MA Cross-Over Strategy for the Newbie

This is what Osho meant when he said 'enter when price is moving more than it has been and exit when it isn't moving as much as it has been’.

I’ve interpreted the exit bit as meaning set your Long stop on the low of the prior bar after the divergence hits 30+ (high of the prior bar for a short).
So do I go long when the green line crosses the red one or the other way around?
So do I go long when the green line crosses the red one or the other way around?
Doesn’t really matter.

But if you want to make money, only go long if all your other indications for going long pertain, and if the MA price delta is at least 15 but less than 30.

I'm colour blind so red/green means sh!t to me.
Doesn’t really matter.

But if you want to make money, only go long if all your other indications for going long pertain, and if the MA price delta is at least 15 but less than 30.

I'm colour blind so red/green means sh!t to me.
Ah I see. So the delta, or "big candle", as I call it must be three times the size of the sigma, or the "little candle" as I call it and the ratio of previous high to current open/hi/lo/close and previous low to current open/high/low/close and and previous close to current open/high/lo/close and previous close to current high/low/close must all be equal to the square root of -1 (because of the phase shift), accounting for by the fast squiggly line going over the slow squiggly line calculated by the 'brownian price differential negative feedback engine (TM)'.

My main question I think is, what time frame should I trade this on?
Ah I see. So the delta, or "big candle", as I call it must be three times the size of the sigma, or the "little candle" as I call it and the ratio of previous high to current open/hi/lo/close and previous low to current open/high/low/close and and previous close to current open/high/lo/close and previous close to current high/low/close must all be equal to the square root of -1 (because of the phase shift), accounting for by the fast squiggly line going over the slow squiggly line calculated by the 'brownian price differential negative feedback engine (TM)'.

My main question I think is, what time frame should I trade this on?
You’re obviously close.

The answer is that the 5 co-linear temporal=spatial dimensions of each bar’s delta gamma theta vega will guide you as to the best TF to trade.

If your trade makes a profit, it was the right one.

If you make a loss, then you have failed and you are a piece of dog doo doo and deserve to be whipped.
This rather nicely wraps the package up. If you’re this clueless after all those years then you must really have read everything TV has written.

Sorry TheBramble, I'll be the first to admit that I have a long way to go before I am as good of a trader as you or Tradernumber7. There is no denying that fact. However, there also is no denying that Tradernumber7 knows what he is talking about. You make fun of all of the unique names that he gives different aspects of his system, but if one took the time to understand what they actually measure then you could see how useful they are for trading. According to Tradernumber7 it's all about measuring trajectories (based on past performances) and removing a specific number of pips from that trajectory. Makes a whole lot of sense to me.
BTW - did you know that there were six (6) currency pairs that you could trade simultaneously and in a particular trade sequence (Long/Short sequence), that gives you an empirically tested and verified probability of walking away with a net positive profit, more than 91.37% of the time - based on a hold period of 24hrs (tested)?

Hmmmm. I wonder which pairs those could be. 😎

I'll be starting a thread on that very subject next week over at Big Mikes! I'll also be posting a running trade journal featuring those six (6) pairs and a couple other Index Pairs that I've researched as well.

Yep - six (6) pairs in a certain sequence for 24 hours, nets a positive profit, 91+% of the time. And, when it fails, the failures have all been historically very small.

It is really nice to finally be done with the building of my initial trading system, as it affords me the extra time to work on concepts and ideas that I've always wanted to work on over the years, but never had to time to really get focused on.
Sorry TheBramble, I'll be the first to admit that I have a long way to go before I am as good of a trader as you or Tradernumber7. There is no denying that fact. However, there also is no denying that Tradernumber7 knows what he is talking about. You make fun of all of the unique names that he gives different aspects of his system, but if one took the time to understand what they actually measure then you could see how useful they are for trading. According to Tradernumber7 it's all about measuring trajectories (based on past performances) and removing a specific number of pips from that trajectory. Makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Contradictions all over the shop.

You’ve been studying the markets and TV for years and you by your own admission still have much to learn. From your post a month back, I’ll confirm that for you. Obviously your tuition hasn’t been as efficient or thorough as it should have been if you’re still at this stage after such a length of time.

