Learning to trade Options


Junior member

I'm currently using Saxo as my broker. I've traded Futures and CFDs, and in these cases I used the simulated/demo account to teach myself how to trade the instruments and also get used to entering order/sale details.

Recently, I've become interested in Options. So all is good and well, there's a lot of material out there I can study to understand Options trading. However, Saxo doesn't offer Options on the simulated account. So I am unable to train myself on entering order/sale details procedure.

How would you guys go about this? Maybe another broker like TradeStation does offer sim trading with Options (I'm not exclusively tied to Saxo)? Or any other suggestions on how I can go about this.

In options, the seller return is restricted to premium buyers pay to buy an option that gives them the right to buy (call option) or right to sell (put). The seller has an contract to buy from the put buyer or to sell to the call buyer. Holders of options ending in-the -money will have a choice to either square off at a profit or to convert into a futures position.

Thank you aarnasingh for your explanation. I however do understand the basics of Options trading. My question pertains more practically entering buying and selling of Calls and Puts on some platform.

Let me state it another way. Assume I have full theoretical knowledge of Options trading (I don't, but just pretend I do for the sake of the question), how would I go about getting used to entering Options trade details on a platform, if it doesn't have simulated trading or good training for doing so for Options?
In options, the seller return is restricted to premium buyers pay to buy an option that gives them the right to buy (call option) or right to sell (put). The seller has an contract to buy from the put buyer or to sell to the call buyer. Holders of options ending in-the -money will have a choice to either square off at a profit or to convert into a futures position.

why don't you read the post and reply with something relevant instead of trying to be a trading dictionary?
why don't you read the post and reply with something relevant instead of trying to be a trading dictionary?

Ha, you noticed too!!

Its the same on other threads, they have been ruined of decent content due to posts stating what has happened on a day to day basis.

Shame really - as there were some really good snippets within in these threads which get overlooked due to been diverted away via a copy and paste review🙁
Trading in options is little complicated than other segments. But the risk reward is high in options so many trader prefer to trade in Options.