Mac platform


Hi all,

There are a lot of Windows based tools for trading. But,
I just wonder why I hardly find trading platforms or tools based on Mac.
Does anybody know the reason?

Windows platforms are flakey and crash often-Mac is rock solid and so removes another advantage for the other side/satan/darth vader, call them what you will! IB works on Mac, IG, are joke platforms and don't work well as they are poorly programmed- they still crash on Windows. I've tried a few others but frankly they are such toot -they mostly look like Fisher Price anyway!
IB is the only adult program and should be the model for all others.
(Pity Metatrader doesn't work on Mac, that is far superior to anything anywhere and it's free).
oanda and capitalspreads work quite well on my macs, binarybet seems to have some bugs (did anyone try extrabet with a mac?) but anyhow i will soon install parallels with a windows system on my new intel imac to be able to use metatrader.
Pity Metatrader doesn't work on Mac, that is far superior to anything anywhere and it's free

I tried Andy X's 'Insider Signal' about a year ago on a PC, and it relied on MT4 - is this the same product?

After about 30 days, there was a message stating the free trial period had ended, and if I wanted to continue I would have to subscribe (can't recall the cost).
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oanda and capitalspreads work quite well on my macs, binarybet seems to have some bugs (did anyone try extrabet with a mac?) but anyhow i will soon install parallels with a windows system on my new intel imac to be able to use metatrader.

I've had an intel iMac since April which is now my main tool. Installed Parallels on it the day I got it, loaded XP and Vista (urgh) onto it. Generally speaking I run the charts on XP, and everything else on OS X; makes for a far stabler environment.

I actually wrote an article on this for Active Trader magazine ( which is due out shortly in September's issue. Overall I'm very pleased with it. Apps run on Windows just like you'd expect them to.

Otherwise if you really don't want Windows on your Mac:

and I think this works as well, but not much info on the website:

or use one of the aforementioned web-based platforms. I should imagine that before too long you'll start to see decent trading apps for Mac now that they're Intel-based; that'll solve a lot of headaches for developers.