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Does anyone here use automated systems ? Either to :-

1.make trades
2. to show up possible trades which can be checked manually.
plod through each multiple pairs etc. to eyeball each trade first ?

I have about 12 regular pairs in MT4 & MT5 ( demo ) and can do either.
Here are some trades ( demo ) that the robot has done on MT5 and could have been copied.


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Does anyone here use automated systems ? Either to :-

1.make trades
2. to show up possible trades which can be checked manually.
plod through each multiple pairs etc. to eyeball each trade first ?

I have about 12 regular pairs in MT4 & MT5 ( demo ) and can do either.

I have several ea's that check for possible trades based on criteria I am looking for. They just ring the bells and whistles to alert me if I am away from the computer temporarily. I then check the charts, news, and whatever else is relevant to see if I want to open a trade or not.

I have several ea's that check for possible trades based on criteria I am looking for. They just ring the bells and whistles to alert me if I am away from the computer temporarily. I then check the charts, news, and whatever else is relevant to see if I want to open a trade or not.


Hi Pete,
Sounds like we both don't really trust the EAs to make trades without supervision.
This computer aided trading is probably imho the way of the future. The guys with the best programmes will have an advantage.
Good luck with yours. I shall plug on with mine.
I have several ea's that check for possible trades based on criteria I am looking for. They just ring the bells and whistles to alert me if I am away from the computer temporarily. I then check the charts, news, and whatever else is relevant to see if I want to open a trade or not.

That is certainly the safer option.
Mine has taken trades that I would have only taken if blind drunk 😆
Goes with the turf and evens out in the long term.
Left to its own devices, efficiency is definitely reduced.
Flipside is its taken and held trades that I would have cut earlier.

On the whole though, I would definitely recommend the approach
taken by wacky, particularly if you are new to it or want to maximise efficiency.
Thats assuming you want to go down this road at all, its not for everyone.