Saxo Currency Option white label pricing levels?


Junior member
According to previous discussions here, Saxo is likely the best choice to trade currency options. (Ikonfx being another possibility).

According to the Saxo web site, you need over a $100,000 account to get the narrowest "institutional" spreads on those.

Do people know if this is readily negotiable at Saxo white label brokers, for example, investorseurope? Is this going to vary a lot from one white-label Saxo broker to another? Or does Saxo hard code the spread widths into its white-label platform?

Saxo has much better pricing for regular currency trades at its new site, but this offering does not include fx options.

For outright currency spreads, the forextrading spreads are one-third the width of the ones on their main platform.

Does this make any sense?

Does it suggest that the spreads on their main platform are probably highly negotiable down to much lower levels? Why should the lower-end platform have much better spreads?

Also if anyone has any favorite Saxo white-level partners, please post or message me privately. I am actually in the U.S. but it seems that investorseurope can accept U.S accounts provided people do not come to them via their web site, and will so certify (to fall within a non-solicitation exception in U.S. law restricting foreign brokers).
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