Lord Anton Kreil

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I took the PTM course myself and I have learned a lot of usefull stuff. The course gave me a better understanding of the market and provides you with nice ways of generating trade ideas. Before I took the course however, all I knew about was simple technical analysis and good risk management.

So I would defenitely recommend this course to beginning traders, but if you already know a lot about the market, macroeconomics and portfolio management, then it might be less valuable for you.

Also, it's pretty hard to get in touch with them if you have any questions. And usually if you have a few questions about the stuff that's being discussed in the videos, you will have to pay a bit extra to schedule a phonecall to get your questions answered.

I once sent them an email asking about how I would be able to map out the value chains of the sectors, which they discussed in one of the videos. I was told that this was more of a question for the mentoring program, which would cost me too much. I was wondering if anyone on here took the course and might be able to tell me where I can find the right information to do this.


RE value chain it literally is doing it manually m8 you just collect them over time and then you end up just knowing what each company does and where they slot in on the value chain .

thats the way i see it anyway

Choc, you have been on this thread for years, and deserve respect for that. There is no easy way to put together the value chain, for example, sussing out who supplies AAPL or GM. But as you build the watchlist, you will get exposure and things just start falling together because at some point you will be watching 100's of stocks. That is what Anton is really talking about. The PTM course gives you what you should be looking for and then leaves it to you to go find it. I am not typing this for you, I know you already know, I am typing for posters who come along later. Great idea generation btw, the call spread is a classic. Too bad your helpfullness flew right over the heads of some here.
Timmy magic is correct in his review I follow the programme .. Did not pay for it I did/do struggle there are questions that I needed answering that would of been answered if I actually purchased the programme however if you look about for guys that do the programme for instance Timmy has done this programme so I follow his blog and he answered my questions in his blogs he is not aware he has helped me out but he has .. Cheers Tim and if I don't find what I'm looking for from Tim blog I look at touch stone just another bloke that did the program and understood it I get my answers from him and his blog there are a few out there . Buy the course if you wanna do this for real or email me and I will work through it with anyone so long as they come to me or can work out how to do it on line

Pay for the courses choc, I am telling you that you will not be sorry. I live in the USA. We can build a remote trading desk if you wish, but I need to know that you have outgrown trying to get bootleg stuff off the web.
YEAH Really!:cheesy:

Wake UP folks!

If ya can make MEGA moolaah from trading, then why, OH WHY teach...?


EASY money IS be made from "TEACHING" 😱

At least Anton has traded unlike that other marketer BS merchart...SlimBallScammer_vinceZione 😛

REMEMBER Newbies: If trading was EASY every tom dick & harry would be doing it...ASK any long time successful trader and they will tell YOU...IT TAKES YEARS & YEARS to learn the craft:-0

It takes years and years, because most people have to wade through terabytes of talking. It is actually easy if you can be efficient, and patient.
Can anyone who's taken the course explain this to me ?

Why does he spend so much time 'drilling from the top down' to find the state of the economy, then the most profitable sector to invest in ...... but then ultimately remove all sector gain by hedging his investments

Every trade is hedged, for example Goldman Sachs Long, JP Morgan short

So what you have is just one company's performance against another. It doesn't even matter if the sector goes up or down, as long as GS goes up more than JPM, or JPM goes down more than GS, then there would be profit.

So what is the point in researching the economy, and finding a sector you think there will be growth. In the above example it doesn't matter what happens to the banking sector, because all the risk (and the benefit) of investing in that sector has been removed. It's just two companies competing against each other

Because he understands that Black Swans kill geniuses. Google LTCM. Trading is dangerous. Period.
I am almost done reading this entire thread. I can see that since 2013 people who are intermediate to advanced traders say the PTM will help. Forex punters who could not afford the tuition say that it doesn't . That should tell anyone who actually does have the funds to pay for the course and then put up 15K to join the Institute something. It's just class warfare. Nothing new. This is absolutely the best education I have ever had, which is why I am tenacious about posting here. People have been posting negative reviews who 1. Never took the course. 2. Heard from the friend of a friend of a friend how bad it was. In the show Million Dollar Traders, there was one bloke who actually had a natural talent. Instead, he chased p*ssy. Lot of people around here like that. Priorities.
Pay for the courses choc, I am telling you that you will not be sorry. I live in the USA. We can build a remote trading desk if you wish, but I need to know that you have outgrown trying to get bootleg stuff off the web.

