Liquid Millionaire, ISACO, Stephen Sutherland

Agreed - hence the benefit of getting advice on these forums.

The advice is dont waste your money on this. Do you realise how easily you accept the notion that you can get rich quick yet you ask for more and more proof that its a scam? You are believing what you want to believe. Just like the pensioner wanting to believe that Nigerian General is going to send them money, I mean he's an officer, how could he possibly lie?
I won't be - as my lengthy post above explains.

Just want to get debate and opinions for people searching for information to read ... as I was a few months ago.

To turn this around - are there ANY information/advice services out there (not get rich quick) that can help a novice investor with a desire to learn the markets gain knowledge?

Or are all companies offering training etc a scam because of the "if they're so good, why would they bother teaching people argument ..." etc etc

Does the same rule apply for books?
I won't be - as my lengthy post above explains.

Just want to get debate and opinions for people searching for information to read ... as I was a few months ago.

To turn this around - are there ANY information/advice services out there (not get rich quick) that can help a novice investor with a desire to learn the markets gain knowledge?

Or are all companies offering training etc a scam because of the "if they're so good, why would they bother teaching people argument ..." etc etc

Does the same rule apply for books?

Not everything is a scam but nothing is going to make you profitable. That is down to years of hard work that nobody can do for you. Anyone that promises you otherwise is just after your money, don't fall for it.
There are good books and people out there.

Here's how to find someone worthwhile. if they tell you hard hard successful trading and investment are, if they tell you how much work, sweat and tears you'll have to put in etc, those are the people you want to follow. But their words often get crowded out by the dream sellers, the marketers who tell you anyone can get rich, it's not hard and you won't have to spend much time or effort doing so.
Its a scam. I know because I was duped by them. Basically the book is a heavy sales pitch for the companies investment services that cost £8000 or more up front. They will give you no proof of any success but make out that they can get you returns of 15-20% per year or more for little risk.

The author of the book actually advised his clients to stay in the market throughout the whole crash in 2008 - describing the market as healthy!! The loss during that year was over 50% - meaning clients would have to make 100% gains just to break even.

I lost a fortune following this idiot.
There's only one way to trade your way to £1 million with any of these guys, start with £2 million. I have never heard of anyone making money with this type of scheme, well apart from the guy selling it.
These are just brilliant.

If anyone is interested, this is the plain, unvarnished truth:

If you even consider one of these things, you are a sucker. Saying you want proof before deciding against it doesn't make you any better.

They are scams, it is obvious they are scams, and if you give them your money you will loose it. End of story.

Just grow up and stop being such idiots.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh or rude, but believe me it is the best advice you will get and it will stop you from wasting your money.
Hi there,

i came on this forum as i too was looking for some info about this way of investing.
thanks Rob VS for all the comments and questions you have asked so far.
As for yourself as well, i am guessing the only good repsonse you have gotten so far was the one from ftse100ppt; it would be AMAZING to get a detailed review of the experience in order for other people such as us to really understand what and how it happened.
I am sure it would be painful to do so after having lost great amount of money but it would be of great help to others.

Regarding ALL the other comments, i founded them completely usueless i am afraid.
Everyone can respond in these negative ways but all in all no of you have been able to give any real constructive criticism.

The system actually talks about getting richer over 20, 30 years so it is not really a get rich quick scheme; it is presented thqt way.

I wonder if any of the people that posted comments on this thread are actually succesful stock market investors? The technic make complete sense to me although i completely understand that it is probably not that easy to read the market.
Investors such as Warren Buffett have made their fortune on the stock market so it is absolutely do able...

I think it would be VERY intereting for the people that responded to this thread tell us what their situation is (i.e. have you achieve financial freedom yet and if yes how? are you experienced in stock market? actually trading high level of stocks? etc...)
I believe anyone can give good advice and it goes the same the other way...

