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1386.25 (last significant low) & 1388.50 (nearest NVPOC) are levels of recent interest on ES for those interested in playing around those levels.
Short Position 2 13138 stop -10

^ Position 2 closed -2

Position 1 in post above closed -5
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long aud/usd at 1.0253 sl 1.0233

both these charts are at important 61.8 fib levels . suggest that aud is a strong fav for a bounce and will probably outperform gbp


  • 2012-04-04_1843.png
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  • 2012-04-04_1844.png
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i took the aussie,but on another look wish maybe id taken a short on gbp/aud,lets see
took assuie as it is also on atrendline
Tonight could be interesting. Will we finally see the long-awaited sell-off?

So far tonight:

- Seems like the market wants to go down. All JPY pairs I'm looking at appear weak. But yesterday was the same deal, and it went up. What gives?

- PSH (previous session high): 109.7

- PSL ( " " low): 109

- TRH (today's relevant high): 108.6

- TRL ( " " low): 108

- Current: ~108.25

So... a run down to 108, then back up to 108.6 or thereabouts? That's if we'll see a trading range, methinks.

The 5m looks like it wants to go up, though...

Decisions, decisions...