Level 2

Click on the equity in your portfolio and Right Click.
You will get the left hand screenshot view and you just select the area I have highlighted in red.

With the new Level II screen now shown you click on "Site" and you will then get the screenshot view shown on the right. I have highlighted the 2 sites you may want to include. Obviously if you want both then you have to repeat the above to open another Level II screen.

When I tried this I did not get a second level 11 screen. However, if I did it for a different equity then I got a second screen and if I change the symbol to that of the first equity I could get data from a second site as Paul has shown.

Just as a matter of interest, am I right in saying that on the main Level II screen, Island = cinn, and Archipelago = arcx ?
As a result of the assistance I have obtained on this thread mainly from Paul and also from Naz, I am now using Level II in a basic but useful mode.

I use the main Level II screen plus the Island and Arcipelago screens mainly to tell me whether I should enter a trade ( or not ), looking to see if I can get out at or near my planned stop, and also in conjunction with the Time and Sales screen as a kind of momentum indicator.

Thanks for your help guys.

I am up and running and making use of this valuable tool now.
Conservatory roof has been found and sellotaped back on without the need for Level II.
Has anyone read the ebook, " Electronic Trading Guide for NASDAQ Level 2"?

I came across this on www.onlinetradingstore.com

Please note that this is not an advert. It is just me pursuing my quest to learn more about the techniques of using Level 2.