Lee Shepherd's Trading Diary

18th to 24th August 2008

Market Comment:
Ftse closed at 5505 up +135 on week.

O.k, so we are here again, 5500 level. It broke down from here 2 weeks back so we will watch again and look for long positions on the light side. I will be aggressively trading above this level should it stick, the moment it goes below 5500 will then be traded out of to remain of the highest caution. Providing we can stick above this level for 5 straight sessions and close higher next week, will then become a high probability that it will turn into more of a support level as oppose to the resistance we've had from it. It's more than likely we still haven't seen the last of banking writedowns but I feel its fairly safe to say that the banks can't have much left to write off, they have to have some business at the end of the day and believe that we are now entering the last bad quarter before things start to pan out a little and bad news becomes not so bad news. Lets bear in mind here that the markets have priced in a good recession so, providing we see one, we should be trading around the lower end of 5000, if no recession then above 6000. It would seem that although things are bad, they are appearing not to be as bad as priced and are still on target to close the year between 5800 and 6200 as a trading range.

Disclaimer: Calls on the market are not always correct and never will be, the markets can change from minute to minute so a post at the weekend could possibly change on open monday morning. Also, predictions on the markets are just that, they are based on a huge array of fundamental and technical analysis to give possible outcomes, this is, in it's very nature a possible outcome and as such words like 'possible','could', 'likely', 'unlikely' ect are used.

All trades are listed below for week 18-08-08 to 24-08-08.


Markets traded are: Ftse 100 and S&P500

Targets for these markets:
Ftse Long = 50pts
Ftse Short = 60pts
S&P Long = 13pts
S&P Short = 13pts
Weekly target = Temporarily ceased

All targets can have a variation of 10%

Ftse x7 Long closed for +345pts (ave 49.28pts). Spot on target.

S&P x2 Long closed for +24.7pts (ave 12.35pts) Within target range.

Total for target markets is 9 contracts closed for +369.7pts

Due to being undertraded on positions as am awaiting confirmation on certain levels to trade more aggressive, some money was put into crude oil contracts to trade for the day only, a night shift was also taken on Thursday to trade the Nikkei225 futures along with closing down the crude contracts that were left over from the days trading. Crude was traded due to the dollar weakening sharply and the belief that it would strenghthen again the next day, also that the conflict with Russia V's Georgia was being taken advantage of to push oil higher by over $6 during the U.S session. A small bet was placed on this to trade Short from $122, as soon as confirmation was given to be on the down side then range trading took place to capture small up and down movements as can be seen by time and value of contracts on screenshot.

Crude oil (oct) Short =15 x win for +590pts
2 x losers for -106pts(minus) Total +484pts

Nikkei225 x2 Long = 1 win of +25pts and 1 loser for -85pts Totalling -60(minus)

Total for week = 28 contracts closed for +793.7pts

Next Week target for points will be (temporarily ceased until confirmation above 5500)

Below is a screenshot for verification purposes of this week. Click on image to enlarge.

Certain details have been removed for personal and obvious security reasons.

Good Luck for next week.

Lee Shepherd


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25th to 31st August 2008

Market Comment:
Ftse closed at 5636 up +130 on week.

We got what we wanted, anyone that has entered long above the 5500 level should now be cautious of any fall back to below this level. Now we have shot firmly above 5600 could represent a small Short position to be traded upto 5800 but out at 5500 and within the next 4 weeks. The shorts should be less than any Long positions to the tune of around 80% Long, above 5700 around 60-70% Long and trade to 5800 with mostly Shorts in the tune of 80-90%. This is the plan but beware of any change during the week.

Disclaimer: Calls on the market are not always correct and never will be, the markets can change from minute to minute so a post at the weekend could possibly change on open monday morning. Also, predictions on the markets are just that, they are based on a huge array of fundamental and technical analysis to give possible outcomes, this is, in it's very nature a possible outcome and as such words like 'possible','could', 'likely', 'unlikely' ect are used.

All trades are listed below for week 25-08-08 to 31-08-08.


