Looking for FX Traders that can do 30% + Growth per month? Anyone? Please Reply

Can I ask why 30% a month is nonsense? I have worked with traders making more than this consistently, so why the negative feedback?


People who have 30%+ months are very rare. People who average 30%+ per month are rarer still. People who consistently get 30%+ are...well, I think you get the picture.

This is what happens when you come on here making stupid posts in a thinly-veiled attempt to promote your carbon trading nonsense. You get ridiculed and have buckets of slime dumped on your head.

Be grateful, because you deserve much worse. Now run along, boy.
Carbon trader:

There is a guy who is too smart for you.

He makes 300% a trade. he is the foremost expert on price behaviour.

If I were you i would worry about over qualification. your job is at risk.

approx 1.89% per month, compounded for 12 months, produces 25% per year, if my memory serves me correctly.

whenever i hear other traders running their yaps about 10% and 20% and 30% per month, i immediately recognize that i am reading the words of childish traders.

this is a man's game.

you, leopard boy, have just demonstrated that you are no man.

otherwise, you would have brought up the issue that i just brought up.

but you are a childish trader, and you think like a child, and you carry yourself like a child, and you take care of your woman as tho you are a child...

what your woman needs is a really good you know what... have her serviced, will you?

happy trading,



I'm afraid not, dimwit. This is exactly the point I'm making.

Have you been smokn weed again?

