Lib Dem's New Banking Rules

Yeah but that quiz is rather stupid.

The BNP are racist socialists. Seriously, read their manifesto!
I got 41% SNP. Just because I live in Scotland. I'm going to try it with Wales and see what comes up...

Also my percentages didn't add up.

Edit: Wow what a surprise 50% Plaid Cymru
BNP is a joke.. I remember when its f1ckf@ce "leader" appeared on TV to "clarify" their "stand"

He was denying stuff, followed by his video clips with him saying exactly what he was denying... hilarious!! what a p4ssy!
1. Lib Dem
2. Green
3. BNP
5. Labour
6. Conservative

Test was a bit daft though. Why does my agreeing that the view that immigrants should be given ID cards and that immigrant who commit crimes should be deported mean that I agree with the BNP? We have enough criminals already is all. And if there is a shortage of skilled workers here then why do we not adopt some sort of points based system like Australia? I'm sure cutting jobseekers 18-40 yr old who do not accept at least part time job (still need time to look for a proper job) after 6-12 months on the dole would lead to a lot of applications for mopping up duty.
Give me lib dem as no1 on the basis of agreeing with increase to 10k personal allowance.
Sh1t test.

This whole election is tripe anyway. Have to pick between a guy who just wants an oil painting of himself as PM and a guy who throws money at scroungers to keep the economy turning rather than admit he made a few mistakes.

I'll go with whoever pushes some sort of viable international financial refom. Can't let this kind of thing happen again. My grandads pension was decimated last year and as he didn't know better he drew down what was left as advised by a letter from the firm.
I can't stand those online quiz things (although naturally I took it anyway). The questions are absurd.

For example, NHS admin costs should be cut by a third, numbers of MPs should be reduced by 10%. I had to put yes for both, although if it was up to me the axe would fall a damn sight more heavily than that, especially on MPs.

Or spending should be cut across all departments, but one can't exclude those that shouldn't suffer cuts such as defence.

Anyway, I came out as most likely to vote BNP 😆. As the son of an immigrant, I find it unlikely that I will vote for an explicitly racist party whose fondest wish is to send them all back.

And as a conservative (not Tory - the two have nothing to do with one another) I find it unlikely that I will vote for a lunatic left wing outfit like the BNP.

The quiz couldn't actually have got the right answer because it omitted my choice, which has long been the most popular choice in UK elections, although sadly I and others like me have no way to record our selection.

Because to get me to vote for the ZaNu Tories, Liebour, Limp Dims, Raving Eco-Marxists or the B4rstard (k)Nobend Party, or indeed any of the main political parties in the UK, you would have to put a gun to my head.

And even then you'd have to pay me.

There are no words of excoriation strong enough for the modern political class. A pox upon the entire festering band of whoresons and pimps.
UK Independence Party:


good job i was voting for them anyway!

Labour Party:

17% <- says it all!
Left wing ? The policies are about as right wing as possible.


I actually don't like the terms "right" and "left" as in reality they are all but meaningless, and I shouldn't have used them in the first place. Just laziness I suppose - mea culpa.

Presumably the "right wing" policies you refer to are their ones on race? Racism as the preserve of the "right" is just a myth, and quite a hard one to understand if I may say so. Hitler, for example, considered himself a socialist, and as for ethnic cleansing, well nobody did it like Uncle Joe. Ask the Ukranians, or the Tartars, or... well, there's a lot of them.

Although as I say, "right" and "left" are really just lazy terms of abuse.

This links to the BNP's website - a precis of their economic policy:

Protectionism and nationalisation, with a dollop of punishing bankers thrown in for good measure.

How about this from health?

"Finally, more emphasis must be placed on healthy living with greater understanding of sickness prevention through physical exercise, a healthier environment and improved diets."

The rest is mostly about getting the "market" out of the NHS.

Their environment section has little the Greens would object to, and a particularly nasty section on population control, which is very much the preserve of the progressive left.

Housing and welfare has this little gem:

"Take all privatised social housing stock back under local democratically controlled council ownership;"

They talk tough on crime, personal responsibility, benefit reform and so on, but this is not right wing by any means. The old Labour party would have been in complete agreement.

A nasty, extreme left-wing party sustained only by the idiocy, mendacity and corruption of the tri-partite coalition that has ruled our poor country for decades.

Once again, a pox on all of them.
yes how are bnp left wing? they are on the far right along with the rest of the fascists

In practice there is little difference between extreme right and extreme left. Socialism and fascism are the closest of cousins.

Both in general are fiercely anti-capitalist.
I actually don't like the terms "right" and "left" as in reality they are all but meaningless, and I shouldn't have used them in the first place. Just laziness I suppose - mea culpa.

Presumably the "right wing" policies you refer to are their ones on race? Racism as the preserve of the "right" is just a myth, and quite a hard one to understand if I may say so. Hitler, for example, considered himself a socialist, and as for ethnic cleansing, well nobody did it like Uncle Joe. Ask the Ukranians, or the Tartars, or... well, there's a lot of them.

Don't forget the Chechens. Putin is still ethnically cleansing them, and now he can claim it's part of the "war on terror". Don't you just love geopolitics.

Yes, left-wing and right-wing are fairly meaningless terms, as is "socialist".
Is the government of the People's Republic of China left-wing or right-wing? Are they socialists or capitalists?

What counts is power and some people will do anything at all to acquire it and hang on to it, including exploiting human nature's natural tendency towards tribalism up to and including genocide, as we have seen several times in the lifetimes of probably even quite young members of T2W, let alone old gits like me.

And without wishing to make a party point, a certain well-known mainstream political party was using overt racism in its election leaflets as recently (I think) as the early 1970s, which is not to say that racism is confined to that party; it is not. It occurs in all classes and in all walks of life, as does tribalism. I think they are closely related, if not actually the same thing.
In practice there is little difference between extreme right and extreme left. Socialism and fascism are the closest of cousins.

Both in general are fiercely anti-capitalist.

Possibly in theory, but not in practice, cf. modern China, cf. Hitler's cosying up to big business before he came to power.
Don't forget the Chechens. Putin is still ethnically cleansing them, and now he can claim it's part of the "war on terror". Don't you just love geopolitics.

Yes, left-wing and right-wing are fairly meaningless terms, as is "socialist".
Is the government of the People's Republic of China left-wing or right-wing? Are they socialists or capitalists?

What counts is power and some people will do anything at all to acquire it and hang on to it, including exploiting human nature's natural tendency towards tribalism up to and including genocide, as we have seen several times in the lifetimes of probably even quite young members of T2W, let alone old gits like me.

And without wishing to make a party point, a certain well-known mainstream political party was using overt racism in its election leaflets as recently (I think) as the early 1970s, which is not to say that racism is confined to that party; it is not. It occurs in all classes and in all walks of life, as does tribalism. I think they are closely related, if not actually the same thing.

Good post.