Markets traded are: Ftse 100 and S&P500

Targets for these markets:
Ftse Long = 50pts
Ftse Short = 60pts (Absolute return until above 5700)
S&P Long = 13pts
S&P Short = 13pts
Weekly target = Temporarily ceased (back in place from next week)

All targets can have a variation of 10%

Ftse x11 Long closed for +590pts (ave 53.63pts). Within target range.

Ftse x5 Short closed for +79pts (ave 15.8pts). No target set until trading above 5700

S&P x3 Long closed for +34.9pts (ave 11.63pts) Just below target range. A problem has been spotted for this market and is discussed below.

Total contracts closed on week is 19 for +703.9pts

S&P problem:
It has been noted that this market has not been as volatile as the ftse and has been observed over the last 3 months. This has had an effect on the number of contracts closed and as you can see in above results, 11x ftse for 3x s&p, the targets and trading has remained constant and consistant however, the target market has not. This is not a one off result and yet revising the margin required over movement in price shows clearly that the ftse now represents far greater value for money. For this reason the s&p will be traded out of for the next cycle and will aim to exit around 19th September. Excess margin will be withdrawn and will work out as aproximately 55% of funds. Around 30% will be withdrawn and 25% put into ftse so as the points lost not trading s&p will be made up by trading the ftse with the 25% extra funds for this target market. During this time and over the next 4 weeks will be looking into trading differences between other target markets being, nikkei225, dax30 and dow jones30.

Next Week target for points will be 700-1100pts

Below is a screenshot for verification purposes of this week. Click on image to enlarge.

Certain details have been removed for personal and obvious security reasons.

Good Luck for next week.

Lee Shepherd


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1st to 7th September 2008

Market Comment:
Ftse closed at 5240 down -396 on week.

Wow, what an end to the week. As soon as that 5500 level broke, to which it held for a short while, slid faster than we could make a succesful analysis on any positions. Shorts where closed out completely so missed the boat on the majority of the action. Longs are now firmly back in play to the tune of 100% and are now working off December contracts for Longs and any shorts will be quick, so, Oct/Nov contracts will be used. A clear out of old stock will be in play over the next 2 weeks for offside September contracts. As points are made, they will offset against losses so will not be expecting much over the next couple of weeks. Expected total writeoffs will be in the region of around 4000 to 7000 points. Attempts to cushion this will be of the highest priority and a more accurate figure will emerge as the days go into weeks.

We're at that stage again where we will be giving the losses high priority.

How are we handling the losses: To be continued and will end 21st sept. (2 more blogs)

Disclaimer: Calls on the market are not always correct and never will be, the markets can change from minute to minute so a post at the weekend could possibly change on open monday morning. Also, predictions on the markets are just that, they are based on a huge array of fundamental and technical analysis to give possible outcomes, this is, in it's very nature a possible outcome and as such words like 'possible','could', 'likely', 'unlikely' ect are used.

All trades are listed below for week 01-09-08 to 07-09-08.


Markets traded are: Ftse 100 and S&P500

Targets for these markets:
Ftse Long = 50pts
Ftse Short = 60pts
S&P Long = 13pts
S&P Short = 13pts
Weekly target = 700 to 1100

All targets can have a variation of 10%

Ftse x3 Long closed for +78pts (ave 26.0pts). Closed off as we had first signs of market sliding.

Ftse x11 Short closed for +257pts (ave 23.36pts). No target set until trading above 5700.

S&P x2 Long closed for +26.3pts (ave 13.15pts). Market will now be in limit down as trading out of is now in full force. Losses to ensue.

Nikkei225 x2 Long closed for +355pts. Excess margin used to catch some positive moves early on in the week.

Total contracts closed on week is 18 for +716.3pts

Not quite what we hoped for, if ftse remained over the 5600 or even traded up to 5800 before sliding down more points would have been made to smash the higher end of target of 1100. As it is, lower end of target met.

Next Week target for points will be: Write off period, see 'How we are handling the losses.

Below is a screenshot for verification purposes of this week. Click on image to enlarge.

