Hi Guys & Gels,
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I'll ask anyway!
I've been interested in trader for some time and have read books and understand a lot more than I did 12 months ago, paper traded a while, did okay, got myself a deal4free account and lost a bob or two! Main problem is I can't spend enough time following the action due to my work.
So I've been looking at a few companies that claim to make you rich using their software, newsletters and/or trades on line etc.
I was wondering if anyone had come across these outfits, and if so what do you think of them!
Expertrader; real time feed with online buy/sell signals; £100 pm. I've seen the EOD screens, looks quite impressive, but you can't see the real time feed on a trial version (I wonder why?).
First4futures: Live feed, trial costs £200, the real thing is £1800 pm! Now this must be good. Is it? Buy/sell signals generated on line.
The Market Monitor: Something to do with Vince Stanzione! This is a newsletter. His own buy/sell signals and history on line. £100 pm. Doesn't this guy train?
Pro-Trader: Claims to have 98% success rate and gives out buy/sell on line I believe. £95pm. Some claim!
I could go, but one thing bothers me about all these origination's is that none seem to be registered as required by the FSA, so are they legal? They all seem to have a standard disclaimer but!!
Your opinions would be appreciated.
Zebra. 🙄
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I'll ask anyway!
I've been interested in trader for some time and have read books and understand a lot more than I did 12 months ago, paper traded a while, did okay, got myself a deal4free account and lost a bob or two! Main problem is I can't spend enough time following the action due to my work.
So I've been looking at a few companies that claim to make you rich using their software, newsletters and/or trades on line etc.
I was wondering if anyone had come across these outfits, and if so what do you think of them!
Expertrader; real time feed with online buy/sell signals; £100 pm. I've seen the EOD screens, looks quite impressive, but you can't see the real time feed on a trial version (I wonder why?).
First4futures: Live feed, trial costs £200, the real thing is £1800 pm! Now this must be good. Is it? Buy/sell signals generated on line.
The Market Monitor: Something to do with Vince Stanzione! This is a newsletter. His own buy/sell signals and history on line. £100 pm. Doesn't this guy train?
Pro-Trader: Claims to have 98% success rate and gives out buy/sell on line I believe. £95pm. Some claim!
I could go, but one thing bothers me about all these origination's is that none seem to be registered as required by the FSA, so are they legal? They all seem to have a standard disclaimer but!!
Your opinions would be appreciated.
Zebra. 🙄