Looking for Indicators That Suit Me

Thank you: I will look into utilizing these you've recommended. Only thing, is, I'm trying to trade futures, specifically; does www.freestockcharts.com do that?

Sorry to be blunt but your the one wanting to trade Futures so why don't you check. If your expecting people to constantly hold your hand throughout it's perhaps time for a reality check...

Ask for help by all means but you are required to do some of the leg work yourself 🙄
Make sure to use the big titty indicator ! It helps you pick the best pair !
There's a clue in the site's name: freestockcharts! So, unless you're intending to trade single stock futures, the answer is probably no. That said, as a free resource and a tool to learn about TA and how prices move - it looks pretty good to me.

I other words, just focus on the raw dynamics? Can do. Hm... part of the trouble with http://www.freestockcharts.com/ is that my computer isn't working right, for one. My apologies. I will come back when I can more execute.