Certain details have been removed for personal and obvious security reasons.

Good Luck for next week.

Lee Shepherd


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8th to 14th September 2008

Market Comment:
FTSE closed at 5416 up +176 on week.

Right, we are still looking for that boost above 5500, we keep getting there only to be put back down again quicker than Amir Khan. I am now a little cautious about any pending Shorts above 5500 and am now looking for light Shorts above 5600, maybe 5700. This is borne out of the idea that we could see a rally on top of a rally, the first one holding, the second coming back down to where it started. This I feel could happen in quick concession as inflation slams down, interest rates get cut and the pound weakens further. We are still at that stage where we will be giving the losses high priority.

How are we handling the losses: To be continued and will end 21st sept. (1 more blog)

This week saw the first of some of the right downs, so far we are expecting the worst right offs since trading began. However, the markets have been in the worst state since trading began. Most of the right downs came from short dated Nikkei255 contracts which were purchased as more of a bit of lady luck to iron out the losses. They were purchased during the week in the possible outcome we would settle closer to 13000 as oppose to 12000, as it were they settled at 12296 and break even was around 12500. 2 weeks previous to date +768pts were made but due to uncertain market events with our Asian friends made losing -2136pts(minus), bringing it to a total loss of -1368pts(minus). Just over the equivalent of an average week.

Losses for next week are still expected to be in the region of around 6000pts, give or take a thousand or two.

Not to be disheartened with the horrific losses we've faced this quarter I'd like to take this opportunity to show the years results to date, also bear in mind that a good spring clean means starting with a clean slate for the next cycle to take us up to Christmas.

Year start 3rd March '08
Total points lost = 12,949 over 45 contracts

Total points gained = 23,227.9 over 558 contracts

Hit rate (per contract) is 8.1% loss against 91.9% success

Points win rate ratio is 55.7% gain against 44.3% loss.

Average contract loss = 287.75pts

Average contract win = 41.6pts

Gives a factor of risk/reward to -6.9(minus)
NB: Not so an accurate figure as day trading is included with position held contracts.

Average contract held = 2 days (very approximate)
Average day trade contract is aprox 3 hours.
Average position trade is aprox 6 weeks.

Discrepancy in figures above are due to 95% of contracts being traded on a daily basis.

This highlights the lack of importance a hit rate can be without seeing actual results as posted here for all to see amongst all other figures. Broken down makes more sense to actual trading results as can be seen on a weekly basis and tallied up.

This gives a firm example of what you would need to know to invest your hard earned cash into a hedge fund or a system, here you can see how easily it would be to manipulate the figures of a system to show a hit rate of over 90% success on wins against losses, if the losses outweigh the gains then it is no good.

Some more figures will be done using an equity curve graph and will be posted sometime after the losses have been cleared out. Thanks go out to Trader_Dante for highlighting this. Thanks Tom.

Disclaimer: Calls on the market are not always correct and never will be, the markets can change from minute to minute so a post at the weekend could possibly change on open Monday morning. Also, predictions on the markets are just that, they are based on a huge array of fundamental and technical analysis to give possible outcomes, this is, in it's very nature a possible outcome and as such words like 'possible‘,’ could', 'likely', 'unlikely' ect are used.

All trades are listed below for week 08-09-08 to 14-09-08.


Markets traded are: FTSE 100 and S&P500

Targets for these markets:
FTSE Long = 50pts
FTSE Short = 60pts
S&P Long = 13pts
S&P Short = 13pts
Weekly target = Write off period.

All targets can have a variation of 10%

FTSE x10 Long closed for +466pts (ave 46.6pts).

FTSE x3 Long Losses for -517pts(minus) ave 172.33

FTSE x8 Short closed for +315pts (ave 39.37pts). No target set until trading above 5700.

S&P x4 Long closed for +49.3pts (ave 12.32pts).

S&P x8 Long Losses for -582pts(minus) ave 72.75

Nikkei225 x4 Long closed for +413pts.

