looking for one trading partner

I trade es and stocks and would like to converse with other traders that have a common goal. I already have my scars and have learned the hard way. Let me know if interested.
Funny thread, finding a trading partner is tough. For some reason most people like to be like mushrooms in the dark or trade like its a dirty little secret keeping it quiet.
Its great when you have comparable knowledged traders.
Good luck with your search.

I'm sorry you have note received more positive responses, However, with respect, I feel you could have worded your initial post better. Read it again, and it comes across a little arrogant, inflexible and self-focused.
"I am looking for one trading partner who can listen to me all day and help me focus on the market action."
So, what's in it for your partner?

"I trade ES and I also look at ZN. If you trade other stuff it won't work. If you are firmly entrench with other methods (my method is very unique) it probably won't work either."

So, you're looking for someone who trades the same instruments as you, AND, out of thousands of techniques, they have to have been using your technique, by sheer chance.

" I am not going to be focus on teaching you"
But you would like them to help you? Really?

If you focus your post of what YOU have to offer someone else, then you will receive more positive responses. Apologies if this is not what you wanted to hear, and I'm not trying to offend.

I'm sorry you have note received more positive responses, However, with respect, I feel you could have worded your initial post better. Read it again, and it comes across a little arrogant, inflexible and self-focused.
"I am looking for one trading partner who can listen to me all day and help me focus on the market action."
So, what's in it for your partner?

"I trade ES and I also look at ZN. If you trade other stuff it won't work. If you are firmly entrench with other methods (my method is very unique) it probably won't work either."

So, you're looking for someone who trades the same instruments as you, AND, out of thousands of techniques, they have to have been using your technique, by sheer chance.

" I am not going to be focus on teaching you"
But you would like them to help you? Really?

If you focus your post of what YOU have to offer someone else, then you will receive more positive responses. Apologies if this is not what you wanted to hear, and I'm not trying to offend.

That is OK you are not offending me. Your take is your take. My wording was honest and said what I wanted to say. I did not want to waste my time or somebody else's time by presenting something that I was not interested in. As they say too many false advertizing. I am no longer looking for a trading partner in the way I did. I have come to believe that reading charts does not have anything to do with trading and the first task of a trader is to tackle the psych blocks that prevent him from 'seeing' the market flow and taking advantage of that flow. I have always thought that a little child with no baggage can learn market flow very quickly but I had never thought deeply why this should be so. Now I think I have the answer, it is precisely because he has no baggage and he can take in whatever I have learned about market flow quickly and effortlessly, and it does not have to be my method, there are literally 1000s of methods, all valid some better than mine but probably mine is pretty good. It is like trying to learn Chinese, a little child can learn it fluently in a few years but for an adult it is nearly an impossible task to learn fluently(from what I have read online about it).

Why didn't I find anyone to trade with as a partner? Because the egos would not allow that, mine and theirs. Why did I word my request as I did and did not try a softer approach? Because I wanted to show how big my ego was and make sure I get responses from someone who has conquered his ego (at least to some degree) and is only interested in a methodology, which I could offer him.

Good luck everyone here and may the force be with you.
That is OK you are not offending me. Your take is your take. My wording was honest and said what I wanted to say. I did not want to waste my time or somebody else's time by presenting something that I was not interested in. As they say too many false advertizing. I am no longer looking for a trading partner in the way I did. I have come to believe that reading charts does not have anything to do with trading and the first task of a trader is to tackle the psych blocks that prevent him from 'seeing' the market flow and taking advantage of that flow. I have always thought that a little child with no baggage can learn market flow very quickly but I had never thought deeply why this should be so. Now I think I have the answer, it is precisely because he has no baggage and he can take in whatever I have learned about market flow quickly and effortlessly, and it does not have to be my method, there are literally 1000s of methods, all valid some better than mine but probably mine is pretty good. It is like trying to learn Chinese, a little child can learn it fluently in a few years but for an adult it is nearly an impossible task to learn fluently(from what I have read online about it).

Why didn't I find anyone to trade with as a partner? Because the egos would not allow that, mine and theirs. Why did I word my request as I did and did not try a softer approach? Because I wanted to show how big my ego was and make sure I get responses from someone who has conquered his ego (at least to some degree) and is only interested in a methodology, which I could offer him.

Good luck everyone here and may the force be with you.

Your not making any money, are you?
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I am looking for one trading partner who can listen to me all day and help me focus on the market action. I trade ES and I also look at ZN. If you trade other stuff it won't work. If you are firmly entrench with other methods (my method is very unique) it probably won't work either. I am not going to be focus on teaching you but you should pick up things and also get very good signals that you can trade by if you are trading live or simming. Let me know. Thanks. If you respond to this thread we can then arrange privately to start private chat in google talk or something similar.
Your not making any money, are you?

First I thought I should not bother to answer this, just lazy but then I thought maybe something good will come out of it for me. Why? Because this question brought an avalanche of feelings and turmoil in me, Wow, I thought, what a psych block I must have to feel this much release of negative energy by a question such as this. Let's answer your question in a straight manner: Yes you are right I am still not making much money, although I am also not losing much money like I used to, which for me at the stage of development I am sounds OK. I don't know, tomorrow I might have a huge loss and then I will be back to 'normal' but I doubt that, I may have a loss but it won't be huge, same as any win I might have, because simply the positions I take won't be huge. That should have answered your question.

I don't want to get back at you, I say that because your question brought a HUGE surge of feeling within me, so the natural tendency is to slash back but I won't, which is great on my part, perhaps it shows a glimmer of hope that I can channel that negative energy into some thing more useful than simply an automatic reaction, automatic reactions are good when I want to avoid a head on collision, at least most of them time but in most other situations they are not a good response. But I will say what comes to me, but don't take this as a slash back at you, if you do then you are dammed lol. But I am fairly sure you probably won't. Your response reminded me of a close person I know, he IS more successful than me in terms of finances but I don't want to be in his place because he has other issues, probably health although he won't tell me about it. He has his issues and I have mine and he is happy in certain areas and I am happy in certain other areas. So look at yourself see if you have other issues even as I suspect you are at least marginally OK financially or as a trader, maybe slightly above average as a trader. Then devise methods to improve in those other areas. Speaking from experience trying to change my trading habits is a monumental task and needs some know how, and good luck both in trading and other aspects of your life.
I am looking for one trading partner who can listen to me all day and help me focus on the market action. I trade ES and I also look at ZN. If you trade other stuff it won't work. If you are firmly entrench with other methods (my method is very unique) it probably won't work either. I am not going to be focus on teaching you but you should pick up things and also get very good signals that you can trade by if you are trading live or simming. Let me know. Thanks. If you respond to this thread we can then arrange privately to start private chat in google talk or something similar.
Hello Shideh,

I have been trading ES since 2006. If you are still looking for a co-pilot to help you focus on the Market action, please reply to my post. We can arrange for a private chat.
good listener

I am intrested !! It sounds like you are a great person that likes to talk and willing to teach !

Marc 224-345-8871

I'm sorry you have note received more positive responses, However, with respect, I feel you could have worded your initial post better. Read it again, and it comes across a little arrogant, inflexible and self-focused.

I agree with Punjabi's observation and I may add "bit odd"
it was not really clear what you were offering in return to this partner!

May be you have a big Ego you talked about in your post , stick to it trade it etc make millions dont bothers others with such confusing posts!