Yep a remote trading desk would be interesting .. It was a few years back since i found the ppm/fxptm and the lex vandam things, i just assumed i do not need other info and decided to just work with what i had.

In hindsight i should of paid up and got onboard with the institute no doubt it would of been quicker (and not so lonely) however determination and long hours studying to fill in the blanks finally got me to the finish line or perhaps really its the starting line I'm at .

I have so much sh1t in my head i really do not have the desire to find any more courses on trading .

i have traded and made all the errors that can be made with no experience or guidance . I have been shown a framework/process that apparently the pro's use AND still lost money .... I continue to use the process and have know got the experience and can see the true reason why a process is needed something i pooh poohed in my early days .

when you lose 5k in aday and then lose a further 15k -20k over the next 12months .. you start to figure out why you lose so consistently . Them days are behind me and sure have helped and continue to help going forwards . I truly feel you have to be a serious loser over the short term and the intermediate/long term to actually have a chance in this game . it aint easy when your money is at stake but its a lot easier when you have lost real money in the past you start to FEEL the market and that can not be taught .

so yes pal I'm over boot legging . now its all about filtering the noise

how do you propose to go forward . maybe just maybe this don't need to be as lonely as its been:clap:
I truly feel you have to be a serious loser over the short term and the intermediate/long term to actually have a chance in this game . it aint easy when your money is at stake but its a lot easier when you have lost real money in the past you start to FEEL the market and that can not be taught .

Anton can sort you out with his course



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The guy who won million dollar trader won something like $1500 out of a 100,000 pot if I recall correctly. That is not good trading to say the least.
This is the funny part

Yep that was the post i meant to reply to.

Now you will probably go at me for this- by the way i have not read all the posts on this thread . but you must admit that its better than most guides for a new investor that is out there . i prefer to use the word guide over education .
and I'm only refering to the videos and excel sheets . i have no idea what goes on in the institute part .
Yep that was the post i meant to reply to.

Now you will probably go at me for this- by the way i have not read all the posts on this thread . but you must admit that its better than most guides for a new investor that is out there . i prefer to use the word guide over education .
and I'm only refering to the videos and excel sheets . i have no idea what goes on in the institute part .

I just did not bother reading them , because one can only learn by trial and error , to suit one's comfort zone .All that is worth nothing , because it can't be ingrained into the subconscious automatic mind.

What I like is the lulz and dirty laundry fighting with other educators.That is funny:cheesy:

Kreil worked for banks and banks don't really trade outright these days anyway and those that do, do very badly, this is an old chestnut that's been done to death.
I just did not bother reading them , because one can only learn by trial and error , to suit one's comfort zone .All that is worth nothing , because it can't be ingrained into the subconscious automatic mind.

What I like is the lulz and dirty laundry fighting with other educators.That is funny:cheesy:


It is entirely possible to make the same errors because traders are doing the same trials. Failing your way success requires a template so that the trader does not wind up flying in one big circle, which what most retailers do.

I wrote this comment/review almost one year ago: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/educational-resources/164668-lord-anton-kreil-31.html#post2850624

I would like to add and follow-up to what I wrote back then. Now, I have way more experience, I have read the thread and quite a few people wrote to me after my review. I'm sorry for not being active on this forum and it might look like I was just a paid bot/fraud/fake. But my review was totally honest. I will be more active on this forum from now on, in addition to already being active on Twitter and other forums.

First off, I would like to say that before doing the PTM, before writing that review, I was a beginner with limited experience. Basically, I had just been an investor (mutual funds, some stocks) before that but I had no idea of how finance works at all and I only knew basic stuff. Even today, I'm still learning A LOT... But my knowledge has definitely grown immensely.

I wrote about the positive and negative things about the PTM course. Now I can also add my review on the PTFM.

