Long Candles as support or resistance: Fact or Fiction?

bracke said:

My apologies for crediting/discrediting you with the theory.

I appreciate some things do not change but the comparison of trading rice 300 years ago and trading shares etc now might be considered tenuous.

I appreciate that no method is 100% correct but would suggest that the conventional one is more so than honourable rice trader's.

I will try to keep an open mind on the subject and take note of long candles when I look at charts

By the way do you know if it works on the pot noodle futures chart or is this off topic?



The more things supposedly change the more they stay the same.
In view of comments I've made on FTSE and Price/Volume threads a few people have suggested that I start a thread on the topic and maybe other candlestick patterns in due course.

Firstly, for those interested in candlesticks the authority is Steve Nison and his books: Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques and ; Beyond Candlesticks. I hope he won't mind if he recognises the odd sentence here and there 🙂

I'll talk about long white candles - which are up candles - and support, but remember that the reverse applies to long black candles - down candles - and resistance.

A long candle is one which is unusually long in the context of the usual price range of the instrument concerned. The time interval of the chart is immaterial, but I prefer "genuine" trading periods where books are opened and closed - daily, weekly, monthly - rather than the more "artificial" periods such as 10minute, 1 hour or whatever.

Candlestick analysis suggests that a long white candle should provide support, particularly in a rising market.. That support is found at either the middle of the long white candle's real body or the bottom of the entire white candle, including the lower shadow. One can sometimes extrapolate backwards from these points to find them co-incident with traditionally drawn support lines, in which case the candle supports serve to confirm those support lines and maybe give them added importance.

If one is using a daily interval then intraday penetrations are not considered to violate the support as long as the close holds above the support level. Similar for other chart intervals.

Anyway, enough chat for now - here's a few examples.

Are you suffering from selective attention analysis?Don't you think it is about time for a visit to spec savers?

Are you suffering from selective attention analysis?Don't you think it is about time for a visit to spec savers?

Just an old discussion thread. You probably didn't bother reading any further particularly http://www.trade2win.com/boards/tec...pport-resistance-fact-fiction.html#post150212 where I explained I don't use candlesticks for trading and that anything used to determine support/resistance is not infallible.


I must apologize to you , I was totally confused with your method.I am learning from you somethings.

This chart does not make sense any more.


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