We are interviewing Vince Stanzione later this month - any questions you want to ask?


Active member
We are interviewing Vince Stanzione later this month [to be published on our youtube trading channel at http://www.youtube.com/c/ukspreadbetting - I was wondering if the regulars in here have any interesting questions they may want to ask him so we can consider them? If so, please tell us here.

They have to be respectable questions and not personal attacks. I believe Vince is intrinsically a person who is very sharp - a good investor if I may and I recall that he has good technical analysis skills too.
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HI luckystrike23, just off the top of my head, here are the questions I'd like asked, please? + apologies if I'm a little late to this thread, because I've just seen it.


1) What has VS learned in recent years, that he wished he'd known or taken more heed of, at the beginning of his spread-betting journey?
2) On that note, does VS feel like he's learned every trick in the book by now, or does he still feel or find that there are things to learn?
3) How successful in percentage returns and over what period, does a fellow spreadbetter need to be, before VS becomes impressed enough, to be interested in meeting with him?
4) Whom, of his peers, does he most admire - and why?
5) What is his view on those who think that spreadbetting is "only a mugs' game"?
6) Which of spreadbetting's so called 'golden rules' (e.g,. always keep a sensible stop loss, never trade when tired, never overtrade etc. etc., etc.,) does he most frequently find himself either breaking or... 'amending' ?
7) If he were suddenly to find himself as the CEO of a leading spreadbetting company, what change(s) would he immediately wish to see implemented, and more importantly - why!?
8) When things aren't going so well, as can happen to the very best of us, then how does VS manage to mentally unwind?
9) Has he ever felt so certain of a trade's pending direction that he's literally gone 'all in' on it? If he's never felt anywhere close to that certain, then how close has VS ever been to being that confident of any trade, which was it and what subsequently happened?
10) Has VS ever mistakenly placed a 'fat finger' trade? And if so, then how did things pan out, once he realised his error?
10.5 Does VS have any funny spreadbetting tales (names can be changed to protect the reasonably innocent...)?



I hope at least a few of these are helpful.
thanks peakoil some great questions in there and I'll be asking most of them. Any other good ones guys? Interview is on the 24th.
Any other good ones guys? Interview is on the 24th.
The questions I'd liked asked are along these lines . . .
Does he feel any sense of guilt, shame or remorse for what he's done?
If he's asked to appear before a parliamentary select committee, will he follow in Sir Philip Green's footsteps and apologise to his customers?
How does he sleep at night?
You get the gist!
Does he make any money from trading ? and if so is there any evidence of that ?
Can you ask Vince if he knows of a trading course which is actually useful and not a scam, thank you please.

I have plenty of others but they don't meet you criteria.
Can you ask Vince if he knows of a trading course which is actually useful and not a scam, thank you please.

I have plenty of others but they don't meet you criteria.

Actually straying off the subject of vince

Can you define what useful means to you ?

Most courses regurgitate free information to attendees that are looking for the holy grail......or are they ?

If attendees are merely looking for a solid introduction to trading and the main strategies these are all available,for,free if you bother to look hard enough

Paying hundreds / thousands of pounds for,this is ludicrous......not only that but you are then setting yourself up for the sellinars to show,you the holy grail that vendors want you to believe exists

Actually straying off the subject of vince

Can you define what useful means to you ?

Most courses regurgitate free information to attendees that are looking for the holy grail......or are they ?

If attendees are merely looking for a solid introduction to trading and the main strategies these are all available,for,free if you bother to look hard enough

Paying hundreds / thousands of pounds for,this is ludicrous......not only that but you are then setting yourself up for the sellinars to show,you the holy grail that vendors want you to believe exists


Useful i.e What's for lunch, if it's a finger buffet with jonny pi55y fingers getting first dibs then it's a scam. A sit down with bevvies and blow then we're cooking with gas and the afternoon lessons will be a blast, even better if there's a few brasses dishing out lap dances with happy ending then sign me up!😀

On a slightly more serious note, learning to trade is about as much about just lumping one on and getting used to being in a trade as it is any system etc.
Inner confidence, discipline, conviction(s) and :clover: and the loot will start to come. If you can wrap all that in a course then it might be worth it. B

All in my clueless aunt opinion:|
We are interviewing Vince Stanzione later this month [to be published on our youtube trading channel at http://www.youtube.com/c/ukspreadbetting - I was wondering if the regulars in here have any interesting questions they may want to ask him so we can consider them? If so, please tell us here.

They have to be respectable questions and not personal attacks. I believe Vince is intrinsically a person who is very sharp - a good investor if I may and I recall that he has good technical analysis skills too.

I'd like to know if he makes more money from selling courses, or from trading?

I'd like to know if he makes more money from selling courses, or from trading?
I wonder what the bookies odds would be on this one? Okay, let's pause for a second and carefully consider all the facts . . .
Okay, done that.

Not havin' a pop at you metrader - far from it - your question is entirely valid, it's just that I'm 99.999% sure of the answer - Vince (bless his cotton socks) makes mega bucks from one activity and absolutely zero from the other. No prizes for guessing which is which!
I wonder what the bookies odds would be on this one? Okay, let's pause for a second and carefully consider all the facts . . .
Okay, done that.

Not havin' a pop at you metrader - far from it - your question is entirely valid, it's just that I'm 99.999% sure of the answer - Vince (bless his cotton socks) makes mega bucks from one activity and absolutely zero from the other. No prizes for guessing which is which!


Here's one for him.

How long did it take to recover your losses selling your guff after doing your conkers on teh tarding?
Ask him if he would play Sturridge and Vardy at the start of the game, or just bring them on at half time...👍
Tim, I would disagree with you that Vince only does money from selling his wares. I've been following his public predictions over the years and quite a few have been proven right. Anyway this is going to be an interesting interview.