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I need some more Short term negativity on the Dow though....even a nudge south will do .....
i'm ready to roll but its not hit the 40 yet ......S/Loss 1.245(2) 10 pips depending on dynamics....c'mon
Sometimes you have to grasp the nettle by the horns to get baby a new bonnet with the dishwater...
Somewhere near days low will do for me.
in...aussies rolling south fast but will slow down soon ....Euro in the chair ....
and out ...I sense a little resistance coming ...hey i'm scalping here !
gotta scoot as still at work.....looks like there may be a little more in that move ...good luck and catch you all later

and out ...I sense a little resistance coming ...hey i'm scalping here !

Hey chappie,please sort your posting out,there was nothing clear about anything you said.I know it may be hard with your style of trading but it needs to remain a live call thread. Thanks
Hey chappie,please sort your posting out,there was nothing clear about anything you said.I know it may be hard with your style of trading but it needs to remain a live call thread. Thanks

apologies Flash - just read this - i'll remove recent posts as well