Nikkei225 x7 Long Losses for -2136pts(minus) ave 305.14

Total contracts closed on week is 44 for -1991.7pts(minus)

Next Week target for points will be: Write off period, see 'How we are handling the losses.

Below is a screenshot for verification purposes of this week. Click on image to enlarge.

Certain details have been removed for personal and obvious security reasons.

Good Luck for next week.

Lee Shepherd


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A Current update 7th November 2008

This blog entry is aimed at those who have not followed the blog from the start or been in contact with me on skype and feel obliged to message me or post unsure messages on the forum in places I dont notice for weeks on end.

I am still actively trading, so we've cleared that one up. I am however no longer trading positions as I know nothing at present of market direction enough to feel I could make it profitable. The losses from the last quarter were 8 weeks loss and yes, I still made money from the remaining 4 weeks. The contracts were due to expire on that friday (as mentioned in the blog), as anyone who was trading with me would have been aware of this. My positions where all shut down a day earlier and I did not re-enter the market with a view to position trade, no funds were also added to cover excess margin required.

I am currently day trading so my contracts are around 10 to 30 per day, this would usually be my weekly rate, daytrading is a lot more volume and less target. For this reason live calls are made through skype and no blog posts, the obvious reason is that by posting 100 plus trades and trying to explain them would leave most unsure and me exhausted.

I am still actively making money and still enjoying trading. I am also still trading full time and as a sole requirement to pay my bills and lifestyle, I am still paying into a pension plan (my savings account) and am still drawing out regular money. I am also still growing my account and Yes, I am one of those that takes money out of my account, not puts it in.

I have purposely selected a specific date that coincides with the last of the contract positioning. There are 6 Shorts, 4 of which where at the entry I made aware in the blog, the 5000 level, 1 was a push of the winning trade at 4600 and the last was a push of the index at 4400, they were all closed at 4097. This was the last set of trades and a current screenshot of the platform is shown to show that zero margin is being used. These screenshots have been posted on the world wide web so are already out there for all to see. By posting here, you wont have to keep asking or second guessing (I hope).

I will also take the opportunity for all the doubters out there that feel trading is an impossible task, (the sole purpose for this blog) to provide 2 bank statements from earlier this year and the current months statement, just to show I am still drawing money (albeit less of late).

Being the internet, people can be anyone they desire and we often know not of the person/s we speak with. Many dont even have a name and some even hide the country they post from. Over the time I have been here and the chat forum I came from originally I have attempted to be as transparent as possible. People from this site have also met me in person so know I am the guy in the photo.

I'm sure that past this there will still be neg heads out there, avoid these people, I generally find it helps with keeping it positive.

Good Luck all, and for the others, I'll catch you on skype.

Lee Shepherd.


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Hi Lee,

Just found this thread that you linked in from another.
How best would you describe this way of trading?
Hi Lee,

Just found this thread that you linked in from another.
How best would you describe this way of trading?

Sorry mate, I'm going to refrain by describing it as anything other than me trading. If I start to describe it I will have all and sundry on here disputing the situation and how it cant be done blah blah blah. The truth is, what I do can be done and is done and makes enough money to live on and grow a pot for emergencies.

I post regular live trades and live statements, charts, bank statements etc and everything else and have done for years. Before anyone says why aren't you a billionaire by compounding I'll say this, p1ss of and come back when you've got there, tried it and bought the t-shirt. It really isn't that simple unfortunately otherwise every trader in the world would be a billionaire. I know of no one else that is this transparent - not even vendors.
I only do this when I am in a giving mood or I feel someone is close and trying hard but not yet their. Needless to say they are few and far between.

If you ask why I do it. The answer is sometimes in life we all like to give a little back from time to time. When I have the inclination and energy I may post a little more.

I am also transparent as it casts off doubters, put it this way, I don't see anyone else doing the same and therefore if they dont do the same they are certainly not in the position to ask more of me.

If you have read the posts from old and new and sincerely need help with trading (profitably) then drop me a line on skype and I'll see what I can do, I never promise anything but then again I don't charge either, so you can take it or leave it. Most just want to stir up sh1t for lulz as appose to genuinely making money.