From my old comment, I will add my updated thoughts on the positives and negatives (taking the PTFM into account):

The positives:
1. Good information about macroeconomics.
I still agree on this. The PTM had good info on macroeconomics, but I feel that the PTFM is a bit more advanced and structured. It sometimes feels like the PTFM was an "update" on the PTM. At first, it felt like I was doing a recap of the things I learned from the PTM while I was doing the PTFM but in a more calm, personal and structured manner. While doing a recap of the same stuff in the PTFM, some of the content is the same from the PTM, some is not. However, in the PTFM, Anton records the video from his computer most of the times, showing slides and spreadsheets while talking about the content instead of you just listening to a lecture like in the PTM. Only a few videos is from the old PTM lecture recording. I think the PTFM is more personal and one-to-one. I think the PTFM is much better because it is more structured, more personal and there's not so much "noise". What I mean by not so much "noise" is that he's much better down-to-the-point in the PTFM presentation. Actually, I think the PTFM is better than the PTM in terms of information.

2. Good structure of the videos, he talks about the lesson in the beginning of the video, then there's the presentation and at the end of every video there is a conclusion/summary.
The same structure is in the PTFM, he talks about the lesson in the beginning and makes a conclusion at the end. However, you are listening most of the times to a recording from his computer which he shares his desktop and shows slides and spreadsheets. The PTFM is way better structured than the PTM.

3. He's giving you a good and well-structured platform to build upon and grow, for beginners too.
Absolutely. I think that this applies to the PTFM as well. If you are a beginner, this is really great. It is even great for more advanced traders as well that has just been relying on TA, TA, TA... and never any FA. In both these courses, Anton teaches you a systematic process which combines the best of FA and the best of TA. About 80% is FA and 20% is TA. TA is mostly used for timing and risk management.

4. You get taught a lot about using excel, I never used excel before but I have learned to use it quite good because of it.
Same applies to PTFM, but in the PTFM there is much more work on Excel.

5. The course is based on the principle of obtaining free information on the internet.
The exact same thing goes for the PTFM.

6. Some humor and fun examples in the presentation, yet serious.
Not so much in the PTFM, but I think that's actually great because I'm paying for a serious education and not for a comedy show of any kind. The PTFM feels way more serious.

7. You get taught principles that you can apply not only on trading but on your personal life too.
Not so much in the PTFM, just to an extent, but again that's not the point of buying this education.

8. No conflict of interest, he doesn't have any personal agenda or try to sell you something more in the course.
Same for the PTFM. In both the PTM and PTFM, he teaches you his structured way of trading and it's up to yourself what you're gonna do with it after the courses. He teaches you to have a self-starter mentality and not a "give me more money and I will make you a millionaire" Tim Sykes kinda crap. Actually, his business model and system is brilliant, and he's open about everything. He has no conflict of interest or any personal agenda. He already tells you what you will get and what more there is, before buying this content. If you want mentoring, there is mentoring after the course and you can join the Institute. This is not necessary to complete your training. It's really up to you if you want to take the new information you have learned and how you want to apply it. If you take mentoring, there is just more personalized guidance and you get to learn more things from the Institute mentors.

9. He's got background as a real successful professional trader, so he's credible.
Same goes for all other mentors in the Institute. They got real experience and credentials as professional traders. They have actually worked as real regulated professional traders in Investment Banks, Hedge Funds etc. They have proof of it to back it up. This is really important because there are so many people claiming they are something on the internet but they have no formal education or experience to back themselves up with. Would you rather listen to someone who has actually studied in a University, been hired, taught and worked in an investment bank as a real trader, or to someone writing on a forum that he has "read online and in books" about how investment banking works so he's got expert opinions about it? Some people online say that their experience is "tens years of real trading" etc.. Yeah, but even if you would believe in that without anything to back things up, what if those ten years are just tens years of utter crap? Can they prove to you that they really have that experience? Can they show you their track record? Because that is actually all that counts in the end. We are all here to make money and facts don't care about your feelings. Also, obviously Anton Kreil and the other mentors are rich, even before the Institute and education was created. That is their track record, the number that pops up when they stick their card into the ATM. Can other "trading gurus" and "trolls with experience" online, show a copy of their bank statement and net worth? If they are so successful as they claim to be, they should be able to show it too. But there is just so much bull**** online and people claiming to be someone they are not.