Yet even with these drawbacks and weaknesses, you feel sufficiently advanced along the path to assure us TV knows what he’s talking about. How the hell would you be able to make any such determination from a level which you yourself acknowledge is beginner at best?

I don’t need to ‘understand what they actually measure’ thanks. He ladles fairly basic technical analysis in with large helpings of his own delirium in order to over-complicate for the basis of feeding his aggressive anal retent disorder and deepening the dependence on him of the weak-willed and possibly quite stupid. Why do you think you still need him as a crutch after all this time with little (and quite possibly nothing) to show for it? Trajectories. FFS….It’s all pseudo MilAv speak from someone who probably hasn’t even flown a kite.

TV has psychological issues. We’re none of us perfect, but this guy has major problems. I suspect this site isn’t the best place for him to work them out.
Contradictions all over the shop.

You’ve been studying the markets and TV for years and you by your own admission still have much to learn.

There is always something else to learn, unless you think you are a know-it-all and can't possibly learn anything else, discovery anything new, or cut any new paths. That of course, is the mindset of a Trollish individual who does not have the slightest bit of faith in his own abilities to reason well, or to solve problems.

Only the really confused, actually think they have nothing new to learn - or, in that case, a whole lot more to learn. Apparently, that's a lesson that you have not yet learned and a clear sign that trading is most likely not your forte. In other words, for you, you are not really a trader - you just play one on T2L. 7,000+ posts on a forum, tells me outright, that you are a total Troll. Because, when I look at a sub-set of those posts, they don't have anything whatsoever, to do with trading profitably.

However, you do know how to Pyramid Losses like few people I've seen on the internet. And, they you pretend that you know something about the trading technology that somebody else has developed, when you can't possibly have the slightest clue about what you say. There is no other definition for that kind of online behavior, other than consummate Troll.

Yet even with these drawbacks and weaknesses, you feel sufficiently advanced along the path to assure us TV knows what he’s talking about. How the hell would you be able to make any such determination from a level which you yourself acknowledge is beginner at best?

How is it possible for you to even have a basis for such a lunatic statement, when you don't know what my work entails and/or involves. You are in a dark room, claiming to be standing next to a light switch that you can't reach with a 10 foot pole, even if your life depended on it. You are totally defenseless, here - because your premise does not match your conclusion. You theorize that something does not work, or has no value, yet you know nothing about it. That's called hallucinogenic tendencies. You sit behind your computer, hallucinating about concepts and ideas that you know nothing about, and then you have the audacity of Perth, to actually have an opinion about that which you are utterly unqualified to even write a summery statement about, let alone, define on any technical grounds.

I don’t need to ‘understand what they actually measure’ thanks.

Listen to how incredibly arrogant and foolish you sound with that statement. You actually have an opinion about something that you JUST ADMITTED you know absolutely zero about. Case closed.

He ladles fairly basic technical analysis in with large helpings of his own delirium in order to over-complicate for the basis of feeding his aggressive anal retent disorder and deepening the dependence on him of the weak-willed and possibly quite stupid.

To prove your mental disability, you then turned right around, in the exact same breath (no less) and proclaimed that you know KNOW what I do and how I do it, to the point that you establish the premise that what I do and how I do it, does not work, because it is over complicated. You then insult others for having knowledge that you don't have, which makes them capable of articulating the difference between a Trajectory and a "Trend," which you still (no doubt) hallucinate actually exists.

So, since you have just flip-flopped on what it is that you know, I want you to post the technical definition for the following concept that exist at the heart of my trading system:

  • Transequential Contiguous Delta (SAC, TAC and RT)
  • Distinct Vega (identify all five dimensions)
  • The Omega Wave (outline its basic calculation)
  • Meridian Channel (explain the expansion algorithm)
  • Alpha Cluster (distinguish each dimension 1 through 10)
  • Compression Ratios (just name them)


  • Define the essence of Delta Trading and what makes it different from Trend Trading?
  • Define the difference between a Contiguous Delta and a Non-Contiguous Delta?
  • Define a Trajectory and what distinguishes it from a Trend?

I'll stop your bleeding right here. All of these concepts and a lot more, sit at the heart of the earliest gelled version of my trading system, with the exception of the Meridian Channel and the Omega Wave (although, Omega by itself was the first indicator in the system).

