Best Thread Live Trading and General Chat Lounge

Have order on NZDUSD. I`ll be watching the approach on this one as to whether or not i`ll pull it.

If im in i`ll call it on here.

USDJPY order still on.


  • nzdusd.gif
    42.2 KB · Views: 136

Its not enough to say its on the chart etc,its too vague and open to discretion. It is a live call thread as mentioned many times before. All you have to do is put the entry price as you take it with a stop. All trades are 1 lot unless stated so if you add in its double. I always start with two lots and take 1/2 off etc and count double if I lose,but it doesnt really matter,we are not competing here, no one knows what you are really trading,the important thing is that all the calls have to be in the required format with entry price at the time of entry with a stop. It is the sole purpose of the thread.Lately we have seen some good traders and keen learners leave the thread because of the ambiguity of what is written. Please show us how good you are in a simple and understandable format we can easily read. Thanks

Its not enough to say its on the chart etc,its too vague and open to discretion. It is a live call thread as mentioned many times before. All you have to do is put the entry price as you take it with a stop. All trades are 1 lot unless stated so if you add in its double. I always start with two lots and take 1/2 off etc and count double if I lose,but it doesnt really matter,we are not competing here, no one knows what you are really trading,the important thing is that all the calls have to be in the required format with entry price at the time of entry with a stop. It is the sole purpose of the thread.Lately we have seen some good traders and keen learners leave the thread because of the ambiguity of what is written. Please show us how good you are in a simple and understandable format we can easily read. Thanks

Hey man, your thread, your rules.

I`ll post just the entry at the time then...

I only assumed from one of your previous posts that it was ok for me to share how it is I trade... Im not competing with anyone and nor do I think I am the best, as a matter of fact I was looking for some open discussion on peoples positions and the reasons for why people have taken them ( and General Chat Lounge)...

Im sorry if i`ve got off on the wrong foot with people if that's the case?

Sorry :confused:

(just regarding the line i`ve highlighted in bold, I dont see how my forecasts on where I have an order in to take action is in anyway vague of my intentions, especially when I post AT THE TIME of entry on here as well, with stops AND targets.... I respect the format you want either way)
Please dont take it the wrong way. Once we start posting trades without stops,it opens the thread right up to other interpretations,such a charts after the event,late stops,etc,etc. I more than welcome the input and want to see your trades as others do,but if it is not in that format you can take it from me that others will soon start pushing the boundaries as has happened many times. The beauty about keeping it that way is that there is nowhere to hide and no kidology.Weve had quite a few so called mentors come on here,make a few calls and try it on posting with spikes and late calls and chart calls etc,they soon disappear, why? because this is a hard game and they are out to exploit.
If it became that others didnt want it that way id happily walk. Hope I explained it ok without causing offence as clearly your calls are welcome.
Completely agree with this and also about the entries on two positions and taking half off; counting both points etc....

I still don't think what i`ve done is way off topic nor any discrepancies with entries etc? (if its the FTSE trade then make that -68 lol? Not fussed if thats how you`d like to view it)

Either way, i`ll do it very clearly from here on out and no offence taken, I can see where you`re coming from. :)
If this works for you in the long run then fair one.

I personally think its crucial to be picky... Not being picky can be costly. When you`ve mentioned "..why this happened or that happened." I understand what you mean, however, if you have (not saying you don't) sufficient information from back testing, demoing, journal etc. you wont have that level of discretion to speak freely on whether or not you `think` its good or bad trade opportunity... Should be based upon hard facts and this is the process I go through but am still learning as I miss things (FTSE trade for example)

Dont get me wrong, i`ll take trades that were perfect but simply didn't work, but I am aiming for this to happen as little as possible. The other work brings in the money :)

Each to there own though if it works :)

eggs, suck, teach, grandmother....?

Hey man, your thread, your rules.

I`ll post just the entry at the time then...

I only assumed from one of your previous posts that it was ok for me to share how it is I trade... Im not competing with anyone and nor do I think I am the best, as a matter of fact I was looking for some open discussion on peoples positions and the reasons for why people have taken them ( and General Chat Lounge)...

Im sorry if i`ve got off on the wrong foot with people if that's the case?

Sorry :confused:

(just regarding the line i`ve highlighted in bold, I dont see how my forecasts on where I have an order in to take action is in anyway vague of my intentions, especially when I post AT THE TIME of entry on here as well, with stops AND targets.... I respect the format you want either way)

Hey dom, you didn't offend me if you're wondering. In fact, i had to have a giggle because you called ftse long the previous day and and i didn't see it so i went in the other direction and made 40 pips on ftse and dax while you got burned (which i'll show in the spirit of things if anyone is doubtful.)
People will talk to you about their methods (and be interested in yours) but remember to be humble bro' - you'll get much more from the whole thing. We're all here to help each other and rack up the pips.
Hope i'm not speaking out of turn Flash...:)
I hear you; I guess like most of us on this entire forum, its an isolated non-mentored cut throat industry to make it long term.

No two theories are wrong/right and no one way or the highway applies.

I`ve read what you mean regarding being humble and I think you`re right. I do need to watch my wording on things and I hope I haven't offended or come across super arrogant to anyone on here. (excluding the obvious intended flaming wars)

I guess my mentality has been created through frustration of over the years of learning a methodical and correct psychological approach toward trading whilst battling against friends and family with there misunderstanding of trading as a whole (naivety) and maybe this has been back handed off onto these forums; especially at the stage where I`ve been trading profitably and I understand losses (bla bla bla) etc...

For future reference, If I come across super arrogant or like im trying to teach ANYONE on here, im not. Im just typing the first thing that comes to mind and purely engaging in conversation about my thoughts, yours and the trade.

I, like everyone else, is always learning.... its the nature of the game. (<< something you cant teach) ;)
this is one of the best threads at T2W ....

why ?

because traders are invited to post and white

reputations made and lost - especially if wannabee vendors are trying to build reputations

excellent !
Long Order - $JPY

Entry - 79.750
stop - 79.533
Target - 80.000

(I am 100% taking this order if it hits it - Will try to call it if im at computer, I hope orders are ok? If not then no problem)
i would be happy to sell G/U below 1.5544 ....if it ever happens !