I am not wishing to stir up a shi7 storm but the following link provides the below cut and pasted info.

Lee Shepherd's Trading System - a futures trading system on Collective2

The website says you last logged in on the 9th October 2008 and you started this thread in April 2008. It is fair to say then that you were selling your services at the time this thread was started.

So just for the record what is going on? Were you a vendor? Are you still a vendor? You may well have once be a vendor and strayed to the dark side but now are reformed and make your living as a trader, if so fair enough. I just think it warrants some explanation.

tbh honest your last post does come across a bit 'Berty Big Bollox' and there is a touch of the hansle and gretle about it. You are saying you like to 'give something back', that doesn't tally with the selling your services.



Lee Shepherds Trading System is designed to capture overbought/sold conditions then trade off the range on an intraday basis. This would be suitable for employed people who have no less than 1 hour to spare each trading day but is most profitable to those who can or are willing to become a full time trader when they feel comfortable in doing so.

Lee Shepherds Trading System is for people that want to actively trade and is not suitable as an investment vechicle only.

This account is running live with a starting balance of $100,000 (�50,000 U.K aproximate equivalent rate) Exchange rate is aprox and may differ due to currency fluctuations.

If using highly leveraged products or spread betting then greater percentages can be obtained using far lower starting balances. For spread betting please check the legality of opening such an account in your state/country of residence.

Please note: The want to trade and the love of the markets is essential.

Also be advised that the owner of the system trades EVERY trade posted.

See live posts and history under Lee Shepherd at the likes of TraderPlanet - Trading and Investment Resource Portal and Trade2Win.

Short Biography: Lee Shepherd has been in small stocks for most of his working life and decided to make the step of trading the market as a whole, this is when he moved into indices. Mr Shepherd has been and continues to trade succesfully to date with a fantastic record spanning many years. He has achieved this through the hard work and dedication of paying attention to the very thing that moves the market - Fundamentals(news reports ect) but without ignoring the important Technical side of trading to which to this day he still strives to improve.

Lee Shepherd not only trades the Dow jones but also invests in other markets on a regular basis, these being the S&P500 and the FTSE 100. For the sake of this account record just one market has been used, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), similar results are achieved with very little difference on all target markets.

If you feel that you would rather trade either the S&P500 or the Ftse 100 then please feel free to ask about this service.

A telephone line can be given to all who subscribe for up to the minute information and also texts can be provided for those who like to trade on the go.

Currently Lee Shepherd boasts weekly points on all target markets of over 800 points. You can convert this as you wish. If direct market access then on emini ym (Dow) then that would convert at $5 a point x 800 = $4000 per weekly average for all three markets.
If spread betting from the U.K and being income tax and capital gains tax FREE then this could be converted at the minimum at �1 per point into �800.

From this amount, hopefully you can see the $299 per month or �150 aprox equivalent rate as a business expenditure. The future is in your hands.

Try Lee Shepherds Trading System for FREE for 14 days to see how you get on. If its not for you then thats understandable, it wont cost you money (assuming paper trading). If you find that you could follow the successful system then continue with the subscription and you could find that you have covered your next monthly payment within a few days. The rest of the profit you earn is then yours to keep. (After you have paid any taxes due of course).

Please note that markets change and systems have to change with them as do traders. Past performance is obviously not a guaranteed guide to future performances. As always the markets go up as well as down and although every endevour is made to ensure that we all stay profitable, it is possible that you could lose a substantial amount of money. Please only ever trade with money you can comfortably afford to lose. Any traders that attempt to over trade or become reckless against the system will have their subscription cancelled with immediate effect.
I've never denied being on this site, in fact i've even mentioned it recently....but.... for the sake of sanity I'll answer this plain and simple:

I'm am not a vendor, I have never been a vendor.

