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Just for future references why wouldn't this have been the best thread to take an answer from. Appreciate all the help!

Most of us here are trading forex, crude oil or Emini S&P so generally there wouldn't a lot of insight on equities in this thread. However around the t2w arena there are plenty of equity traders that could better answer your question. I think that's really all he meant.

Most of us here are trading forex, crude oil or Emini S&P so generally there wouldn't a lot of insight on equities in this thread. However around the t2w arena there are plenty of equity traders that could better answer your question. I think that's really all he meant.


For sure, thanks Peter! Man, it's like your becoming my unspoken mentor here. I'll try not to post anymore irrelevant material in this thread.
Thanks! Good advice. I managed to get stopped out. It was the wrong play for me to go short ATVI in the first place. And an even worse play for me not knowing that earnings would be out tomorrow. I made three mistakes with this trade which I plan on learning from and not repeating in the future. Thanks again, Peter.

Thanks, Lord Flashheart. I was under the impression that this was just a random trading thread. The thing is, I wasn't ahead at all. I was just trading the plan and being that I'm more of I mechanical trader I wouldn't move a stop.

Just for future references why wouldn't this have been the best thread to take an answer from. Appreciate all the help!

For a question like that,if you start a thread you will get more equity traders and many more will look at the question. This thread is mainly all live forex calls with the odd deviation.we will of course always try to answer.good luck
For a question like that,if you start a thread you will get more equity traders and many more will look at the question. This thread is mainly all live forex calls with the odd deviation.we will of course always try to answer.good luck

Thanks! I may just do that.
Hi All new here,
Being brave here
Selling gbp/usd @ 16194 stop 30 points

I wonder sometimes whether it is a good idea to leave a position running or to keep taking 30-40 points.

I opened 2 lots of the above position closed 1 for 44 points and still have the other running moving my stop loss to just 10 points above my entry, Since then my open position has given me a unrealised profit of up to 70 points downto a lousy 20 odd points.
Had I closed both positions I would have closed them at +44 and could call it a day on that pair and look for something else.
I will leave this position open to see if it will give me 200 odd points or knock me out for a 10 point loss.
Well target was reached but unfortunately stop taken out first...
I see there seems to be a prevailing thought that the buyers are ready to come in but i just don't see it going up far at the moment. I'd be surprised if it went much past 3040 today.
...but then it wouldn't be the first time i've misjudged sentiment. 😱

I watched it. it was 1.30000 at the time and it went to 1.3043 and tyrned round. how did you work that out please?
cant believe how tight the range has been on cable the last 24 hours, not even 100 pips from high to low.