Quick tip might be to look at ISPs that specialise in online gaming, reason being that they optimise for low latency (latency being a particularly big factor for gaming). Nildram are probably the best known for that. Check the forums at
Also see which SPs have unbundled your local exchange at
Samknows. Using a good unbundler will save a handoff or BT wholesale interconnect, removing a link in the chain. Problem then is that you're stuck with that ISP and reliant on their performance.
Most ADSL, either business or residential, is contended, i.e. you're sharing the port at the exchange with up to 50 other customers in the area. You can get uncontended DSL products like SHDSL or some ISPs (Easynet I think are one) do an uncontended ADSL service.
Easynet also do an EFM service (Ethernet First Mile aka Ethernet over copper) which gives up to 10Mbps dedicated bandwidth; it's a straight replacement for traditional TDM leased line tails. I'm not sure if anyone other than Easynet does this yet, it's a new type of service.
If it were me, I'd check who's in my exchange first. Discard the bargain basement providers like Talk Talk and probably Orange and Tiscali, leaving decent providers. Of those, check their services and prices and get as close as you can to Ethernet, SHDSL, uncontended ADSL or business-class, low-contention ADSL, in that order. That would be your primary access connection, and you'll probably want to get a backup line from a different provider, maybe over a different access medium such as 3G data card, WiMax or other type of broadband wireless. Getting a PAYG dialup account can't hurt either as a last resort fallback.