All the best

Maybe you should be asking if Stephen Sutherland has achieved financial freedom and if not why not. Isn't this the guy that lived in Rochdale or somewhere? Not exactly Monte Carlo.
Hi there,

As for yourself as well, i am guessing the only good repsonse you have gotten so far was the one from ftse100ppt; it would be AMAZING to get a detailed review of the experience in order for other people such as us to really understand what and how it happened.

Regarding ALL the other comments, i founded them completely usueless i am afraid.
Everyone can respond in these negative ways but all in all no of you have been able to give any real constructive criticism.

The system actually talks about getting richer over 20, 30 years so it is not really a get rich quick scheme; it is presented thqt way.

I wonder if any of the people that posted comments on this thread are actually succesful stock market investors? The technic make complete sense to me although i completely understand that it is probably not that easy to read the market.
Investors such as Warren Buffett have made their fortune on the stock market so it is absolutely do able...

I think it would be VERY intereting for the people that responded to this thread tell us what their situation is (i.e. have you achieve financial freedom yet and if yes how? are you experienced in stock market? actually trading high level of stocks? etc...)
I believe anyone can give good advice and it goes the same the other way...


It really does amaze me the level of ignorance people show. There have been a lot of good responses on here they just get disregarded because they aren't what you want to hear.

Instead of asking the people who have replied to you what their situation is in order to determine how much value to give to their post, why don't you consider the situation of the guy who is selling the system, a supposed millionaire that lives in Oldham and wastes his time selling systems instead of living it up like I would be!
Actually it was Oldham. Still not Monte Carlo though strictly speaking it is about 6 miles closer.
My situation: I trade index futures, very profitably.

You are either a moron or a scammer. That's it.

Hi there,

i came on this forum as i too was looking for some info about this way of investing.
thanks Rob VS for all the comments and questions you have asked so far.
As for yourself as well, i am guessing the only good repsonse you have gotten so far was the one from ftse100ppt; it would be AMAZING to get a detailed review of the experience in order for other people such as us to really understand what and how it happened.
I am sure it would be painful to do so after having lost great amount of money but it would be of great help to others.

Regarding ALL the other comments, i founded them completely usueless i am afraid.
Everyone can respond in these negative ways but all in all no of you have been able to give any real constructive criticism.

The system actually talks about getting richer over 20, 30 years so it is not really a get rich quick scheme; it is presented thqt way.

I wonder if any of the people that posted comments on this thread are actually succesful stock market investors? The technic make complete sense to me although i completely understand that it is probably not that easy to read the market.
Investors such as Warren Buffett have made their fortune on the stock market so it is absolutely do able...

I think it would be VERY intereting for the people that responded to this thread tell us what their situation is (i.e. have you achieve financial freedom yet and if yes how? are you experienced in stock market? actually trading high level of stocks? etc...)
I believe anyone can give good advice and it goes the same the other way...

All the best

Does anyone have have information about a service offered in the book "Liquid Millionaire". This book is basically a sales pitch for a service called "ISA Trend Investing". The service is a shadow trading service where you pay your fee and get access to a trading strategy that involves using "trending investment funds" inside an ISA (or SIPP) wrapper. You then shadow trade what the service providers are trading. This service is "pioneered" by two brothers Stephen and Paul Sutherland.

thanks in advance,

Hello Everyone,

For those interested in finding out about ISACO and Liquid Millionaire and Stephen Sutherland, you all have good reason to be suspicious. Take a look at this article about them by The Investors Chronicle Magazine:

It hilights their dubious service.
Hello Everyone,

For those interested in finding out about ISACO and Liquid Millionaire and Stephen Sutherland, you all have good reason to be suspicious. Take a look at this article about them by The Investors Chronicle Magazine:

It hilights their dubious service.

A quote from that article says "I see ISACO Ltd (his company) was previously called 'FILTHY RICH ENTERPRISES LIMITED'. To my mind that says it all, really". Which is exactly what I said some months ago.
Hi, this is Paul Sutherland and I’m the managing director at ISACO.

