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good call sbs.

imo be tight around 8431 for the initial push, as may pull back to 8360.(good support tho at 8400) depending how long you are. greenback took a bash today so tonight banks may pull some money over, so could drop overnight. asia aint a greenback fan at mo and christmas time volume can throw spikes.

good alert tho.

never mind sbs. price did come to 8360 after all eh. good luck and merry xmas.
I've just checked all the live calls I posted here in December - they come to +150 pips (better than +146 pips in November). Most likely it's going to stay like this as I'm planning to stop trading till January

Added: maybe not - I forgot about another 1/2 on eur/usd - it's going crazy (it may be more than +150)