10. No "get rich fast" speech, more like "the more work you put in, the better the returns".
Same in the PTFM. Anton doesn't teach you a "make 1000 USD into 1000000 USD fast" scheme. He teaches you how to trade using a systematic process, with his way of trading, to get constant returns and get rich slowly over time. It is ALL up to you. He teaches you to have a self-starter mentality and he's not spoon-feeding you with anything or a complete set-up so you just have to push a button and you'll have an algorithm that will make you money every day. You have to do A LOT of work, but the more work you do, the better odds of you making money! Also, he's not teaching you that only HIS way of trading is the right one. It is simply just the way he trades, that works for him. The other mentors in the Institute has different ways of trading than Anton, but the thing they have in common is that they always have a systematic process and infrastructure. They just tweak their system to their own personality and liking.

The negatives:
1. The material could be improved, seems kinda put together low budget / amateur like.
The PTFM is way better, but still I think that it looks kinda amateur like and there are some spelling mistakes etc... I think they could have looked at their content and actually cleaned & brightened it up a lot to make the presentation look more professional. However, the content, which is most important, is still great.

2. One argument about his day trader example is flawed, because in his example it would mean that you bought your position at the open of the day and held it until the close. His other examples are better when he talks about robots using algorithms, central bank interventions etc. and he shows how market volatility has been decreasing for a long time.
In the PTFM, he applies the same argument for forex but besides his example, actually his point is to try and move the beginners and people away from daytrading because the majority of people just get smashed by fighting intraday robots and algorithms today. That is just a simple fact. The 90/90/90 rule is real and people lose a lot of money. The volatility, especially in Forex which is worse, is just not there today as it used to be. He's not saying that TA is just bullcrap and daytraders are retards who never make money. He's saying that the vast majority do not make money doing it and the odds are way better in long-term to have a larger time frame than fighting just fighting robots using algorithms. Think about it for a second. There are real reasons why these IB/HF let robots and algorithms trade intraday for them and they just observe it. If human traders were so much better than the robots, obviously they would have hired the best daytraders to work for them and make more money. But just look at how all the daytraders in firms have been totally squashed until today. How do people not get it? There are real reasons why IB/HF choose robots over humans in daytrading. They know that they make more money using the robots today and they let human traders focus on larger time frames where they can be more creative in trading, which is an edge that humans have over systematic robots. But as always, there will always be jerks online which try to convince people that daytrading using TA works perfectly and is the best... But if it works so well for them, why do they feel like they have to defend themselves and argue? Why spoil their successful secret and strategies and give it away to others? Why not just laugh at it, continue with their daytrading TA strategies and continue to get rich? After all, this is not the red cross. People are here to make money and that's the only thing that counts. I think there will always be a huge fight and argue on whether TA works or if FA works etc. It's just stupid to get into it. Make up your own mind and find out what suits you best but just stay real. That's all.

3. No way of asking questions about the material if you need help, you need to google it which can take a while if you don't know where to look.
Actually, I noticed that the Institute now offers a service for a fee which if you have any questions you can write them all down and you send it to the Institute which they will go through them and send you the answers back one time. I think it's actually bad that this service is not included from the beginning. If you pay so much money for a real education you expect to get great customer support and to ask any questions you might have about the content.

4. His material about stock views is really too small, with valuating stocks he's just talking about P/E ratios and this made me quite disappointed and this is the biggest negative thing I believe, from a beginner perspective it's really not enough and from an experienced trader I guess it's laughable.
Actually, specifically his teaching about the P/E ratio in the video is really good and I've applied it to my own trading. It changed my way of viewing P/E ratios. After the course, I've seen an example in reality that he points out in the video with a stock. Actually, maybe quite a few.

5. Focusing too much on macroeconomics and not as much on microeconomics.
However, besides the P/E ratio, the PTM really lacks microeconomics and the bottom-up analysis. It also lacks more depth in trading commodities and bonds... I think the PTM is purely focused on equity and the PTFM on Forex. I wish that they had gone more into depth in commodities, bonds etc.

6. Some excel spreadsheets looks quite amateur like or put together too fast, I think they could had made it look way better.
The PTFM got great spreadsheets but still they could be way better and look more professional even if it wouldn't change the real usage or content. It would had just look more professional, that's all.