It’s true that Investors Chronicle (IC) didn’t like Liquid Millionaire and they are not the first company to not like it. Unfortunately you are never going to get everybody who reads a book to like it.

In relation to the IC negative review, many of our premium clients who include bankers, doctors, lawyers and dentists felt that the article was inaccurate and raised some points not correct or truthful. They also thought it was misleading and unfair. Many posted comments on the IC website but sadly IC removed them all. Why they removed them we have no idea?

And so before you decide to blacklist us on the back of one clearly unhappy journalist, I think it’s only fair to hear our side of the story.

Here are 3 points that may help:

1) Please take a look at the authors reply to the IC article. Inaccuracies that our clients weren’t happy about are pointed out.

2) Take a look at almost 200 unbiased reviews of Liquid Millionaire by going to

TIP: If you take your time you will find reviews from ISACO premium clients who have experienced the shadow investing premium service.

3) To put the record straight, ISACO Ltd was been in business for ten years and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA Register No. 525147

I hope this helps. If you wanted to speak to me then I would be happy to do that. Just contact me via our site.

Yours Sincerely,

Paul Sutherland

PS: Also, if you didn’t like Liquid Millionaire, I promise to give you a full refund. Liquid Millionaire has a life time guarantee so please feel free to claim if it’s not your cup of tea.
So how do you get around the FSAs requirement about not providing individual advice?

"Not allowed to give personal recommendations

Limited to advice that does not consist of tailored recommendations to individuals and does not amount to a "personal recommendation" as defined in the FSA handbook"
I'm out today (moving around). However your question is very important to me so I will post a detailed reply tomorrow.

If thats ok with you?


So how do you get around the FSAs requirement about not providing individual advice?

"Not allowed to give personal recommendations

Limited to advice that does not consist of tailored recommendations to individuals and does not amount to a "personal recommendation" as defined in the FSA handbook"
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Hi, this is Paul Sutherland and I’m the managing director at ISACO.

In relation to the IC negative review, many of our premium clients who include bankers, doctors, lawyers and dentists felt that the article was inaccurate and raised some points not correct or truthful. They also thought it was misleading and unfair. Many posted comments on the IC website but sadly IC removed them all. Why they removed them we have no idea?

"bankers, doctors, lawyers and dentists" eh? That reminds me of what people used to say about the apparently surprising make up of the clientèle of seedy strip joints. Theses places were so full of "bankers, doctors, lawyers and dentists" I always wondered where ordinary scumbags went to look at titties.

Anyway, they did not remove all the comments - here is one from a very satisfied "customer" of yours, reproduced in full:

JimLaw wrote:
Having read Moira O'Neill's article "Why we didn't recommend the Liquid Millionaire" I feel that your criticisms of the book were totally unsubstantiated, and more an attempt to reel in readers with a catchy headline.
Having lost a large amount of my F. A. recommended pension fund in the fiasco which was '08, I happened upon a six line article in the Lancashire Living magazine, which, whilst not being a recommendation of Stephen Sutherland's abilities, did enough for me to form the opinion that there was something in his ideas. Further, it gave me the confidence to determine that I could do no worse than the 'professionals' and, being retired, would be able to devote whatever time was required to the preservation of what was left in my pension. I phoned ISACO, had my 'interview' and signed up, convinced that the service offered was definitely NOT in the "get rich quick" category you state.(five years at my age is a lifetime). £7200 in May '09 now audited £15,282! Q.

This person did not lose a large amount of his pension in 08. What might have happened is that he saw a large decline and then decided to switch to something lower risk, so missing out on the extraordinary rally.

If he needed the money for income (he says he is retired), he should have been in a more appropriate asset mix. If he didn't he created his own loss by switching at a silly time.

He praises you for doubling the money he invested in May 09. Will you explain to him that this is no great feat considering May 09 was practically the bottom, and that investing in an S&P tracker would have done the same? The fact that someone states his returns from the low of the market might be a coincidence, but it would make a more cynical person than me highly suspicious.
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