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buy G/U above 1.60 ....its right on the turn if indeed the Dow now bounces north on a run
I presume flying past 13,000 is not a good sign then?

Funny, when I woke up this morning I thought 12950 for EU was a real possibility, we're now at 12750, 200 pips away, glad I spotted the change early enough.

i'm a simple player of Equity correlation to the market....if dow keeps tumbling we chase sells on the USD pairs....if it now bounces I like G/U as a buy above 1.60

GBP has been relatively strong since 2pm but the Stronger USD has been masking it

hey all............I cant see the Dow getting much shorter today ...those bears must be dug in tight so if anything a few rallies may be the order for rest of day...

GBP has disapointed me in last few hours as I was expecting a little fizz in the tail....still might deliver above the 1.60 level before bedtime

Thanks mr Obama....may we have another 400 point dow move tomorrow please ?

Wrong...oh well, should have stuck with my 12880 theory and bailed then..

Closing long euro at 12844 for -8+54

Taking a medium term trade and shorting EU at 12844, SL at 12910, TP at 12651..this should be about the weekly trading range with the weekly high at 12877, so hoping this holds as high for the week..

Closing short at 12768 for +76

Will see about re-entering in the morning after the Greek vote fiasco..
Taking a chance here without waiting for confirmation hence low stake
gbp/usd buy @15941 stop @30
How are you guys getting on since your started posting oh here,has it helped?

There are positives and negatives
from my point of view it helps that, a lot of the time I notice we are generally in sync, not the herd instinct, as we use different entry methods and the confirmation from a different perpectives is useful.
It also makes you more concientious about your trades.

There is an issue about ego that comes up, when you take a loss, as the saying goes "you are only as good as your last trade"
there is that desire to recoup any loss almost straigth away.which can make you over trade.

The good thing about it in a round about way is, that it makes you a more careful trader.
Bearing in mind that this is a lonely profession, Its nice to get a pat on the back when you do well, through the recommendations and know that all the other posters are rooting for you, no one wants to see you take a loss.
Thats great. I found that dealing with the emotional issues around the thread helped me in many ways.After many years I am convinced most of this is in the mind and that a simple method can reap good rewards if managed correctly. I havent called 4 losers on the trot since starting the thread(hope I havent jinxed myself).That shows good discipline and selection.whats are your best and worst runs. If you were flicking a coin youd often have losing runs of 7 or 8, so clearly trading is not random and as you say the kudos on the thread keeps you focused. i enjoy having you guys around,particularly when im having a bad run and you guys are calling winners. I often compare our trades and see if theres anything I can add in.
How are you guys getting on since your started posting oh here,has it helped?

Forex if just like golf (well, almost:cool:), many people make a living from golf (trainers, coaches, suppliers, pro shops etc), very few make a living actually playing golf, number 1 golfer on the PGA money list has won $8m this year, number 250 only $13k (poor chap), not what you'd expect from number 250th best golfer in the world!!

As a golfer I know that if you play with better golfers than you, you will become a better with as many people as you can, listen to their views, filter the good from the bad and you're bound to improve.

(why are there so many "forex signals", coaches (e.g.Greg Secker + many more) out there?, because it's easier making money from Forex than trading forex!!)
Sorry, did not actually answer the above question:

Yes, mixing with other traders and sharing trades always help, without question..
Forex if just like golf (well, almost:cool:), many people make a living from golf (trainers, coaches, suppliers, pro shops etc), very few make a living actually playing golf, number 1 golfer on the PGA money list has won $8m this year, number 250 only $13k (poor chap), not what you'd expect from number 250th best golfer in the world!!

As a golfer I know that if you play with better golfers than you, you will become a better with as many people as you can, listen to their views, filter the good from the bad and you're bound to improve.

(why are there so many "forex signals", coaches (e.g.Greg Secker + many more) out there?, because it's easier making money from Forex than trading forex!!)

Abnsolutely. In the gold rush, the guys who got richest were the ones who sold the shovels...:clap:
Charming gbp/usd pa after 22:00 (no news or reports so far as I know)
BTW It's 1 minute chart


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