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From some hindsight trades one can learn - they are beneficial as well. But there are so many books, threads etc. about hindsight trading - some of them good for learning about trading and most of them just there to make money for somebody else.

Personally I prefer live trades (talking about set ups in advance and going through the process as it happens)

IMO it's not about proving how good one is at trading, it's more about getting a realistic picture about trading. It doesn't matter if calls end up in profit or loss - it's more important to see the idea behind. Then we can discuss and point some good and bad things about each trade - thus improving our trading skills. And I think live calls are the best for that purpose:)

lol. I've just had the same argument on the s&p thread...horses for courses and all that. :smart:
To me its more a case of keeping my discipline.If I trade in front of you guys there is nowhere to hide. I do however think everyone should be careful that they dont let the thread get control of them,Ive done it before on other threads as have others who have taken part.Its a great place to share trades and ideas etc,but it must only be that and posting the trades should be the last thought you should have in the trading process.
lol. I've just had the same argument on the s&p thread...horses for courses and all that. :smart:

We're too relaxed on the S&P to notice any arguments :p

Seriously though, one of the reasons Pat and I set the S&P thread up was because I asked Flash whether I could post trades up after the fact. Flash didn't want that and I had to respect the ethos of the live calls thread he had created.

For me, I'd rather be focused on the trade and then post afterwards. It's a preference, nothing more, nothing less.

Good luck boys and good work. :cool:
The reason for my exit early is a combination of a few basic factors:

1) Im against the daily trend
2) We`re entering in dead time where ranges will become smaller based upon time of day (indecision lack of momentum = not good)
3) Price on a lower TF (15m) has sharply rejected my TP of 1.01424
4) current 15m swing lower failed to create or even spike a new low from previous low at 19:30 seen on 15m.
5) Price is stalling beneath minor/tiny res between 1.01796 - 1.01858 (in fact closed between this level)
6) News for NZDUSD GDP coming out for 11:45 and price action could be stalling from now until then (might not have any influence but I view everything).

With all this said, Im not interested in what happens next in the market. My opinion and rules have been applied by walking away with my profit that I have now banked. I couldn't care less if the market drops its guts. (of course if it drops 500 pips that's a different story :) )

I haven't left empty handed and ive been disciplined to abide by very simple rules despite not banking +76.

Overall, TRUE R;R was 1:1.3, an ok trade.

3 wins this week:

+80.1 - GBPJPY
+40 - AUDUSD
+1.3 - GBPUSD

Total: +121.4
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@D-Berto. I like your style, and i like the way you keep an aggregate pip count. Nice work! Keep it up dude.
Can anyone tell me why I cant upload a personal picture beneath my name? I've done it under settings but when I click save it says "upload failed" yet the picture is shown there?

(everything is of correct resolution and size?)
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Can anyone tell me why I cant upload a personal picture beneath my name? I've done it under settings but when I click save it says "upload failed" yet the picture is shown there?

(everything is of correct resolution and size?)

Is this you?


You don't look like I expected you to. I thought you would be more like this:

Can anyone tell me why I cant upload a personal picture beneath my name? I've done it under settings but when I click save it says "upload failed" yet the picture is shown there?

(everything is of correct resolution and size?)

I cant remember exactly but i do remember the same thing happened to me and i remember it was because i hadn't worked that there is a difference between a profile pic and an avatar. The avatar has to be manipulated to less than 44kb before you upload. Or i might be talking absolute rubbish again...:eek:

I can't fault your attention to detail on your posting dom. If i had to do that every time i explained a trade, i'd probably lose the will to live :LOL:
I'd have to disagree with kimo'sabby about one thing though - personally i'm not keen on running counts. It infers the creation of a pecking order which i think sits uncomfortably here where people are at so many different places on their learning curves. I think it also says 'Look at me!' which is possibly one of the valid criticisms of live trading. No offence, but i hope no one else starts doing it...:)
Nice trade anyway and neat analysis.
I cant remember exactly but i do remember the same thing happened to me and i remember it was because i hadn't worked that there is a difference between a profile pic and an avatar. The avatar has to be manipulated to less than 44kb before you upload. Or i might be talking absolute rubbish again...:eek:

I can't fault your attention to detail on your posting dom. If i had to do that every time i explained a trade, i'd probably lose the will to live :LOL:
I'd have to disagree with kimo'sabby about one thing though - personally i'm not keen on running counts. It infers the creation of a pecking order which i think sits uncomfortably here where people are at so many different places on their learning curves. I think it also says 'Look at me!' which is possibly one of the valid criticisms of live trading. No offence, but i hope no one else starts doing it...:)
Nice trade anyway and neat analysis.

So I thought the avatar was a small logo beneath every post you type? Or are you saying that is the picture on the left <-----

I hear what you`re saying about aggregate results and I some what agree. Alternatively, on the flip side of your opinion there regarding a pecking war, I thin k you have to ask yourself what it is you`re looking to gain personally from this thread and declaring your trades live.

For me personally, I like to post these trades as accurately as possible, whether anyone reads them or not, It creates a level of discipline in line with my strategy and voicing (typing them out) them aloud where the general public, some of whom are more are more experienced than I am, of course, can scrutinize it if Im talking out of my ****. This just helps me become more strict and diligent by learning from mistakes openly.

Besides, we all carry a degree of pride in us and being wrong is one with, but being wrong when you have a set of rules that you moronically break is another.

Not to mention, just because I have posted 3 successful trades doesn't mean I wont have losing trades too ;)

I hope this makes sense and I understand if you have different views towards this thread then that's cool!

(remember one thing though, I wouldn't get into any pecking war with ANYONE other than people I find to be deliberately antagonizing and trolling where their arrogance is intolerable - Guess its a flaw of mine to voice my opinion when I shouldn't) :)
Order for long @ 79.740

Target: 80.072
Stop: 79.562

There a decent amount of news coming out at 13:30. So i`ll be watching this one closely.
Ok, so here is what im seeing on the FTSE and what I also missed as a potential trade too.

Things I have illustrated on these charts are only there for people to understand what it is i`m seeing and looking for.

The chart on the left is what we`re seeing now and the one on the right is going slightly back toward the end of April to show why price rejected that area.


  • ftse.gif
    63.6 KB · Views: 90
  • ftse_chart2.gif
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E/U sell at 1.2662 (stop -20) .........lets see if that strong USD is gonna really fly now