Learning My Trade


Hi there,
I'm a 23 year old from the UK and am looking to develop my skills and learn how to trade effectively. I was hoping to start trading part time and eventually become full time in a few years.
I'm looking to make small investments and keep costs low while I build up my account. This means I would like to open an account that has relatively low monthly costs.
Does anyone have any good tips on accounts?

I'm also reading a lot and studying chart patterns. I have various bits of learning material already. Again does anyone have anything they used while starting out that worked well for them they can recommend?

Hi there,
I'm a 23 year old from the UK and am looking to develop my skills and learn how to trade effectively. I was hoping to start trading part time and eventually become full time in a few years.
I'm looking to make small investments and keep costs low while I build up my account. This means I would like to open an account that has relatively low monthly costs.
Does anyone have any good tips on accounts?

I'm also reading a lot and studying chart patterns. I have various bits of learning material already. Again does anyone have anything they used while starting out that worked well for them they can recommend?


Go live as soon as possible. It shows you how you really think and act. Demo is not going to give you this.