Looking for Active Traders to Interview


Active member
Are there any active spread/forex/CFD/futures traders out there who would be open to being interviewed and aren't too shy of appearing on camera? I'm sure many of the experienced ones can share lots of helpful insights/trading experiences which other traders would find helpful.

The interviews would be published on our youtube channel for everyone to view/access https://www.youtube.com/user/ukspreadbetting We can interview anyone who isn't too far from London - we can travel to you by train if necessary - for those of you in other countries we might look at a video conference maybe?
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We are still looking for more traders and trading personalities to interview so putting a reminder in here for anyone interested...

Here are some of the interviews we have produced so far:


Some notable ones which we recommend spread betters to check out include the one by Lucian Miers (below) about his perspectives as a shorter...


and Simon Cawkwell


Are there any traders out there who are willing to share their thoughts about their trading?

We can even pay a fee for good interviews.