So, since you know so much, Mr. Know-It-All and since you have such strong opinions about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it, let's see you write something about it for a change, instead of flapping your lips about it. No more wiggle room for you. You've claimed several times in the past and again right now, that you KNOW what I'm doing, how I do it, and that you KNOW it does not work, despite the 17 trades that YOU still find a way to ignore like it never happened which went on to put over $300k in my trading account at the close of each open position. Something I have NEVER witness YOU do on this board. Yet, I did it across 17 simultaneous trades, each using a DIFFERENT currency pair.

Now, grab your keyboard and start typing those definitions. If you come back here with some silly, petty, childish joke, then that will tell us something about you too - won't it. 😉 The ball is in your court, pal. You are hereby, served.

Since the current production version of the system is predicated on mostly a complete new class and hierarchy of indicator types and concepts that I have never discussed in public, I won't be able to ask you questions about those concept.

Why do you think you still need him as a crutch after all this time with little (and quite possibly nothing) to show for it? Trajectories. FFS….It’s all pseudo MilAv speak from someone who probably hasn’t even flown a kite.

Who is talking about "need" here, other that you? You keep playing your hand before the crowd, don't you. Exposing little truths about your psyche, don't you. Need? That sounds to me like somebody who might be suffering from a bout of jealousy, that all 1 million people on Trade2Lose, are not following you over a cliff as you Pyramid Your Capital into Oblivion, and then sit back inside that same thread, laughing about how you are LOSING MONEY.

Losing money is not a laughing matter. Pyramiding losses is no laughing matter either - it is a clear sign that you don't have a grip in normative price behavior. The fact that you STILL don't understand normative price behavior and instead favor non-existent "trend" follies, tells me that you have not learned a darn thing since I first came here, back when you ONLY had 4,000 posts to your absolute DISCREDIT. Today, you have over 7,000 posts and you are STILL carving out Pyramid structures that would make the Giza Plateau, blush in total embarrassment.

The Museum in Cairo Egypt, would be honored to have you as their guest, Mr. Know-It-All. The found dozens upon dozens of hieroglyphs inside the Pyramid Structures that you built and each and every one of them were WARNINGS about NOT PYRAMIDING YOUR CAPITAL in LOSING TRADES!

Wake up!

TV has psychological issues. We’re none of us perfect, but this guy has major problems. I suspect this site isn’t the best place for him to work them out.

Sorry, pal. Stop stealing my lines and placing them inside different threads. I've ALREADY classified you as a clinical master piece of epic proportions and you have already defined yourself as someone WITHOUT proper rearing by your Mother and your Father. They have failed you miserably, or you wound NOT be on this forum, pretending to be NATO!

You are NOT the Unite Nations Security Counsel. You are NOT the Police. You are NOT even a good Hall Monitor, you clown. Yet, you have entered every single thread that I have started on this forum for the purpose of helping Newbies or simply talking about and discussing my research and you have Trolled & Trashed it, just like your Mother and Father (apparently) taught you to do, when you were little boy.

Or, are you are STILL that little boy to this very day? Only you can answer that, but your behavior over the span of my now ending tenure on this forum, has proven to me that you are absolutely, every bit the small minded individual you were when you were a little boy.

And, you have the temerity to blame me for this crap that you ALWAYS start on this forum? You have got to be one of the biggest pathological LIARS that I've ever seen on any online community, bar none.
I'm confused. 😕
Is this thread still about the 7 and 21 MA X-over?

I don't understand what the Trajectories, Trend, Contiguous Delta, Omega Waves, BAC, SAC, CRAC have to do with an MA X-over.

I can only empathise with TN7 at this point, he does seem to be attracting a lot of flame.

EDIT: If I may add something that might be of use...
a: MA X-overs are a decent start for newbies. however, they may encourage newbies to think that improvement is then about optimising MAs.

b: its important to understand market structure. trading is fine, but only with a broad overview of the higher time-frame. eg, if trading 5-mins, know the structure of 30mins, if trading 1hr, know the 4hr, etc.

c: when trading sub-1hr markets, you cannot ignore the structure of opening ranges for each session, and Highs and Lows of previous days action.

d: redefining well-known terms into a pseudo-military combat definitions takes the newbie away from understanding why price is actually moving, and where it is likely to falter or rebound from.

e: the reason for using any analogy is as a scaffold. ultimately, the newbie will understand price behaviour, and will acquire the confidence the trade price, with the indicators as back-up, or, have the confidence to ignore indicator signals because they are at odds with price patterns.
encouraging the use of "gizmos" and more "target acquisition deltas" etc, are taking newbies away from reality.

f: macho, combat, fighting, killing, top-gun, blah-de-blah is all very thrilling for boys and immature men, but in doing so, you are alienating 50% of your potential audience. (those weird creatures with wobbly chests - they're called women.)

