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nope out with a few pips loss............that'll do for today ....I did ok earlier so no real stress.....

have good weekends

Au stopped also for me.

Yes it followed gold which ramped 30usd.

I have sold AU again at another good level @218 as I suspect gold has made todays move, but too late to post on here.

Have a gd weekend all.

It is a great shame, as overall this trade despite losing was my best trade this week. Set up was pretty good and I was firmly in control of its price action.

I actually had +20 to bag and I had this forecasted to take profits here. First time in a long time I lost control of my strategy and wanted to let it run just because the USDCAD trade I took short yesterday I actually cut short for +54 (instead I wanted that to run on fair reasoning too)

So a little annoyed at myself, not for the fact that I lost, but due to my arrogance.

(if anyone might be interested, its much clearer to see on the chart attached. Very simple and effective trade)

(I am not attempting to teach anyone anything - Its sometimes better to see what im saying that is all)


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order to sell audusd @ 10238 if we get up there

50 point stop 50 target

pulling order on audusd now dont want to be in a trade over the weekend

nearly made it up there just turned a little short, if it was not friday i would let it ride

have good weekend (y)
It is a great shame, as overall this trade despite losing was my best trade this week. Set up was pretty good and I was firmly in control of its price action.

I actually had +20 to bag and I had this forecasted to take profits here. First time in a long time I lost control of my strategy and wanted to let it run just because the USDCAD trade I took short yesterday I actually cut short for +54 (instead I wanted that to run on fair reasoning too)

So a little annoyed at myself, not for the fact that I lost, but due to my arrogance.

(if anyone might be interested, its much clearer to see on the chart attached. Very simple and effective trade)

(I am not attempting to teach anyone anything - Its sometimes better to see what im saying that is all)

I know how you feel. I had a trade today on eurjpy which reached my target, but i thought it had legs to go further so i didn't take it. Next thing i know it turned and i ended up out for b/e so i'm still kicking myself for being greedy. Win some lose some, but i think we remember our bad decisions and forget many of the good ones. (y)
Long Eur/Usd 1.2199.

TP is 1.2245

SL is 1.2175

Closed for -7.


Hmm... While this was my only loser this week, it's probably also the one that's got my gears running the most.

Several elements stand out:

1) I could have closed it at a profit of +10 before it shot down against me. Several times.

2) My analysis of the range was correct and my stop of 1.2175 was correct as well. What I hadn't anticipated was the run down to the recent low (below 1.217), which would have triggered my stop anyway and caused a loss.

3) My original view that the 50 would be blown was correct, but it happened later than anticipated.

There are several things to consider here:

- I traded this with the levels present on the 1h chart. That is where my trade idea originated.

- I failed to notice the proper levels on the 5m and the concurrent PA (1.221, 1.2185, and 1.217).

- I set my targets on an un-even mix of the 5m and the 1h. Upper target was based on 1h, lower target had basis in the 5m.

- I managed my trade with a view on the 5m, so I believed 1.2199 was a good entry. It was not. 1.2185 would have been a good entry, with SL somewhere around 1.216. Much better risk/reward. I instead instigated a scalp of the 5m.


Proper management of this trade would have been to close it out at +10 before it shot down. I had ample warning of this on the 30s. Then observing the development of the low at 1.2185, I could have chosen it as a good entry for low risk and put in a stop below the recent low of 1.217. Target would have been the same, but higher profit at lower risk.

In the future:

More patience before putting on a trade, or better perspective of the levels in play according to time. There was probably no way for 1.221 to be breached during the Asian session given the resistance it encountered on the 5m before shooting down to 1.2185.

While I am used to putting on (waiting for) trades on the 5m as evidenced from my good entry at 1.2199, I need to become better at doing this according to the 1h if I'm to do better swing trades.


There. I feel better now. This one trade was bugging the hell out of me for all the missed opportunities in it. :mad:
Shorting euro from 12249 my very basic strat and looking at chart says it should fall back to where it was, or atleast that way
Morning, Order pending to buy eurusd 1.2180

50 point stop 50 point target

(really should be short audusd from my 1.0238 level from friday but the weekend fear)