Level 2 Newbie advice wanted


Junior member
I live in the UK and I have had a certain amount of success Intra-day trading by spread betting the US stocks after 2:30 in the afternoon (a civilised time)

I ignore the bookies so called award winning charting that is supplied free with the spreadbetting platform and I have been using an eSignal Datafeed ($110.00 per month) with a programme called Visual Trader Reatime from Nirvana Systems $1495.00. This is an excellent system and works well by grouping stocks into sectors...although obviously not connected in any way with the spreadbetting platform.

At the end of each month I manage to have slightly more wins than losses but not yet reliable enough to go full time trading. This is because relying exclusively on Technical Analysis on short term time frames 2,5,15,60 mins is unreliable and does not give the whole picture!

And then I discovered that there was Level 2 and the light went on

So my questions are:

How do I get Level 2 NYSE, NASDAQ
What is the best software to use
Is it available freestanding (without opening an account)
What sort of costs are involved.
Where can I learn more

Thanks in advance
You can get cheapo level 2 via sites like advfn and moneyam, but if you fancy going direct access (the best way in my opinion, although I have spreadbetting accounts to hedge), then you can do worse than sign up for someone like GNI Touch (whom will supply level2).