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The news drives the markets and is therefore imho important to traders.
Do comment if you care to with any enlightened view, bp that you may have.
They dish out the news but we have to analyse it to make something out of it financially.

For instance the present story of BMW's new electric car will affect Tesla and others.
pat if you like listening to news fair enough --------- I will stick to what suits me and it is not tv --- but as they say horses for courses
pat my stop gets ajusted closer to entry price as time goes by, anyway I should not be here at this time of night . so will say goodnight
I know my method of having a fluid system of stops and target prices has its drawbacks BUT it does have advantages. For instance my Cad/Chf bet was subject to a downward spike 20 mins ago which would have caught out most scalping stops. Not in profit yet but within 20 points of b/e.
good luck with your method pat ------- but imho posting here without stop/trgs will just turn people away , but thats your choice and I think if lord flash was around he would agree with me . but its his thread and if or when he comes back,there will be no more posts from this end