Hate to break it to you fella, your only trading your own money part of the 4000k you
have paid them that's how these firms roll, see what what happens when you blow your account...😱
Silly me, didn't realise I was trading my own money. What a fool I am. !
I have traded my money before and I have lost it. It's not the picking of trades that I found difficult it was the money management.
I've read books and I have been through the internet and yet the money management alluded me. I could have written a trading plan but who would have looked through it for me and given me advice..?
Since joining London Stone Trading , I have become more proficient at money management, I have written my trading plan, I have had advice and criticism, though more encouraging advice than out right criticism. I have been invited to meet these professional traders at their trading room , face to face. How many of you trading guru's have been able to face to face offer me advice and show me the ropes?
How many of you can invite me over to Bloomberg on an evening to see how they do their business? A professional trading firm wouldn't necessarily be able to gain you access into other businesses but I and others have been invited out on a field trip of sorts.
I find it hard to believe any of you doubters have any real experience of trading with London Stone Trading, yet you are very quick to criticise and bad mouth them.
Follow my blog, Trading Trends , if they give me back my full training fee £3.5k and more , what have I lost ? Nothing
If it takes a year to get that money back into my account then so be it. I know that in a years time I'll be a more proficient trader. If I don't get my money back, I will have learnt a lot of lessons about how to trade but more to the point how not to lose money.
The risk reward ratio of handing over £3.5k to probably being a £100k trader in the future is ??? Worth the risk, me thinks.
However, London Stone Trading doesn't make money on training people. Well not enough to set up a pension fund for all involved I am sure. All of their literature states that they take a commission of your profits. So it is in their interest to make me PROFITABLE! Something that has not happened since trying to trade my own money let alone theirs, yet.
I very much doubt they would want me to be trading a £1500 account for very long as they would be making about £60 a month if I keep to my goal of a 1% - 2% return each month. So I can envisage a time that I have a £5k account or maybe a £20k account entrusted to me, so that their cut is greater. They are not going to give me that in the first month, probably not the first three months. So in the mean time i just have to trade , with consistency and preferably that means profitably.
All of this will unfold on my blog, which you are all welcome to subscribe too. If it goes wrong, you'd be the first to know. If it pans out like I suspect, you'll see how I did it.
Trading Trends
Good luck all and to anyone new to trading, make sure you do your own research and don't trust anything you read on these BB's. Most traders blow their accounts and it leaves a bitter taste, as does not doing research into prop trading companies and courses.