Looking for people who can write articles

Let me ask you a question Howard, as you are a fellow American.

- how many people have you killed?
- how many people have you fantasized about killing?

None and none. The idea of taking a human life is abhorrent to me. Being unprepared to defend myself and my loved ones is equally abhorrent.

So how can I be mentally prepared to kill someone if they threaten my life or the lives of my loved ones? Disassociation. If that day comes, will I perform to my expectations? I don't know. I pray I never have to find out.
Hard job I agree. Suffering extremes too. Murdering innocent civilians one day and being murdered by far superior guerillas the next! Talk about slog.

Sure, they have a choice over their career but they don't have a choice over where they get sent or what orders to follow. You make that decision based upon the d1ckheads you vote into power. You're equally if not more culpable for sending them to do this through the democratic process.
There once was a trader named Spanish
The likes of which is now banished
The sun shined out his @rse
His testicles filled a pint glass
I thought he might even be Danish
He never lost a trade
He always got laid
Never used stops
No they're nothing but props
Oh we will miss our dear friend Spanish


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Account number 696969
Sure, they have a choice over their career but they don't have a choice over where they get sent or what orders to follow. You make that decision based upon the d1ckheads you vote into power. You're equally if not more culpable for sending them to do this through the democratic process.

I don't vote, I petition and I minimise the amount of tax individuals and business...I'm doing my bit to get their budgets slashed and get them sacked. Don't blame me 😀

I also have other reasons for not liking soldiers and for posting that post based on my experiences with them in a social capacity where they openly practised racism in front of me (almost leading to a fight) and a few of them admitted to murdering innocent iraqi civilians at checkpoints for no reason. Maybe I shouldn't extrapolate this sample to the whole population of service men but what can I say, human frailty eh.I tend to hijack and politicise threads quite a bit. No matter how much I try I can't stop myself lol 👎
What a stupid thread this has turned into.
It is a case of each poster in the last 10 pages wanting to write something more stupid than the previous poster.
And each of them was successful.