Personal note: I still don't think trading is a war, nor do I believe I am killing people or shooting them down. Trading is a sea of price, with currents, tides and squalls.
You're sailing the ocean, and you need to set your sails as best you can.
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I'm confused. 😕
Is this thread still about the 7 and 21 MA X-over?

I don't understand what the Trajectories, Trend, Contiguous Delta, Omega Waves, BAC, SAC, CRAC have to do with an MA X-over.

I can only empathise with TN7 at this point, he does seem to be attracting a lot of flame.

Yeh coz his wordz sound like supa heros..."I AM THE OMEGA WAVE MAN!!!"
I challenge you to explain to ME about the 4 nodes of DMC-12 and flux (phi), taking into account -j (I call it farad), that are at the very heart of MY work and how I have calculated that once market speed reaches 88 I am able to see all that will exist in the future.
can't believe it!
I spent all that effort writing that post, and the bugger flies off into the distance on turbo-boost.
so much for top-gun dog-fighting skills. not what I'd expect from an elite Aggressor Squadron.

More like a Passive-Aggressive Flying Corps, flying Soppywith Camels.
You guys gave him the hump. Ha-ha. [smug] and I've not even had my second cup of tea!
And, that was my very last word - ever - on this forum.


Shame. I was actually interested in what you had to say. Have you considered starting a thread in "Members' Private Forums"? The distractions here provide food for thought but at the moment I think I would just like to hear you.
this is very instructive for newbies who visit this useless forum.

Here you have a so-called moderator who refused to do his job, while at the very same time, deleting (without cause) a thread that was moved to another section of the forum to allow newbies a chance to learn something that the idiots who trashed this thread know nothing about.

This should be yet another lesson for anyone visiting trade to lose. You can't get up to speed on anything here as a newbie, given the unintelligent and useless ramblings of dumb sheeple who pretend to be traders, while exposing themselves as nothing more than professional naysaying trolls.

The newbie should understand that this is common place in psychiatric wards such as this in the online community (something i don't have to tell any veteran trader). These types of negative naysaying trolls are not real traders, newbies. No successful trader that i know, has the kind of built-in negativity that the people you now see inside this thread put on display as easily as they do.

Understand this fact, newbies. All of these negative trollish losers have pretty much given up on ever becoming a truly successful trader, if they ever had a good reason to believe that they ever would or could. These people are incredibly small minded individuals with lowish iq and even lower belief in themselves, or their abilities.

These are not the kind of people who end up being successful in life, primarily because of their useless, under achieving attitude and demeanor. Their accomplishments in life are precious few and their desire to accomplish anything truly meaningful in life going forward, is basically non-existent. These kinds of people define the term loser, and they do it better than anyone i've ever seen, in any endeavor that i have ever engaged, either personally or professionally. I have enjoyed three (3) different and distinct careers in my life thus far. A military career, a corporate career in enterprise software and now a trading career, in which i have entered my 10th year. In no career that have ever had, have i witnessed the rank & file foolishness, illogical and irrational behavior, or outright insanity, as i have witnessed inside the so-called trading community.

I believe most of this irrational behavior has something to do with a lack proper upbringing by their parents (if the truth be told), but much of it has to do with their apparent lack of self discipline and their inability to reach a point of intellectual honesty, either with themselves, or with others. The people that you constantly see on this forum, who engage in negative casting, sub-antisocial trollish behavior on a routine and persistent basis, with literally thousands of posts to their discredit and exposure, shine the brightest light upon what has become an online social illness that ends up negatively impacting anyone seriously desiring to learn something that will make them a better trader.

A while back ago, i created a thread to talk with newbies about something i had been researching with respect to one of the newer indicators that i had been working on up to that point. Immediately, when you do something like that, your thread gets filled with people who claim to know everything there is to know about what you are doing, even when you just arrived on the forum. These trolls love to hide behind the assumption that they are somehow protecting the forum from vendors. That fact that you are not selling anything, does not matter to these trolls, because their so-called provision for protecting the forum from vendors, is nothing but a cover for their naturally excreted sub-antisocial behavior.

