Let me trade with you


My name is David and I am wondering if there is anyone out there that is a veteran trader with daily results that would let me trade with them (preferably while sitting next to them). I need to learn and make profits. Is there anyone out there that would give me that bone? By the way, I live in Miami Beach, Florida and my email is [email protected]. Help please,
I don't think anyone will agree to that, the reason being trading is solitary profession.The reason I would not have anyone sitting next to me is, it would put me under pressure to trade.
Try posting any questions you have here and the helpful people will always try to make suggestions and help
I have daily results...I also have a bone...If he doesnt' come, I will.

(you'll feed me, yes?)
I have daily results...I also have a bone...If he doesnt' come, I will.

(you'll feed me, yes?)

I don't understand if you guys are serious about coming to miami or just joking. Also, you do realize that I am a dude and the 'bone' line was just a euphemism for help.
My name is David and I am wondering if there is anyone out there that is a veteran trader with daily results that would let me trade with them (preferably while sitting next to them). I need to learn and make profits. Is there anyone out there that would give me that bone? By the way, I live in Miami Beach, Florida and my email is [email protected]. Help please,

Hey, a beach trader! I live on Blackpool beach, under central pier. I love trading on the beach, especially when the tide is in, floating around on my lilo with my laptop and a can of special brew.

Come over and visit some time, bro!
I don't think anyone will agree to that, the reason being trading is solitary profession.The reason I would not have anyone sitting next to me is, it would put me under pressure to trade.
Try posting any questions you have here and the helpful people will always try to make suggestions and help

It's true that some people would feel pressure to trade (even most) with someone else there (I for sure feel it). I am looking for someone who doesn't feel that pressure. It needs to be so natural that it would appear to be like breathing for this person. That person is out there somewhere (might even be people), so I ask you to step forward and lend a hand. Thank you to all who respond to this thread. Your insight is most appreciated.

Gamma, in taking you up on your offer, do you have a fairly easy to understand and use method to get 20+ (or 10+) pips per trade?
Thank you 🙂
Hey, a beach trader! I live on Blackpool beach, under central pier. I love trading on the beach, especially when the tide is in, floating around on my lilo with my laptop and a can of special brew.

Come over and visit some time, bro!

Can I spend a day trading with you? I can't manage to balance the laptop and the can on my lilo without spilling any 😡
Can I spend a day trading with you? I can't manage to balance the laptop and the can on my lilo without spilling any 😡

I've got an armchair lilo, mate! It's got a little holder for my cans, bottles, cocktails, ashtray, papers, packed lunch etc. Trading can be difficult when it's choppy.🙂

Can I ask you just one question - what are you offering in return?

Can I ask you just one question - what are you offering in return?

Unfortunatly, I have nothing to offer right now, but certainly a cut from the profits as long as I'm with the person is understandable. In all honesty, though, I can't imagine that the person that would be willing to do this could acctually benefit from the pittance that the cut would be, but money is money and every cent does count.
In the same vein as Dmizrahi, I can offer accomodation in a flat on the French Riviera, and will give a cut of any profits ( money is money and every cent does count).
When I first started trading I was looking for the same thing. Someone that would show me the ropes live. It's next to impossible. Any successful trader does not want anyone looking over their shoulder. It's distracting. One the other hand you could go pay a mentor, but that will cost money. My recomendation is to find one stock, future, ect. and watch it and learn it. There are a ton of people out in the www. You have to find your own style. Lokking over someones shoulder isn't going to help you find your own style. You need to research hundreds of styles and find out who you are. I heard a trader say once that there are as many ways to make money on the market as there are different types of people. If I were you I would start by watching the 500+ free videos at tradethe markets or FTV. I'm sure there are a tome on traders here that know of different resources too.
Hope that helps