I'm keeping this months results short - very short:clover:.
Total points = 3,660.84 – feel free to add any pounds per points to this as your account allows.
It’s been a ridiculously exceptional month, in fact that would be a huge understatement.
I’m going against posting any trade values this month and that includes the trades. I will only post the points, you can feel free to add as many pounds per points to them figures as you wish. For example, if you feel I played on only £5 per point, the total for the month would equal £18,304.20 - but I don't play £5pp. For all others that have viewed this trading diary over the (almost) 10 years I’ve been posting, know I use higher values and can be seen from the screenshots.
Let’s just say that I have had a criminal months earnings and leave it at that – but also bear in mind that you are only as good as your last trade. Lets not get above ourselves here. I got lucky.
I won’t comment any further on this month’s journal entry.
Edited picture for transparency.
PS: For the regular pros on here, it's not too difficult to work out some of the trades but I would kindly ask that you don't post and reveal. Thanks.
PPS: You'll see from the 2 screenshots that the ongoing P/L is showing from +£60 something to minus £500 odd. The swings are obviously quite heavy and not for the faint hearted.
@brewski - The trade I spoke with you about and to throw across - was Carillion. We did good but as discussed, needed babysitting for the news break. Sorry you missed out on this mate
🙂 20% swings in 1 day, 10-15% the next. In and out on the buy out rumour over 2 days.
🙂 - Foresight knowledge :innocent:
I will be building more positions over the next month and expect some write downs either next month or December. The journal will run up to Christmas but I hope to display some fantastic losses for all to chew over before I go.
All the best for next month.
Lee Shepherd