Best Thread learning to read price action with p/f charts

I'm subscribed to Kinetick but how can we keep BEB open after 21 days
From memory
you buy the licence
enter the number and the name irs registered to
it should be ok
anyway of checking with regsoft or whoever to make sure its not a scam wll need to load their data into a file
same again...not too many bars in the history have free data for fx and US index and stocks
got a reasonable minor uptrend into fomc
1.1000 then 1.1050 to watch/purple horizontals

the barchart shows the general picture
you isolate the final trend...which is down
first starting point is to get a reasonable copy of the bar chart on to p/f
the final trend
then you can play around with reversals/hilo or close plot to get more information on THAT trend
then go to different box sizes and reversals to gain more information
apple earnings after the bell on Thursday


horizontal res areas marked
supp/prev breakout/aqua @ 116 area
trend supp @ 114 ...corresponds with a horizontal supp
there is a gap on bar chart from 115.50 to 116.20 area
if it pumps..need to see prev res areas hold as upp..imho
if it dumps..wide area of horizontal supp down to 100


there is a 3 box vertical count possibly in the making/aqua
a break to 1.100 area makes it
at this point it is a recoil in a downtrend
heres BEB opened (twice) to show 2 timeframes with (slightly) different settings. Bigger picture and zoomed-in picture to show potential S/R areas to watch. Then I can look at my chart and try to make a judgement what price will do when it reaches that S/R area.
I don't like changing screens and settings on the hoof, so its all on a single screen. A quick data refresh occasionally, and its up to date..


  • Saturday 1.PNG
    Saturday 1.PNG
    148.1 KB · Views: 325
Renko and Range bars/candles
they only plot the close
they also do not plot hi/lo
they do not plot log%
they do not have an asymetric filter by having 2or 3 reversal plot

you do compromise your analysis if you dont have these facilities
cutepnf versus bullseye
cutepnf has no close plot
has no log% box sizes
but it updates in real time
trying to pump or dump
no break of downtrend as yet
a little trick..if it pullsback...then a sign of strength is price stays above red trendline
horizontal supp marked/purple horizontal


1.1050 area is trend supp/aqua
hi dentist, only just found this blog, looked through a fair amount of it.
I have been studying Wyckoff, De Villiers/Taylor, Du Plessis etc for last year or so but am looking for reliable software/ data provider for PnF. I see you have been using Bulls Eye Broker. Is that still the case/ best in your opinion.
Appreciate feedback update on software and data provider.
As far as PnF goes i am mostly into using it for objectives/targets, have been using CutePnf till now but i am out growing it!
help appreciated
Bullseye is the best bang for the buck uneless you want tp pay Updata fees
export from mt4
export from
you can download End of day from yahoo and google

keep to Duplessis...both books
visual optimization will give the trading signals
targets are only a guide