Tradestation brokerage accounts are available in the UK so maybe the guy you spoke to doesnt know what he is talking about, its worth calling them again. You can see their data fees on their website, however there is also a platform fee which is only waived if you have a live account and trade a bit
Hi Carlton,

"I also confirm that Tradestation brokerage accounts ARE available here in Britain for NON-US subscribers. I am British subject and resident. I have had one for several years."

That's great for you guys - but I live in Canada.
Yes but your point was that tradestation brokerage accounts were not available to non US citizens which clearly isn't true.
I think the thread is wandering off -topic. My point is I need help from members for my current situation.
From my initial post:
"Does anyone who uses Ninja with IB data feed know how to set up the "instrument" (ninja speak for security) parameters for daily RTH ES data. That is I want to add in an instrument in Ninja that is "ES RTH Z09"
I think the thread is wandering off -topic. My point is I need help from members for my current situation.
From my initial post:
"Does anyone who uses Ninja with IB data feed know how to set up the "instrument" (ninja speak for security) parameters for daily RTH ES data. That is I want to add in an instrument in Ninja that is "ES RTH Z09"

Why don't you ask on the ninja support forum?
Hi Chester,

Thanks for your help!

I contacted Corey and Canadians can't open a tradestation account in the uk either.
lucky you guys!

all the best