In other words, they are the losers who have failed at trading, so why should a truly successful trader be allow to come onto the forum and talk about what he/she has done to surpass their efforts. So, they do only what they are capable of doing, they continue to pyramid their losses in other threads on the forum as proof that they don't know what they are doing in the markets, and then they troll and trash the rest of the forum because their parents failed to teach them how to be a decent human being, despite their own failures in life. Ultimately, that's the painful truth about trading forum trolls and naysayers. They are the losers in life, and so, likewise they feel that you should be on their level - down in the gutter with them. Misery loves company.

Now, if they were actually posting rebuttal on the technical merits of the thread or its concepts, then that would be a horse of another color. In that kind of environment, everybody learns something of value. However, that is not what these trolls are doing and the so-called moderator is no less involved with encouraging this futile and destructive behavior, because the moderator is too busy moving and/or deleting threads that are designed to help, encourage, educate and inspire the new trader. Essentially, on this forum, the newbie does not stand a chance, because of failed trolls who can't overcome their own egos, selfishness and rank stupidity.

If this forum were a tool of communication and extended learning in any organization where i have been charged with leading, it would get ripped out by its roots and replaced with something that actually fulfills that mandate. So, of course, this forum has nothing whatsoever to do with the new trader getting up to speed in the business of trading. Not even close.

The very fact that a troll who is clueless about a trading idea, would have an opinion about that same trading idea, is proof positive that this forum was never created to help you become a better trader. This forum was created for some other purpose, having absolutely nothing to do with being a place of support, learning, knowledge building or skills development for the newbie. And, as a direct result, this forum frowns upon your success as a trader.

For merely starting-up a thread to talk about new ideas (of all things), or for starting-up a thread to show what kinds of things can be accomplished through hard/smart work and a commitment to the profession, you get your thread filled with moronic leaches and trolls who have no idea what they are crying about, how you derived your new idea or concept, or how beneficial it has been to you as a trader. That is the mo of this forum. Don't bring new ideas. Just bring a fools mentality and you will fit right in here.


After being told by one of these unanimous trolls that what i was discussing in my thread could not possibly work (as if he was sitting in my office doing my research for me) and that i was a fool for even talking about my research, and that if what i was posting about really did work, that i would have no problem posting lives trades. So, i posted this:

i laid out precisely what my system had projected would happen for the week and i posted very acute details about my cost basis that week. Eventually, those 17 trades resulted in this:

i did not come to the forum for that, and i did not set out to embarrass the troll that way, but he asked for it, so i gave him exactly what he asked for. I was trading on average between $300,000.00 to $500,000.00 back when i made that post (on average). That was my average weekly cost basis into and out of the currency markets. That's how i trade. That's how i run my business. That's how i consistently grow my capital. That's why i am a successful trader and that is why i was able to meet the trolls challenge, though i did not come here for that purpose. The reason why i came was clearly stated in the very first post i made in that thread, some time ago.

By the time i closed out all of my positions, i had a net fairly well clear of $300,000.00 for that week.

But, what do you notice inside that same thread as well? Not one of these professional trolls said a word about all those trades. Not one of them challenged the results that were posted live, nor did any one of them say anything about the updates throughout the week that were posted live as well. So, what did they do? They did what only professional trolls can do - they ignored their own request that i post something live, pretended that all 17 positions did not exist, and proceeded to continue to spew idiotic drivel, in spite of what they had just witnessed with their own eyes.

now, if that does not tell you something about the pathological mentality of the average naysaying troll on this board, then nothing else will. After that, i vowed to myself to never post another series of trades on this board.

First, i merely came to talk about the elements of my trading technology that i could talk about in public. The mere talking about ideas got attacked by trolls. I was then "called out" and told to prove my technology by posting live trades. I then placed not one, but seventeen of them live and in real-time with live/real-time updates along the way. Those trades got ignored by these protrolls.

