Looking for a simple / basic charting software to display imported stocks data


Hi! I'm sorry if a very similar question has been asked already, but I couldn't find such thread.

As the thread title says, I need a simple / basic charting software to display imported stocks data.

It should just have the ablity to import at least daily data like:
1929-12-31, 241.90,249.24, 241.90, 248.48, 2680000
1929-12-30, 238.43,242.95, 235.95, 241.06, 4160000
( Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume - or even without volume )

It may require a different date format, a different separator, no spaces or spaces instead of comma, etc. - any format that's easy to achieve with Open Office is fine. (I'll adjust my files before importing them.)

All it should do is just display a simple line chart for my imported daily data. It should be possible to adjust the start and end dates (without a new import ><). That's it. I don't even need an easier way to zoom.

However, it should be a free software and very unlikely to contain any malware or adware, and if possible doesn't try to connect to the Internet for whatever reason without asking the user. The latter isn't really required, but it's a nice to have ^^; (I know, I can block it with a firewall... unless it actually requires Internet connection for installation or function)

Sure I don't mind if the software has more functions - as long it's free and can be trusted. Thank you in advance for any suggestions!