Live Forex Signals || FX - Guru

FX - Guru

Junior member
Dear fellows,

I am starting this thread to record my trading activities. I am posting original and trade-able signals here - only. Above all I have a great wish to learn from people around here.

* I will try to update this thread on regular (daily) basis.

Happy trading,

FX - Guru
dont talk about it, start from somewhere

inside the trading journal like some of us do
what happend to your first post ?
you called a long from 500 to 600
not a very good start , if you have had to change it
I see your a newbie , and this is your 1st, or second post depending how you look at it
and already you have 5 stars ,
please tell me how you got 5 stars with only 1 post
this sort of thing dose not inspire confidence

I look forward to your replie , as I see you are on line and looking at this page
Mr. Fx Guru....You deleted your last night call .... :rolleyes:
It was Long GBP/USD @ 1.9500 Limit @ 1.9550 Stop @ 1.9450.... :LOL:
You may Be a Guru but not Fx-Guru.... :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
karmit said:
How did you manage to get 5 stars anyway?!

he when on an other computer and gave him self some

I think fx guru should just go away
and think again
hornblower said:
he when on an other computer and gave him self some

I think fx guru should just go away
and think again

If only giving yourself forex pips ALL the time was that easy :))
One answer to all friends

Dear friends,

In fact yesterday I started this thread with "somewhat" same introduction message. I also initiated two trades which were stopped out with 50 pips loss (each). I did not delete my previous posts, in fact I still wonder, "If I have already posted TWO posts here. Then why my profile is showning a new start? Where are my previous posts? And where is my Thread?"

If I not wrong some body from forum management found my "welcome message" not eligible. Therefore, I have changed the language of my welcome message and have no choice.. starting from zero. Okay! lets be very honest and fair... with 100 pips in loss :)

Secondly for sake of entertaining my self or perhaps for no reason "I voted my self with five stars" Besides I told some of my friends that I am going to start a new thread here, perhaps they have done the same. Trust me or not, all this happened with no crual intention. Rather I suggest all my friends here to vote me with the worst option they have. Never Mind. So things will be equal and fair.

Very importantly, I am not claiming my self a Guru of Forex or anything. It's just a nick name. Secondly (please forgive my over-confidence) I also know (like others here) what is forex and how to deal with it. This thread will help me prove my words true in near future.

Happy trading all,

FX - Guru
FX - Guru said:
Dear friends,

In fact yesterday I started this thread with "somewhat" same introduction message. I also initiated two trades which were stopped out with 50 pips loss (each). I did not delete my previous posts, in fact I still wonder, "If I have already posted TWO posts here. Then why my profile is showning a new start? Where are my previous posts? And where is my Thread?"

If I not wrong some body from forum management found my "welcome message" not eligible. Therefore, I have changed the language of my welcome message and have no choice.. starting from zero. Okay! lets be very honest and fair... with 100 pips in loss :)

Secondly for sake of entertaining my self or perhaps for no reason "I voted my self with five stars" Besides I told some of my friends that I am going to start a new thread here, perhaps they have done the same. Trust me or not, all this happened with no crual intention. Rather I suggest all my friends here to vote me with the worst option they have. Never Mind. So things will be equal and fair.

Very importantly, I am not claiming my self a Guru of Forex or anything. It's just a nick name. Secondly (please forgive my over-confidence) I also know (like others here) what is forex and how to deal with it. This thread will help me prove my words true in near future.

Happy trading all,

FX - Guru
Guru you are the man......give me some more Live Calls
FX - Guru said:
Dear friends,

In fact yesterday I started this thread with "somewhat" same introduction message. I also initiated two trades which were stopped out with 50 pips loss (each). I did not delete my previous posts, in fact I still wonder, "If I have already posted TWO posts here. Then why my profile is showning a new start? Where are my previous posts? And where is my Thread?"

If I not wrong some body from forum management found my "welcome message" not eligible. Therefore, I have changed the language of my welcome message and have no choice.. starting from zero. Okay! lets be very honest and fair... with 100 pips in loss :)

Secondly for sake of entertaining my self or perhaps for no reason "I voted my self with five stars" Besides I told some of my friends that I am going to start a new thread here, perhaps they have done the same. Trust me or not, all this happened with no crual intention. Rather I suggest all my friends here to vote me with the worst option they have. Never Mind. So things will be equal and fair.

Very importantly, I am not claiming my self a Guru of Forex or anything. It's just a nick name. Secondly (please forgive my over-confidence) I also know (like others here) what is forex and how to deal with it. This thread will help me prove my words true in near future.

Happy trading all,

FX - Guru
I like your Guru Trading Stile....Keep up the "Good Work"...... :LOL:

laptop1 said:
You cant vote for you self.

Sorry I won't next time, I will not request my close friends to do this for me as well. However, I will wait for the time to come when you ( along many tohers) will give me five stars. ;) [just kidding]

Mr. Black thanks for your friendly gesture, you have helped me regained my confidence to continue this thread with heights of honesty and interest.

FX - Guru
Hey guys leave him alone, are you bored with trading so wasting time and energy over things that are not relevant! than negative thoughts will affect your trading!
Last edited:
u r talking too much, sell EURO @13087

please start your trading journal or leave it
Forex Trade Signal - 08 Jan 2006

Dear fellows,

ENTRY - 118.40
STOP - 117.90
LIMIT - 119.20


ENTRY - 1.9320
STOP - 1.9370
LIMIT - 1.9100
u r lost; accepting 50pips loss per trade

your proposals are worthless, sorry.
from my point of view

1.) usdjpy isnt the market to trade at this time
2.) if u feel different u r not trading based on technical studies


  • Usdjpy.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 251
I am disapointed

pssonice said:
1.) usdjpy isnt the market to trade at this time
2.) if u feel different u r not trading based on technical studies

Dear fellows,

I tried starting a thread to publish my live forex signals twice. Twice means, my thread has been pulled out without telling me any reason... ???

All I can track is the last two posts from my respectable friend "pssonice". In the first post he said that "because my initial stop loss limit is 50pips away therefore I am worthless". So my dear "pssonice" my stop loss limits are trailing stops, means we will gradually reduce the 50pips gap.

In second post again my dear friend says that buying USD/JPY at 118.40 is not a sensible aproach. So, my dear friend "pssonice" I give full marks to your analysis but, don't you think I should have a chance to act with freedom in my thread? Of course, perople here are very knowledgable and experts to judge what is right and what is wrong...???

I think (but not sure) my dear friend "pssonice" has reported my thread not eligible to the management so thread is gone again...

I don't know what to say... If a trader needs to follow the analysis of some selected poeple here? Or management is the power and ultimate source of analysis to judge (BEFORE TIME) which trade signal is correct and which one is wrong???

Well... I think... I am not welcomed here... for some reasons... which I don't know...

FX - Guru