lets further improve IB options trader, so it can be ranked amongst the best


Junior member
The IB suggestions forum for IB users is a way of getting IB users ideas developed. One of my suggestions did get developed 🙂 'OCA for combo orders'.
so far l am surprised not a single vote has been received for my latest 2 suggestions, then again, reckon vast majority of ib users dont use, i rarely use, ~ once every 3 years?! suggestions are for fast options combo input and % profit calculations, not just pop %, and lastly market maker move, ie, expected move of the underlying, which is more accurate than subjective chart readings

vote much appreciated.
One suggestion, at least for the android client, would be to support rolling of options trades. It's really the only time I have to use TWS. Maybe the iOS traders out there already have that ability, I semi-recall seeing a feature update where it mentioned it.
One suggestion, at least for the android client, would be to support rolling of options trades. It's really the only time I have to use TWS. Maybe the iOS traders out there already have that ability, I semi-recall seeing a feature update where it mentioned it.
Sharky, put in that suggestion, let me know and l be happy to vote. my suggestion for IB's 'strategy builder' would make inputting complex option combos and adjusting their quantites almost as fast as TasyWorks, whose software are definitely in a different league for ease of inputting or rolling orders for options. All IB option traders please vote!