MAC Commissions

I think the only scare mungering going on is from MAC......... That's why their rates are low ,They are scared everyone will leave cause they can use TT, I'm sure the rates will be back up when TT pull out and Refco have done their IPO. I haven't mentioned my firm, That is if in fact I had one to promote!!!
Thats fine by me they can do what they please as soon as they raise their rates I will have to weigh up the pro's and cons of being here, until that time I am very happy and very much better off every month.
All the best.......... As you know it's the bottom line you have to look after. The same reason I went to MAC some time ago.......... Not that I'm there now........... What are you trading?
Is anyone prepared to let me know how much Mac or the Traders Alliance are charging for the Bund? Its only really idle interest - I'm currently happy with the shop I'm at but am always keen to hear of what the competition are offering. FYI I'm doing 100'000+ RT per month and paying in the high 60 cents per RT (exactly depending on that months volume). Sorry if this is a bit rude, but I thought I'd ask.
Trader Alliance charge €0.54 per round turn flat rate irrespective of volume
Mac have a sliding scale starting at €0.60 but at 100,000 roundos you will get down to a rate similar to traders alliance.
I think with your volume you are paying too much based on he above you could save well over €6000/month elsewhere.

Twalker is correct, Refco also charge €0.54 per RT for all Bund/Bobl/Shatz contracts
Mint do the same rates as the others but also do a few alternatives as well, one is a percentage of profits which works on a month to month basis, so if you have a good month you pay away (though the amount is not that different from paying clearing) but if you do not make any money you pay nothing so this is an excellent hedge. I think for high volume traders they actually save money on this option against what they would pay in clearing.
Again, being nosy (there's a theme here perhaps), how much do these companies make at these sort of rates? Or does it all go to the exchange?
Eldgo said:
Again, being nosy (there's a theme here perhaps), how much do these companies make at these sort of rates? Or does it all go to the exchange?
Well, the Traders' Alliance say of themselves that they're a not-for-profit outfit, so the answer to your first question would be "zero". :cheesy:
When looking at these deals though it all depends what your net liq is as margining is the key. You may be offered great deals but if you can't push the volume why bother??? if you've been at a shop for years and have built a good relationship and subsequently have great margins to trade that can count for more than jumping and starting the whole process again.....