Looking for trading job in barcelona/madrid



I am potentially moving to either Barcelona or Madrid early next year, and wonder if any of you have any advice or information on trading jobs there. I've traded futures (specifically U.S. Treasuries, European bonds, as well as some equities and commodities) for the past 6 years for different proprietary trading firms.


I am potentially moving to either Barcelona or Madrid early next year, and wonder if any of you have any advice or information on trading jobs there. I've traded futures (specifically U.S. Treasuries, European bonds, as well as some equities and commodities) for the past 6 years for different proprietary trading firms.


May I ask why?

I ask because you seem to be making the brave step of coming first and getting work afterwards.

Perhaps I was fortunate. I did the reverse, am still here and have family roots well established.

I should say that, although ones hears English all over the place, these days, Spanish is still extremely important for a full and happy life. They,really, are a great lot. Not understanding them properly is a great pity.
If anyone's interested in trading in Barcelona, we're looking at setting something up for self-employed traders, interested in trading their own accounts in state-of-the-art offices, with the usual facilities.

I've worked in London/Barcelona/Spain, so know a bit about both locations, and we thought we'd setup facilities for traders to be able to take advantage of a better trading environment.

It's not a prop-firm, so no commision is taken, just flat fee for desk usage and if required PC/Charting/software etc. The fee should be covered as a tax deductable expense.

We can put you in contact with someone that will provide full training, if that is needed

Any interest, or anyone wants to find out more just email [email protected]

Hi! I live in Barcelona and been trading for years. Going soon full time. I am in touch with other couple of traders and was wandering if any other Bcn trader would be happy to join 🙂