Let's Start a Skype Group


Junior member
Hey Guy and Girls,

I was sitting here trading and thought it would be cool to start a Skype group:idea:. The group would be for traders preferably Forex traders to learn, and chat to each other. We may make a few friendships along the way, we may learn something from someone along the way but the main reason i would like to start one is because it gets boring and would like to get to know some other traders.

Now i know straight away people will think that i am trying to do this for the intention to try sell something, but this has nothing to do with spamming!!!! I repeat not trying to do some spam bulls!@t!!!!!

If you would like a place to come and chat about FX then this will be the place to come too.

I think i have set it up right... but i guess we will find out. The groups name is: Traders-Central

What kind of time frame? I am on the east cost of the US and finish trading by 2 or 3 local time...
What kind of time frame? I am on the east cost of the US and finish trading by 2 or 3 local time...

Hi Who am i.

I Myself trade from around 10am Sydney time till around 3am. So around the beginning of the Asain session till towards the end of the London session. But if i can leave it open 24hrs i will.

I just think it would be good to have a place where we can go chat and learn from each other. Whether people want to share an idea, call a trade that they are taking, or ask have a question, i think it would be a good thing.

At the moment it seems that it is not that interesting to people, but i guess we will see how it all goes?😀
You might get more interest if you have some sort of frame work like which pairs to trade, time frames,some sort of strategy which you have found useful
trading is quite a solitary occupation and unless there is some sort of setup that has common purpose then a skype room is just another chat room with no clear objective or purpose albeit the broad one of trading.
Hope this helps.

Good Luck
You might get more interest if you have some sort of frame work like which pairs to trade, time frames,some sort of strategy which you have found useful
trading is quite a solitary occupation and unless there is some sort of setup that has common purpose then a skype room is just another chat room with no clear objective or purpose albeit the broad one of trading.
Hope this helps.

Good Luck

Hi Gamma,

Okay you make a valid point👍. But the purpose of this is to have a room for people to go and chat about trading, what a pair might be doing, to perhaps learn a thing or two from each other. You can learn a lot from people by just talking to them, you just have to have your ears open and want to learn something....and a lot of the best things i have learnt haven't even been when i have been looking for them. It has just come in the way of talking to people. We can make some good friendships through this. Even if you want to come and put up a trade you maybe taking totally up to you.

I am not throwing this out there to teach everyone a system. If someone learns something from me thats great, but it comes from talking that people will learn. And at the same time i will look to pick up things from talking to others as well.

So the objective will be to grow a nice little chat room that traders of all levels can come and learn from the more experienced, teach the less experienced, and build a good community inside the room.

Okay so the idea doesn't have a; this is a strategy lets trade it kinda theme, but it's not meant to be.

Thx for your input Gamma🙂

The main problem with a chat room is noise I don't mean the audible type but noise about the eccentricities and behavior of a particular pair which might pander to different time frames and reaction to news etc.
However if a broad based formula is preset then you have a frame work to adhere to.
a good example is the cable breakout thread that ran for quite a long time although not in the skype format.
But whichever way you proceed I wish you well
The main problem with a chat room is noise I don't mean the audible type but noise about the eccentricities and behavior of a particular pair which might pander to different time frames and reaction to news etc.
However if a broad based formula is preset then you have a frame work to adhere to.
a good example is the cable breakout thread that ran for quite a long time although not in the skype format.
But whichever way you proceed I wish you well

Hey Gamma,

I see what you are saying. Thx for posting all the best to you too!😉

Be careful, I have being in a few skype rooms, I would back Gamma's views, imho and experience, skyping and trading to do not go hand in hand, each to their own though

Be careful, I have being in a few skype rooms, I would back Gamma's views, imho and experience, skyping and trading to do not go hand in hand, each to their own though

Hi Dinos.

Thank you for the advice. I am doing it for one reason and that is to meet other traders, to meet and chat, and maybe learn something new from someone along the way.

I see what you are saying but this not a room to come and learn just one system. It is a room to meet and chat to other traders and learn what ever you can along the way, adding new tools to the tool box. I have already come across a guy that has put in the direction of a thread that i am sure i have passed by so many times of the years that looks interesting, and by talking to someone new i am learning something new which could be helpful.

Again thx for the input and happy trading!!😀
Aussie__Pride, sounds like a great idea. My only problem is I got Windows 7 and having trouble finding Skype software compatible with it.
Aussie__Pride, sounds like a great idea. My only problem is I got Windows 7 and having trouble finding Skype software compatible with it.

Thats weird, what kind of problems? I have windows 7 64 bit and just downloaded skype from their site, haven't had any problems...
I bought a phone for it, and after I got it set up, it was then I found it works with everything except Windows 7.
I bought a phone for it, and after I got it set up, it was then I found it works with everything except Windows 7.

Hey Pipcounter,

I still have Windows XP lol. I don't have a head set yet to chat, plus i like listening to music when i am on the PC. I will get one soon though, just been to lazy to go out and get one lol.
Me too! I got music, baseball, old-time radio, talk show, or basketball on.
At least it's good to know my upper addle didn't get scrambled. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one with the Windows 7 problem.
I have a thread called "Some of my trades and forecasts", so if you want to join me over there feel free to give your input, and feel free to even disagree with my forecasts. I enjoy good constructive dialogue.

Hey Pipcounter,

I still have Windows XP lol. I don't have a head set yet to chat, plus i like listening to music when i am on the PC. I will get one soon though, just been to lazy to go out and get one lol.
Hey Guy and Girls,

I was sitting here trading and thought it would be cool to start a Skype group:idea:. The group would be for traders preferably Forex traders to learn, and chat to each other. We may make a few friendships along the way, we may learn something from someone along the way but the main reason i would like to start one is because it gets boring and would like to get to know some other traders.

Now i know straight away people will think that i am trying to do this for the intention to try sell something, but this has nothing to do with spamming!!!! I repeat not trying to do some spam bulls!@t!!!!!

If you would like a place to come and chat about FX then this will be the place to come too.

I think i have set it up right... but i guess we will find out. The groups name is: Traders-Central


I would love to be in your Skype room! I am a complete Newbie at Forex and don't want to go at it alone! I work online full time and I am always on Skype.

Please add me to your contacts.. my Skype ID is toddhirsch

Thanks. 🙂