LIVE real money S&P500 daily mechanical trading

New trades / orders:

Buy £2.2 S&P500 @ 1293.9, SL 1278.9 (showing -£0.88 at the moment)
Sell order £2.2 S&P500 @ 1277.9, SL 1292.9

5 winners, 5 losers to date.
Trade update.
Profit realised overnight: £1.54. Opening price amended automatically to 1294.6.
Account balance: £627.69

Trade currently showing +£2.42.
Bit disappointed. Still waiting for some big move in January (hopefully in my direction !).

I love looking at forexpros and their "what is your sentiment" survey for a selected instrument. If it's bearish, I take it as a strong sign to buy and vice versa. Such a nice little indicator.
+£10.12. I hope it won't end up like yesterday, giving back all gains.
If I were more experienced, I would have closed yesterday's trade around 10 am.
is there any chance you can post the pip value of your trades to or the pip count to date please?
I'll try. There is this complication with Finspreads closing/reopening my trades overnight whereas I like to know whether the whole day is a winner or loser.

Here's account history with pips added in Excel. Total looks like -42 pips, because of the first trade (fortunately, with very low stake). Buy / Sell is the direction of closing trade, opening trade was opposite.

I have to stop peeking at my trades throughout the day. Otherwise, I get nervous.


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ok, that's it. SL moved to 1294.9 (+10 pips), opposite trade cancelled.
Could not resist... too much free time at work ?
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closed my trade @ 1305.5 for +£23.98. Account balance: £651.67.
First time I got a bigger win and I decided to close 1 hour early. Hopefully, I will not go much up now.

Totals for the day:
buy open @ 1293.9, closed @ 1305.5. Profit: £25.52 (116 pips).
well, if it does go up, I will have a better entry point for my sell trade @ 9 pm.

Forexpros were showing 73% bearish sentiment today for S&P (86% for FTSE100), so a BUY trade was pretty safe 🙂
New trades / orders:

Sell £2.3 S&P500 @ 1308.0, SL 1323.0 (showing -£0.22 at the moment)
Buy order £2.3 S&P500 @ 1324.0, SL 1309.0

6 winners, 5 losers to date.
Trade update.
Profit realised overnight: -£1.15. Opening price amended automatically to 1308.5.
Account balance: £650.37 (financing was -£0.14)

Trade currently showing +£3.68.
As said before, I left the current trade running.

Totals for the day:
sell open @ 1308.0, not closed @ 1314.8. Loss: -£15.64 (-68 pips).

6 winners, 6 losers.

Current trades / orders:

Sell £2.3 S&P500 @ 1308.5, SL 1329.8
Buy order £2.3 S&P500 @ 1330.8, SL 1315.8
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Trade update.
Loss realised overnight: -£9.43. Opening price amended automatically to 1312.6.
Account balance: £640.80 (financing was -£0.14)

Trade currently showing -£3.91.
Looking through my trade history, it seems that I missed out on around 40 pips by closing early on 13th (SL moved and hit) and 18th (manual close). I should stop manual tinkering...

On the other hand, there were days when I could have closed mid-day. This does not concern me too much, though. I did not set out to "better" this strategy by monitoring trades all the time. I just need to make sure I don't destroy a potentially profitable system.

Trade currently showing +£2.52.