7. Sometimes a bit difficult for a complete beginner with no experience in finance or economics.
Actually, the PTFM is more advanced for a beginner than the PTM. There is way more advanced information to digest, especially for a newbie.

8. For that price I would expect to get good support a long the course but received none.
Same for PTFM. But I guess that they were so much spammed with questions that they felt they had to offer the question service. But I think it should be for free and not for a fee. Think about it. If you buy a product, you should be entitled to customer service. If you go to a university, what if the teacher told you to pay a small fee for every question you asked? It's absurd, really. If you look for example at Lex Van Dam's course, they got great customer support and you can ask as many questions as you like! That's great customer service. For the price of 1mth or lifetime access to the PTM or PTFM, it's just ridiculous to pay that amount of money and not receive any customer support at all except if you pay for it. But still, you have to pay a fee for a ONE TIME use. You can't even ask any follow-up questions. Utter ridiculous. The customer support is bad and this is the worst thing about the Institute!!! I'm just being honest. It's probably the worst customer support I've seen.

9. After having done the entire course, the material is good but there are so much more you could had gone through or been improved and it doesn't feel like it's "enough" to really feel confident, and if they say you just need to google and learn more then what specifically should I google? That's a bit disappointing, i e lack of followup.
The PTFM gives a lot more stuff, but if you want to go more into depth you have to google and learn things by yourself from sites like investopedia etc. It feels like they just point you to the stuff you need to learn and then you have to research about it yourself if you want to know more about it. They don't spoon-feed you with anything more.

10. No community unless you are an institute trader.
Same with the PTFM. Which is basically the reason why I search on forums like this for other people who has taken the course and trades. Also, a good advice is to look at twitter. Follow Anton Kreil and look at people commenting etc. Many of those people have taken the course etc. I have met a few guys which I have contact with and talk to.
Please stop!

This guy has been exposed as complete scam long time ago, he was no trader, but a Registered Investment Advisor, e.g. salesman , can't believe people are failing for this stuff - a private rocket ship?


Give me a break...




You are Fake News.

And you are probably a shill, from the link you have posted, click on history and everyone can see:

CF21 Investment Adviser JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 02/03/2006 02/05/2007
CF21 Investment Adviser Lehman Brothers International (Europe) 16/04/2004 03/02/2006
CF21 Investment Adviser Goldman Sachs International 01/12/2001 26/02/2004
CF21 Investment Adviser J.P. Morgan Securities plc 02/03/2006 02/05/2007
And you are probably a shill, from the link you have posted, click on history and everyone can see:

CF21 Investment Adviser JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 02/03/2006 02/05/2007
CF21 Investment Adviser Lehman Brothers International (Europe) 16/04/2004 03/02/2006
CF21 Investment Adviser Goldman Sachs International 01/12/2001 26/02/2004
CF21 Investment Adviser J.P. Morgan Securities plc 02/03/2006 02/05/2007

It's quite obvious that you don't have access to a Bloomberg terminal to check things out or even understand what a FCA registered CF21 Investment Adviser is, Why Anton is registered as one or why all his mentors who have worked as real professional traders in Investment Banks or Hedge Funds are too. All of these guys are registered at the FCA.

If you would Google 5 minutes, you could even find out more about these guys.

I have done both the PTM and the PTFM course and it's obvious that the article by the link you provided, written by a guy called Emmett Moore who has committed securities fraud and went to prison for three years, is utter exaggerated bull**** with no real evidence to back up his claims. Did I forget to tell you what you would find about this guy if you simply googled his name? Did you read this too? http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=291&t=3260

Would you trust anything with a guy like this? Do you think his client he scammed would ever do it again?

Also, if you look at Rip Off Report (which also he is referring to), you can even see the responses by Anton Kreil which makes it obvious that the complains are based on a bunch of nonsense and lies.

Where is your FCA or track record? Mind showing us?

I think you're an example of why I urge everyone else here to watch
and make up your mind before believing things on a forum from unknown people with conflict of interest or no substance.
I think you're an example of why I urge everyone else here to watch
and make up your mind before believing things on a forum from unknown people with conflict of interest or no substance.

Common mate, stop with the BS, actually every time Anton and the shills are out in a full force, it gives me a great pleasure, because this means the business is going down and there are no newbies around to get scammed...

How's the rocket ship 🙂