As to the site. There were a group of us back then and this was someone ghosting me. Needless to say I was not willing to participate in the site but was set up none the less (just in case I did) 🙂

I cannot be bothered with the hassle of charging people for help but I do understand those that do. I have commented that at some stage in my life (in many years I'm sure but who knows) that I may write a book as writing on here is obviously something I enjoy.

Again, many books out there, I don't expert to make a million from it but then again that's not my intention.

I am not wishing to stir up a shi7 storm but the following link provides the below cut and pasted info.

Lee Shepherd's Trading System - a futures trading system on Collective2

The website says you last logged in on the 9th October 2008 and you started this thread in April 2008. It is fair to say then that you were selling your services at the time this thread was started.

So just for the record what is going on? Were you a vendor? Are you still a vendor? You may well have once be a vendor and strayed to the dark side but now are reformed and make your living as a trader, if so fair enough. I just think it warrants some explanation.

tbh honest your last post does come across a bit 'Berty Big Bollox' and there is a touch of the hansle and gretle about it. You are saying you like to 'give something back', that doesn't tally with the selling your services.

Hi Cablemonster,

I was just thinking about my recent post. Berty big bollox did make me laugh although I don't think that was your intention. Anyway, it is your interpretation nonetheless.

I think the main problem here is that, yes I make money and have done for many years now, so what, I'm successful at trading (for now). I constantly take and do not 'top up' my account.....so....why do I bother posting on here.

You know what.....Sometimes I even ask myself the same question then someone comes along, I give them a little help, they say thanks and bugger off and I feel a little better. Its just such a shame that there are so many people on here that are skeptical and sometimes for the wrong reasons and against the wrong people. The problem there is these people only hold themselves back, it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

I will say this to:

When you start constantly making money on a regular basis (I'm not talking months here btw), you will be inundated with contacts asking to ghost you. This may be at events you go to, people that you know, or they know of you, contacts from contacts and so on, you may entertain these offers , you may not. Being as transparent as I am makes me very traceable, even more so when I have my ugly mug shot on the site. Ghosting happens by You giving them the trades, they do the posting and take all the hassle from subs. They then pay you a commission.

If some of my posts do come across as a bit bertie big bo11ox then I will not apologies, I'll laugh because to be honest with you I have earn't it. You would feel the same and understand if you put yourself in my shoes but depends on which side of the fence you wish to stand on. Its your choice.

Enjoy your trading, I'm done here. (That's this conversation not the site) 🙂

No biggie. Just warranted explaining why you were on another website charging 299pm for your system. I dont think it was an unreasonable to ask.
Sorry mate, I'm going to refrain by describing it as anything other than me trading. If I start to describe it I will have all and sundry on here disputing the situation and how it cant be done blah blah blah. The truth is, what I do can be done and is done and makes enough money to live on and grow a pot for emergencies.

I post regular live trades and live statements, charts, bank statements etc and everything else and have done for years. Before anyone says why aren't you a billionaire by compounding I'll say this, p1ss of and come back when you've got there, tried it and bought the t-shirt. It really isn't that simple unfortunately otherwise every trader in the world would be a billionaire. I know of no one else that is this transparent - not even vendors.
I only do this when I am in a giving mood or I feel someone is close and trying hard but not yet their. Needless to say they are few and far between.

If you ask why I do it. The answer is sometimes in life we all like to give a little back from time to time. When I have the inclination and energy I may post a little more.

I am also transparent as it casts off doubters, put it this way, I don't see anyone else doing the same and therefore if they dont do the same they are certainly not in the position to ask more of me.

If you have read the posts from old and new and sincerely need help with trading (profitably) then drop me a line on skype and I'll see what I can do, I never promise anything but then again I don't charge either, so you can take it or leave it. Most just want to stir up sh1t for lulz as appose to genuinely making money.


Thanks,. I'll try to catch you on skype.
Thanks,. I'll try to catch you on skype.

Hi D70,

It was good chatting to you this morning mate. I'm not often on skype so drop me a text when you want to chat. I've left my number on skype for you.