Do you think that if i had lost money on those trades, that these trolls would have ignored it then. Hardly. They would have been all over it and they would still be posting links to it in this thread. But, why have you not seen any link to that thread which showed what i just posted above. Because, these people are have no ethical backbone, no intellectual honesty and no desire to ever admit their own culpability for lowering the status of this forum, into the mud where the vast majority of all trading forums have devolved, which is very unfortunate for the newbie trying to get up to speed.

Now, it is the ma cross. Because the non-trading, naysaying, professional trolls have not found a way to make it work, then it just can't be done - period. And, if it can be done, it damn sure won't be done on their forum, because the protroll is going to do everything in his power to keep it from happening on their forum. The newbie has to stop and asking him/her self: Why is that? Why are these people so anti-progress? What are they afraid might happen, if i successful trader shows me how to trade a simple ma cross? What could be so earth shattering about a real trading showing me how to accomplish that? These are the questions the newbie should be asking.

So, this is the mentality that you are dealing with here on this forum, newbie. However, i'm afraid to tell you newbie, that this is not unique to this forum alone. There are many forums out there that seem to honor, support and cherish the troll. Those who can't produce the kind of results that i demonstrated on this forum, are the same trolls blocking you from learning, growing, developing and figuring out how to survive and thrive in this business on your own. forums that do not have moderators worth their weight in salt and who actively participate in supporting trolls, will never be the kind of forum where you will find substance, footing and clues about becoming a consistently profitable trader over the long haul.

You have a severe uphill climb in a negative place like this forum, newbie. And, you owe it all to the classic neo-naysaer non-trader, who pretends to have a mandate to protect the forum from so-called vendors. All the while, using that lie as a cover for the malformed behavior that was never properly managed by their parents when they were children. It is the cold hard truth about much of the online world, but it is the truth, nonetheless. A very hard pill and bitter for the naysaying clueless troll to swallow, but good medicine regardless of how sour it tastes going down.

I've been out here for years doing my level best to support the new guy in the currency trading business, by willingly sharing certain principles and concepts that helped me produce the kinds of results that i've been experiencing in my career as a trader who actually trades not for a living, but to build real wealth and future organizations with an eye on doing my small part in making the planet a better place to live. Over those same number of years, i've talked in excruciating detail about some of the technical elements of my trading technology - to the extent that i can talk about such things in public. Those elements that i could not talk about in public were not exposed.

i've seen the attitudinal changes over the years in the online world of trading. There used to be a time when all people really gave a hoot about was learning and improving their skills. Today, things are different. The trollish naysaying losers have become the stumbling blocks for the new guys looking for a place to get up to speed. Today, the losing trolls far out-number the successful traders online. So, when the newbie comes in contact with these lost souls, they quickly get turned-off and de-motivated in their learning process. The newbie gets quickly un-inspired and ends up walking away, feeling like there really is no genuine community of traders worth spending your valuable time with.

I feel sorry for the new guy, looking for community support these days in an attempt to help get themselves up to speed in the business. You really do have much more difficult road to travel than i ever did, given the narrow minded and defeated mentalities that you have to deal with whenever you venture online.

I wish the new guy all the best. You are just not going to find it in the midst of so much foolishness and negativity. Sorry, but that is the real truth about places like this, ultimately.

BTW - did you know that there were six (6) currency pairs that you could trade simultaneously and in a particular trade sequence (Long/Short sequence), that gives you an empirically tested and verified probability of walking away with a net positive profit, more than 91.37% of the time - based on a hold period of 24hrs (tested)?

Hmmmm. I wonder which pairs those could be. 😎

I'll be starting a thread on that very subject next week over at Big Mikes! I'll also be posting a running trade journal featuring those six (6) pairs and a couple other Index Pairs that I've researched as well.

Yep - six (6) pairs in a certain sequence for 24 hours, nets a positive profit, 91+% of the time. And, when it fails, the failures have all been historically very small.

It is really nice to finally be done with the building of my initial trading system, as it affords me the extra time to work on concepts and ideas that I've always wanted to work on over the years, but never had to time to really get focused on.

Your pathological lies actually induce my vomit this your third or fourth flounce off T2W...?
Your pathological lies actually induce my vomit this your third or fourth flounce off T2W...?

I remember him saying the same thing about his "excel dashboard" way back in the old moneytec days 😆

You'd think he'd have learned how to make a few quid by now FFS 😆
I'm really upset he has left. His potential to shadow a Spanish style status was certainly on the cards