I'm looking at getting to London soon for a catch up with some like minded people and a good few drinks. I'll be looking to attend one of the IG seminars for a bit of fun then on to a few pubs to drink the night away then a curry - I'm staying out so no limit to time. This will be around IG main building (EC4R postcode area). If anyone is interested in meeting up then let me know. You can be a newbie looking for a laugh or an experienced trader wanting to let loose. Failing that you may be an old or new friend on here that fancies putting a face to a name (although I have a mug shot already).

Anyway, just to keep the journal up to date as best I can but more importantly showing my hand (as best I can), see the following attached for last months trades (30 days)

Total trades = 14

Wins = 8 @ £6,549.84 average of £818.73
Losses = 6 @ £3,047.67 average of £507.95

Biggest win = £2,615.99
Biggest loss = £1,367.51

Win rate = 57%
Trade ratio = 1:1.3 R/R
Monetary ratio = 2.14

Net = £3,502.17

Unfortunately I cannot be as transparent as I would like to be so same as usual I'm afraid when it comes to screenshots - a lot of the data has been removed as the levels are still in play - Sorry.

I've already got some trades stacked for this coming month but as yet have not hit the exit areas so are still in play. NB: These could still produce a small loss as most are not locked in yet for profit.

PS: the last lot of trades is on here somewhere but was not posted in my journal. If you're interested you'll have to search through my posts - there's not many these days though.


Lee Shepherd


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Hi Lee , i've noticed in the open positions panel you have multiple positions with the same price ( closing/current ) , do you average down/scale in in your trades ?
yes 😆

I get your points that's why i asked : do you average down/scale in , ofcourse the devil is in the details : where's the stop , size , risk ... etc .

I've read your reply b4 you delete it .

Thanks .
I'm not going to do any running commentary about how I did this and how I did that nor will I comment on how I did what I did when I did. I’ll just put it down to being lucky, the bottom line is just that, the bottom line and that’s all that matters. I think most of us are pretty bored of hearing what’s what etc, especially when we have our own trades to concern us about. Statements speak for themselves so I have posted mine for reference.

Keeping the journal up to date as best I can but more importantly showing my hand (as best I can), see the following attached for last month’s trades – to keep in with last statement it is dated from 28th March through to and including 30th April 2013.

Total trades = 22

Wins = 14 @ £9,096.28 average of £649.73
Losses = 8 @ £3,559.43 average of £444.93

Biggest win = £2,231.04
Biggest loss = £824.19

Win rate = 63%
Trade ratio = 1:1.75 R/R
Monetary ratio = 2.55

Net = £5,536.85

PS: Don’t forget to take out or the black swan will fly away with it all

Unfortunately I cannot be as transparent as I would like to be so same as usual I'm afraid when it comes to screenshots - a lot of the data has been removed as certain levels may still be in play.

I've already got some trades built up and stacked for this coming month but as yet have not hit the exit areas so are still in play. NB: These could still produce a loss as most are not locked in yet for profit, although most are locked in for a small loss and/or break even.

PPS: I am expecting drawdowns in June so that will be a good month to see how losses in particular are handled. Although not yet set the drawdowns are expected to be as potentially high as £2k, this is due to the stop areas I have set for the target markets in play.

Lets see what this month brings and always remember that today's trade could be the start of a potential bad run that wipes us out. Having this in mind should help to keep the feet grounded at all times.


Lee Shepherd


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When are we going out in town Lee? CV & Cablemonster are interested although CV might have to pull out at short notice given the nature of his non-trading work.
When are we going out in town Lee? CV & Cablemonster are interested although CV might have to pull out at short notice given the nature of his non-trading work.

Hiya Rob,

I'll post up a thread about a meet up in London soon and see if we can get a decent group together, normally a lot of people say they'll go then don't turn up, I don't want to be the lonely guy at the bar paying for party girls to keep me company. Just looking round for some hostel I can stay at, so far the cheapest I've found is £30 a night.

Hi Lee, London's a drag away for me, however, a night away from here sounds good and maybe wahts the doctors ordered, Let me know if you organise one, and I will head south for the night. Cheers mate.
